Chapter One

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The first thing I heard when I woke, was talking, then laughter. I get up, getting dressed in a red short sleeved tshirt and brown pants. I leave my room and my Mother is the first person I see. She was beautiful. Her long black hair laid across her back and two strands sat on her chest on both sides. My Mother was a human, and the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She had on her armor, which was a full Steel set. My Mother was standing by the counter, facing away from me when my Father comes into view. He stands next to her, back to me. My Father was a Khajiit with long red and red-orange fur. I was almost exactly identical to him, other than I had more human features then he did. He also had on the same Steel armor as Mom did. To think, in the next couple of days I'll be eight. I walk up to my parents happily. Once I'm in front of them, they both smile at me.
"Morning baby. Breakfast is ready. Go ahead and eat" My Mother said happily. I smile and grab myself breakfast. I sit down after and look to them.
"Are y'all planning on traveling again?" I ask smiling. My parents traveled a lot. As soon as they got back, they were quick to leave again. My Mother smiles at me.
"Yes. Only for a couple of days. Should be a day before your birthday" She says happily. I smile and finish eating while Mom and Dad finished getting ready.
"Siris, we're about to leave. Be good" My Mother says walking up to me as I'm putting on my shoes. I look up to her and nod.
"Be careful" I say smiling softly. She smiles at me as Dad walks up.
"Always" She said softly. I hug my parents bye, and then they leave for their travels. I finish getting ready and leave, locking up behind me. I look around, looking for my friend. I live in Solitude, one of the cooler places in Skyrim in my opinion. I love how old the shops and houses look. It was quick, but I saw my friend run by. I chased after him, smiling happily. As soon as he was in view, I smile bigger.
"Miles!" I yell. He looks back instantly and smiles big. He turns around and runs to me.
"Hey Siris!" He yells. He gets to me and hugs me. I hug him back as he giggles.
"I was just running down to the tavern to get some lunch. Want to come with?" He says letting me go and smiling big at me. I smile at him.
"Sure. I could eat" I say. He giggles and continues to walk. We get to the ally behind the tavern when I see several other kids my age standing and talking. They see us and Miles looks at me. He gives me an odd look as we continued to walk.
"Hey look!" One of the boys yelled. I look up and they were looking at us, and the boy was pointing at me.
"Look! It's one of those things!" He says laughing. Everyone else laughed as well.
"Siris" Miles says softly. I kept on walking, not looking to him. I just wanted to get past them. I knew I wasn't normal, nor human.
"Oh no! Don't come near! I have to much valuables and money on me!" One of the girls yell sarcastically. That hit a nerve. I'm not sure why they would say that. I would never steal from them, or anyone. As me and Miles try to pass, one of the boys walk up to me. He pushes me to the brick wall of one of the other buildings. He places his arm on my chest near my neck and smiles at me. It wasn't a happy smile, it was sinister.
"Your kind shouldn't be here. Gods, what even are you? You don't even look like a normal kitty" He says laughing. I look away from him, when someone catches my eye. There was another Khajiit at the end of the ally, looking dead at me. It was odd, I thought me and my Dad were the only Khajiit's in Solitude.
"I'd get away from him before he steals all your stuff and rips your face off" One of the girls said laughing. I push the boy off of me and walk away.
"Siris! Wait up!" I hear Miles yell from behind me. The Khajiit I saw a second ago was gone now. I looked around as Miles got to me.
"Si. I'm so sorry" He says putting a hand on my shoulder. I shake my head.
"It's fine. But there's someone else here that's like me" I say looking back to him. He tilts his head at me, I'm guessing he didn't seen him. I look back down the road. I sigh and look back to Miles.
"Let's go get lunch" I say, forcing a smile. He smiles warmly at me as we continue walking to the tavern. It wasn't far and as soon as we enter, we're seated. Me and Miles talk for a bit when I look over. The Khajiit I saw earlier was seated a few tables away from us. I look to Miles instantly.
"He's here" I say, moving my head in the direction he was seated. Miles looks over and sees him. His eyes widen.
"You weren't kidding" He says looking back to me. I nod. The other Khajiit looked different but somewhat similar to me. His fur and facial features were similar to mine. But his fur was only two colors, white and black stripes. He looked like a non colored version of me, but he looked a lot younger than I did. Me and Miles ate, before he went back home. His parents were coming back in today from traveling. I stayed in the tavern for a bit, working up the nerve to talk to the other Khajiit. I sigh and stand up. I walk over to him as his gaze comes to me. I get to the table and he gives me a small smile.
"I'm surprised to see another person like me" He says. I smile warmly at him.
"I was thinking the same" I say. He smiles and looks away from me.
"Great minds think alike" He says giggling and looking back to me.
"I'm Cas" He says. I smile at him.
"Siris" I say. He smiles.
"You look so much different than me. I think you look amazing" He says smiling. I giggle.
"You can thank my Dad for it" I say smiling.
"I've never seen you before. Are you new here?" I continued. He looks away.
"Just traveling" He says softly. I could tell he was upset and sat down in front of him.
"What's wrong?" I ask. He looks to me, and I could tell he was definitely upset.
"I just lost my parents" He says laughing. My eyes widen.
"So I've been traveling, trying to just get away from everything" He says laughing softly. My heart broke hearing those words.
"I'm so sorry" I say softly. He shakes his head.
"Don't be. I'm fine" He says, forcing a smile. For a while, we sat there in silence. I didn't know what to say honestly.
"You could come stay with me for a couple of days? My parents are out traveling so I'm alone again" I say softly. He looks up to me.
"I don't want to be a burden" He says softly. I shake my head.
"You aren't. I promise. I just want to help" I say softly. He nods.
"I know" He starts as I stand up. I offer him my hand, smiling big.
"Let's go to my place! I have a lot of games and stuff we could play with" I say happily. He smiles at me.
"Alright!" He says grabbing my hand and standing. I lead him out the tavern and we head to my house. Once we get in and get situated, we start playing games my parents showed me. We hung out all day, and all week. Cas became me and Miles' third member of our little group. We did everything together, and caused a lot of hell together. All of us were at my parents house, playing games and waiting for them to return for my birthday tomorrow. I heard a knock on the front door and race to it, happy to see my parents again. But when I opened the door, a currier was standing in front of me.
"My condolences" He says, handing me a letter. He leaves after, and I walk back inside and open the letter. What I read next, truly changed my life.

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