Chapter Nine

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Mazikeen trained with myself and Ragnarok all day. She got good with everything pretty quickly, as well as Cotal taught her how to use her dark magic before he left for his missions. I invited them over for dinner that night, since they were already here. Ragnarok helped me cook while Mazikeen played with my older cat, as well as her dolls. Ragnarok helped me plate everything, and we all sit down to eat.
"Thank you Siris" Ragnarok says once he's done. He stands before walking into the kitchen and placing the bowl in the sink. He then sits back down and Mazikeen looks to me.
"How come you aren't married? Both of you aren't, right?" she asks looking at the both of us. Ragnarok's face goes red and I laugh.
"I haven't found my person yet" I say giggling. Ragnarok gives me a look. I didn't want to tell her about Lauren honestly.
"So no, i'm not married" I continue. Mazikeen's eyes go to Ragnarok.
"What about you? You never bring girls home" she says. I die laughing and Ragnarok glares at me. He sighs before looking at Mazikeen. I giggle and it makes Ragnarok giggle.
"Sometimes, instead of a girl and a guy being married" He started. I could tell he was nervous.
"Two guys can get married. Just like two girls can. It doesn't matter about if it's a girl or a boy. The feeling you get from that person is what matters" He says softly. I look up to her. She looked confused. Ragnarok knew she already knew that it didn't matter what gender you marry. But she didn't know... about him. The realization hits. Her eyes go wide and she smiles big. She stand up and leans on the table.
"Gods! No wonder you don't bring any girls home!" she starts. I died laughing again. She giggles again before continuing.
"Are you and Siris-" she starts pointing to the both of us and I jump in.
"No! I like girls only!" I say laughing. She looks back to Ragnarok.
"Then who?" she asks. She smiles bigger.
"Is it Cotal?" she says excitedly. His face goes red. She laughs.
"It is!" she says happily. He blushes harder and looks away.
"That was a lot easier then I expected" he says looking at me. Mazikeen tilts her head in confusion.
"How so?" she asks. He looks to her.
"It wasn't the reaction I was expecting" he says nervously, putting a hand behind my neck.
"Did you... think i'd be mad at you?" she asks softly before sitting down and continuing to eat. He sighs.
"Yeah" I say. She looks at him.
"Your still my brother. I don't care who you marry" she says smiling at him.
"You should tell Cotal" she says. He blushes again.
"I don't know how to. Plus I don't think he sees me that way" he say nervously. She giggles.
"It's just Cotal-" she starts and I cuts in.
"That's what i'm saying!" I say laughing.
"Y'all realize i'm right here, right?" Ragnarok says looking from me to Mazikeen. They both laugh and I stand and place my plate into the sink. I return and sits back down.
"We need to talk" I start, looking at Ragnarok then to Mazikeen.
"I know you're still young, but have you decided what you want to do yet?" I ask her softly. She looks up before nodding.
"I... I want to be a traveler like you guys were. But..." she says pausing. She looks up to me.
"I want to become a vampire" she says sternly. My heart sank after she said those words. But I accepted it. She looks away and Ragnarok sighs.
"Are you sure?" Ragnarok said softly. She nods, refusing to look at us. Ragnarok sighs. I stand up and her gaze goes to me. I leave, before returning with a book. It was a red book with the word "Bloodline". I place it in front of her.
"It'll explain everything on how to do it" I say softly. I think she could tell I was upset.
"It'll also tell you where you can find Lord Harkon" I continue.
"Who's that?" She asks softly. I walk over to her and open the book. I find the page needed and sit down next to her.
"Lord Harkon is a Nord Vampire and he's the leader of the Volkihar Clan. He's a powerful Vampire Lord" I say pointing to a picture of him.
"Harkon rules his brood with an iron fist. Find him, and he'll turn you" I say softly.
"Harkon is a twisted man. But he won't hurt you. Not unless you make him" I warn. She nods nervously.
"You'll find Castle Volkihar..." I say, standing and walking to the map on the wall. I point to a small area on the northwest side.
"Right here. It's a actual castle as well. There will be two guards posted by the door" I say before sitting back down.
"All you've got to do is tell them why you're there. Be honest and they'll let you in" I say softly. Ragnarok looks to her.
