Chapter Seventeen

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Those four words shocked me. I didn't ask anymore after that. She could tell it upset me, I knew she could.
"Here" She says, slowly bending down and placing a note on the floor of the room.
"That's my lead. I know where the location is personally, so I don't need this. I can tell it upset you that she's a undead. But like I said she asked him to because she said she needed to be strong and that's exactly what she is, strong. Mazikeen isn't a weak little girl anymore. If you find her, take her back home to her family. It hurts me, since she's been with me for about five years, but if her family is alive, that's where she deserves to be" She says standing up and backing up.
"See you later, Khajiit" She says, before her body turns into bats, and they all fly away. Another freaky thing those undead can do. I was mad now, because she did the one thing I hate. Called me by my race. I walked over to the note and picked it up. Surprisingly her lead, was the next cave I was going to. But with the way Serana was talking, I don't think Mazikeen will be there. I continued on to find the spell book. The next room had it on a pedestal, and when I grabbed it, nothing came after me. I left after that, but by the time I left, it was pitch black outside. As soon as I looked up, you could see the sky covered in stars. I made my tent near the cave, ate some of the food I brought, and laid down for the night.
The next morning I got everything ready to go, and continued on. Yesterday night was on my mind heavily. If Mazikeen was with Serana, why wasn't she any longer? Did Mazikeen leave without telling them? But one thing stuck out. Mazikeen isn't weak, and that's because of me. After the situation at the tavern when the cultist came in wanting the location of both the Davis siblings, after that, I took the initiative to make sure Mazikeen knew how to protect herself. Because of me, she's alive and a badass from what Serana said. It had me smiling crazy, that the one thing I wanted to make sure she knew, she knew, and mastered it. She's a mage too. It upset me that she was a blood mage, but she's a mage. The kid can control magic like we all can. She knew some of the smaller spells, but now, she knew one of the most dangerous and powerful element, blood, and I'm sure Serana taught her how to use it, especially when she said she got training from Serana personally. I had no idea what I was going to tell Cotal or Ragnarok. I didn't know if I should tell them. I kept on walking, continuing on until I came to a cave, the cave I needed to enter. I was by Whiterun and Riverwood now, and honestly, I didn't think Mazikeen would be in here. I didn't think she'd ever return over here, since I told her not to practically. I take my bag off and take a swig of my Whiskey I brought, and entered the cave. All of you, should know what mission this is. When I entered the cave, all around me was dead enemies. It all looked fresh too, so I knew someone else was in here with me, or maybe I came here after they left, I had hope for that anyway. I started running now, going from each door, each room, looking for that black soul gem. As I hit a new room, I seen a hallway and ran straight to it. Once I hit that hallway though, there was a undead in the room. Her eyes widened and she started gathering as much gold as she could. I kept running, hoping I could just grab what I needed and get the hell out of here. Once I came into the room with her, she runs at me. I instantly thought "fuck" as she hits me hard in the face. I reached for my face as she kicked my side. I look back and see the wall near me as she pulls out her dagger and kicks me again in my stomach. My back hit that wall hard, as she threw the dagger she had. It hit my left shoulder, going all the way through and going into the wall. I yell out in pain. It honestly was the worst thing I've ever felt. My eyes stayed on her though, as she backs up.
"Don't. Move" She says sternly, turning around and walking back to the gold filled table. I didn't move a inch, just kept my eyes on her. After she was done, she looked at me again. She then glares at me, I could completely tell. It scared the hell out of me. She placed her bag over her shoulder and took off running down the hallway. I stayed there, not at all moving until I didn't hear those healed boots clicking anymore. I stand against the wall in shock. I look to the dagger and slowly grab it. I close my eyes and slowly count.
"One... Two..." and on three, I ripped the dagger from my shoulder. I yell out in pain as I fall to my knees. I grab my shoulder and look to the table. The gemstone I needed was still there. I stand and walk to the table. I pick it up and place it in my pocket. I look towards the door and start walking. I get back to Riverwood after about thirty minutes of walking. I head straight for the tavern.
"I hope Ragnarok's at the Rose's" I think to myself. I finally get to the door and open it. Cotal and Ragnarok we're at the counter. They're eyes go wide once they realize i'm bleeding.
"You're hurt" Ragnarok says as he grabs the first aid kit. I nod and walk to the bar, sitting down. Cotal walks behind the bar and pours me a glass of Whiskey. Ragnarok gets to my side and I remove my jacket and shirt.
"Gods" Ragnarok says softly.
"All the way through too. That's two sets of stitches" he says as he starts threading the needle. Cotal grabs some potions and hands them to me. I hate stitches. Ragnarok lined up the first one and looks up to me.
"Just do it" I say softly before turning back to the Whiskey and downing it. After a bit, he finally finished and wraps my shoulder. I drink the potions as Cotal looks to me.
"What happened? I thought you said it was a easy mission" he says confused. I nod.
"Supposed to be, yes. There was a girl inside the cave. I thought nothing of it and went to get the stone. She kicked my ass" I say softly.
"I must have startled her or somethin'. I don't know, I didn't expect her to attack me the way she did" I say giggling and pouring another glass of Whiskey. Ragnarok giggles.
"You? Getting your ass beat by a girl?" he says laughing. I giggle.
"I said I didn't expect it, didn't I?" I say giggling. I stand up and grab my clothing.
"Imma go change. I'll be back" I say before stepping behind the bar. I down my glass of Whiskey I poured and left the room. I put on a sleeveless shirt and walk back out into the tavern. I stand behind the bar by Cotal. I look to Ragnarok.
"How have you guys been?" I ask grabbing my used glass and putting it in the sink.
"Good. Just livin' day to day" Ragnarok says softly. I nod.
"I know that feeling" I say softly. A slow country song plays in the back ground as Ragnarok walks behind the bar. He places a hand on Cotals.
"Me and Cotal are planning on moving in together soon. Just trying to get everything finalized" he says smiling.
"Cute" I say giggling and removing the gemstone from my pocket. I place it on a shelf on the wall behind the bar.
"A black soul gem" Ragnarok says in shock. I nod.
"Yup. I've been looking for one for years. Not to use it of course. Just to have one" I say softly.
"They are very pretty stones. Just very dangerous" Cotal says smiling. I nod.
"What did the girl look like?" Ragnarok asks. I walk closer to the bar and lean on it.
"She was wearing a black and red outfit. It looked a lot like a traveler outfit as well. She had a mask and a hood so I didn't see much of her face" I say softly.
"Did she have wings?" Ragnarok asks softly. I shake my head.
"No. She didn't" I say softly. I could tell Ragnarok's heart broke when I said that. Mine did too.
"She was probably apart of the dark brotherhood. They have the same colored outfits. They're outfits just look a lot different then hers did" I say.
"Maybe she's just a traveler that you scared the shit out of?" Cotal asks giggling. I giggle.
"Maybe" I say smiling. Ragnarok looks to me.
"Any more missions?" he asks softly. I look to him.
"Not any time soon. I'm going to be working a lot more now. I gotta get off my ass, the swords aren't going to make themselves" I say softly. Ragnarok smiles at me warmly and nods.
"I'll help. I miss making swords" he says giggling. I nod.
"Same honestly. I don't know why I lost motivation" I say softly. I did know. My life has been wrapped around one thing. Alcohol. It's about time my life becomes wrapped around swords again.

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