Chapter Sixteen

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I walked that road quietly all the way past Whiterun. These missions Cotal gave me, were easy in my mind. The first one was to find a book, a spell book to be exact for Cotal. He needed a duplicate of a spell he learned incase me or Ragnarok wanted to learn it. It was a fire spell, as well as one of the weaker spells for that element. The second was a Black Soul Gem, that I, myself, wanted. I walked for what felt like a while, watching the road and animals I walked by. I figured these missions were going to be longer than the rest. Plus, there was three reasons I was doing this, the missions, and Mazikeen. I told Cotal and Cotal only that during this missions, I would be looking for her. I didn't tell Ragnarok why I was leaving, but I figured Cotal told him why. I still, after so many years, have that guilty feeling about her. It was my job to protect and make sure she was happy, and I failed miserably. But it was now my job to find her. I had a set goal, I was going to do these two missions, then I'd head to Castle Volkihar. I didn't at all want to, I didn't want to get in that boat and row myself across that river to that dark, black castle. It was set in my mind though, that I would in fact get in that boat, unless something happens and I need to return home. I walked up on the first area pretty quickly. It was a cave, one I've been in before. I knew this cave, and what lies inside. I shake off my bad feeling and take out my long, black, ebony Greatsword. It was a long, semi curved blade. It was a lot longer and bigger than usual, since I'm a pretty big man myself. It was a perfect fit for me, the length, the handle, everything. I sigh softly, and walk inside the cave. The light slowly started to disappear from the entrance as I continued. Honestly, I was nervous, a lot more than I should be. But soon, y'all will see why. I continued, practically walking in pitch black darkness. I felt my boot hit something in front of me, and reach out. It was a door, and I opened it. This room was completely lit, and filled with things. Books, gems, weapons, beds, nightstands, literally everything. It looked like a small bedroom honestly. There was another door on the other side of the wall, and I walked to it. I made sure the spell book Cotal needed wasn't in the room, and it wasn't. The next room, had several enemies. There was a few Skeletons, and one Draugr. I killed them all pretty quickly and looted all the coins they had on them. This room though, looked oddly like a kitchen. I thought I had been in this cave before, but the way it was looking, I hadn't. I got nervous after this. I honestly wished I had brought Ragnarok with me. I was alone, and sometimes being alone is what's best. You don't have to worry about anyone but yourself, but having company in a creepy place is a lot better. I slowly walked to the next door. I wasn't sure if it was a closet or the next room, so i slowly opened it. Thankfully, nothing was in here. It literally was an empty room with a torch on the wall for light. There was another door ahead of me. I walked to it, took a deep breath and entered. I never expected to see what I did, and what I did see, terrified me. Like I said, I'm very scared of the undead, and guess what was in front of me now. A undead. It was a woman, in a black and red vampire outfit. She hadn't seen me yet, so I tried my hardest to take a quiet step back. But that step back, instantly alerted her. She drew her sword.
"Fuck!" I yell pulling out mine. Again, I'm scared of these people. She came running at me, and we battled for a bit. She was really good with a sword, and was blocking every attack I hit her with. At a point, both of us were out of breath. To think, a undead actually is giving me a hard time. While the both of us were trying to catch our breath, she speaks.
"Who the hell are you?" She asks, breathless. I glare at her.
"Why do you need to know that?" I ask. She gives me a sinister smirk.
"Just want to know the name of the man who's giving me a hell of a time trying to kill" She says smirking, still trying to catch her breath. I laugh softly.
"Likewise" I say softly, keeping my eyes on her.
"Why are you out here?" She asks sternly.
"Looking for something in this cave. Nothing else" I say. She nods.
"What about you?" I ask.
"Looking for someone" She says. I nod.
"Truce? For right now? I just need one thing, then I'll leave you be" I say. She nods.
"Fine. Truce. Still. Who are you?" She asks.
"Siris. Siris Wilson" I say. Her eyes widen.
"By the Gods" She says. I tilt my head.
"My names Serana. I'm Lord Harkon's Daughter" She says. My eyes widen and I back up. She instantly raises her hands in defense.
"I don't blame you for stepping back. I know. I'm a full blood. You have every right to be scared of me now since I've said my name. But you. I need your help" She say. I tilt my head.
"Like I said I'm looking for someone. She hasn't been seen in years and I recognize your name from her. You know Mazikeen, don't you?" She asks, lowering her hands. My eyes widen.
"How do you know her?" I ask, mad now.
"She came to us years ago when she was ten. My father turned her, and she had been in my care for almost five years. But she disappeared a couple years back. It's now been three years since I've seen her. I'm worried, and honestly so is my father" She says. My eyes widen.
"I... I thought... I was told she was with y'all!" I say, now showing my anger. She nods.
"She was. Trust me, she was. But she's not anymore" She says. I shake my head, trying to wrap my head around this.
"What, you think she's dead?" I ask. She shakes her head.
"No. She's too strong to be taken out" She says crossing her arms and looking towards the ground. My eyes widen more.
"What?" I ask. She looks up to me.
"I'm not exactly sure of your relation with her, but she's a half blood, and has been one for a while. My father warned both of her parents years ago that they could have a spawn that knows blood magic or be a complete half blood. She's both. She got training from me mostly with it. She's one hell of a blood mage" She says. I honestly couldn't believe it.
"Where is she? Wheres your lead now? How the hell is she even alive? Has anyone hurt her? Is she mad at me?" I ask. Serana giggles.
"Honestly, I don't know where she is, but I have one lead. But I'm not sure where it's going to take me. She's still alive too, and mainly because she said years ago she got weapon on weapon training from her family. She said one specific person helped her the most with it, and that's how she knows it. She's been through countless battles, so yes, people have hurt her. As far as I know with the last question, she thinks her entire family is dead. My father and I are her only family now, and I'm making sure I find her and bring her home. She may no longer have her family, but I will protect her for her family, since they can no longer" She says. I shake my head.
"They aren't dead! And I'm right here! I'm the one who trained her!" I say sternly. She sighs softly.
"I apologize for taking her from you guys" She says softly and looks away from me. I shake my head.
"No! No don't say that! She's alive because of y'all! Who knows what would have happened if she didn't go to Harkon!" I say. She looks back to me.
"For someone who seemed and still seems so scared of me, you're praising me for protecting someone who came to us when she's was a little girl? I did what was right. We did what was right" She says.
"Why did that bastard turn her?" I ask sternly. She laughs that sinister laugh that shook me to my core. She then looks at me.
"She asked him to"

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