"Are you planning on leaving soon?" he asks. She shakes her head.
"No. I'm not ready to leave yet" she says softly.
"I need more training" she continues. Ragnarok nods.
"In the mean time, i'll give you some books to help you better understand what you're getting into" I say grabbing two more books from the shelve. I place them next to the book we were just reading and sit back down.
"We'll train more tomorrow. So be ready" I say looking to her sternly. She nods. Not much has happened after that. Training became a daily thing. She got really good with everything. Riverwood in the winter is the best. Myself, Ragnarok and Cotal all surprised her for her tenth birthday. I finally gave her a grown up sword. It was late afternoon and I was working at Rose's still. Cotal hasn't left Riverwood since a year ago. Him and Ragnarok are getting pretty close as well. I think they're dating now too.
"Hey pretty girl!" Cotal yells from the bar. I look up and see Mazikeen smiling at him.
"Hey Cotal" She says waving to him. She walk over to us and smiles. I was cleaning the top of the bar while Cotal and Ragnarok were sitting down. She sat down next to them. Cotal looks to her.
"So I hear someone is about to start traveling!" he says smiling big at her. She smiles and nods.
"Yeah! It's nothing crazy. I have to go get some veggies from Whiterun. But i'm still excited!" She says smiling big. Cotal giggles.
"I'm glad you're excited. I remember doing the same. It gets more fun, trust me" he says winking at her. She giggles as the tavern door opens. Four men and cult robes enter and walk to the middle of the tavern. I see and grip my sword handle. I hit the bar once and gave Cotal and Ragnarok a look before they both turn around. Instantly, they grab the handles of their swords. She turned around slowly. As soon as she saw them, her wings tuck themselves in. The cultists pull out daggers before speaking.
"I told you i'd be back. Lucky for me, you brought the Davis siblings to me" one man says laughing. I walk around the bar and stand in front of Mazikeen. I pull my sword from its sheath, and Ragnarok then as well pulls out his sword.
"You won't touch her" I say in a angered voice. I don't ever show my anger in front of her. Ever. I don't want her scared of me, but this is different. Two of the masked men run to me and Ragnarok, striking. Cotal gets to the other men who weren't fighting, and attacks them. Mazikeen stayed at the bar behind me as I was blocking hits with my swords. One minute, our swords were clashing, with each hit, you heard the sound of metal hitting metal. In a instant, Ragnarok missed a block and the masked man takes advantage, stabbing Ragnarok in the stomach.
"Ragnarok!" She yells. That blood curdling scream sent chills up my spine. My heart sank as I looked to Ragnarok, he grabbed the dagger and fell to his knees. I turn around to Mazikeen then back to Cotal.
"Hold them off!" I yell before grabbing Mazikeen's arm and leading her to the back of the tavern into a hallway. The hallway had a door, stopping anyone but the people who worked the tavern from going through to the back. A small closet was next to the back door. I run to the closest and grabs a couple of things, handing her a bigger sword, a bag full of supplies, three books, and a jacket. I places  everything into the bag and hand her the bag and jacket.
"Go!" I yell pointing to the door.
"Don't look back and keep fucking running! Don't stop at all!" I say opening the door. She shakes her head no. I could tell she didn't want to leave. I felt that cold winter air flow through the door. She shakes her head again.
"I... I can't go... please... come with me" she says as tears fall. A loud thud hits the door of the back hallway.
"You have to go! Now!" I yell. I tried my hardest to keep the tears back. But she could tell this was hurting me. I knew she could.
"Go, Sunflower" I say as tears fall. She nodded and started running. I turn around after shutting and locking that back door behind me, and open the locked hallway door, expecting to see the cultists. But instead, I saw Cotal over Ragnarok's body.
"Ragnarok! Please!" Came from Cotal. I grab what I could, Ragnarok whispered something to Cotal, and passed out. I look to Cotal.
"Go get a bed ready for him. I've got this" I say. Cotal nods and listens to me, going into the room on the other side of the counter. I healed him as best as I could with Healing Hands. It took a bit for his wound to completely heal, but I did it. It was about ten minutes since I've been doing it, so I pick up Ragnarok and walk towards the room. Cotal was still getting everything ready. I lay him down slowly, covered him up with a blanket, before looking to Cotal.
"Is he..." Cotal starts. I shake my head. I then place a hand to my head.
"He's fine. Will be anyway. He's just resting now" I say.
"Where's Mazikeen?" He asked, wiping his face. More tears fell from me.
"She's gone. I told her to go. There was nothing I could do. I had to protect her" I say softly before looking away as more tears fall.
"You had one job Siris! You let her leave? Are you crazy? They'll be on her so quick! She has nobody out there! We're her only family!" He yells. I didn't look at him. I look towards the floor as more tears filled my eyes.
"I had to protect her..." I start before placing both hands to my eyes. I fall to my knees.
"I couldn't protect Ragnarok... I had to let her go... They were going to kill her..." I say softly.
"I'm so sorry sunflower..." I say before completely breaking down. Cotal stood there, honestly I think he didn't know what to do. I was always the strong one. Hes only seen me cry once, when Ragnarok gave me my first ever stitches. He's never seen me break down like this. Not even with Rose. He walks next to me and I hear him sit down.
"I'm... not to good at stuff like this. But-" he starts. I look to him and he sighs.
"Mazikeen's strong. She's got training from all of us. She'll be okay. She'll come back..." He says softly. I look back down to my hands.
"She'll find Harkon. She'll be okay. I know it. Ragnarok will be fine too. Once he wakes up, I'll give him some potions. Everything will be okay" he says placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry for flipping out. But Gods, you saw what happened" he says, placing a hand to his head. I nod.
"She may not have anyone other then us, but that doesn't mean I don't" I say standing. I grab a hand full of paper and envelopes before sitting at the desk in the room. I start writing letters and placing them in the envelopes. After a bit, I stand up and hand him a pile of letters.
"Tomorrow, take these to everyone" I say. He takes the letters and see the names of familiar's. Multiple of our friends' names were on the front. He looks up and nods.
"As for now, I'm going to warn everyone here" I say putting on my jacket.
"I'm also going to check around the area. Just in case" I say softly before leaving. I did just that too. I warned everyone of the attack, as well as looked all around the area. I didn't tell them why I was actually looking, but I was looking for her. Her body at least. But there was no blood, body, or anything nearby. I had hoped she would hide nearby, but she didn't. She definitely listened to me and ran, because the footprints out back proved that. I started walking back to the tavern. I walked to the room by the counter and stood in the doorway, not at all realizing I walked in on something.
"I've been wanting to do this... since we were fourteen" Cotal says before breaking the distance and kissing Ragnarok. I knock softly on the door and startled both of them. They stop kissing and look over. A smirk crossed my lips.
"Finally" I say smiling before walking to the bed.
"Finally what?" Cotal asks looking at me.
"Y'all" I say smirking. He blushes and looks at Ragnarok who was already blushing. Cotal stood and gave Ragnarok a potion.
"Ragnarok. I need to talk to you" I say shakily as he finished the potion.
"Where's Mazikeen?" He asks. I look away.
"That's what I want to talk to you about" I say.
"Is she... dead?" He asks. I look to him instantly.
"No. She's not. I can promise you that" I say angered.
"I got her to leave out the back door. I told her to go... I thought she would have hid somewhere, but she actually listened to me when I told her to go" I say shakily, trying not to cry, but behind that shakiness was complete anger.
"You saw how it was. Four against three. Who knows how bad it would have gotten if they didn't leave. I had to protect her" I say sternly. Ragnarok's heart broke completely. I could tell. But his heart wasn't the only one broken. He looks to up to me.
"Did you at least give her stuff? Like food and weapons?" Ragnarok asks as tears fall. I nodded.
"As well as some books and another sword. A bigger one" I say softly. Ragnarok nods. He tries to stand, I look to him and place a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't. You need to rest" I say. He looks to me as more tears fall.
"I have to go find her" he says. I shake my head.
"You need to rest" Cotal says. He slowly lays down, following what he said.
"Y'all have to find her" he says looking to Cotal then to me.
"Please" he says softly. We both nod.
"I'll try. I promise. Just rest, Ragnarok. Please" I say softly. He nods. I take a step back, give them a half smile, and leave. I head to the library and try to get more information, if any. Sadly, I had no leads. It was odd, and honestly upset me. I had to find her. But where is she, is the question.

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