Chapter Fourteen

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She actually went through with it. Mazikeen was a vampire now. It shocked me completely. Lauren rolls her eyes and throws the dagger she had towards me. It landed close to me, but just out of reach.
"If you can get to it, do what you do. But don't come after me. Stay here" She says, leaving. I started going back at it, trying to break free. The more I tried, the more my wrist ripped. I could feel the start of a wound around my wrists, then that feeling of liquid going down into my hand. I kept struggling until my chair fell over and I looked to the dagger. It was close to me, and I started scooting to it. It took a bit, but I finally got close to it. It took even longer to turn around and actually cut myself loose. But as soon as I did, I ran as fast as I could past every Dawngaurd member and left the building. Lauren wasn't going to kill her. At all. As I continued to run, Lauren came back into view.
"You aren't going to fucking touch her!" I yell. She turned around, and tried to pull out a dagger when I tackled her to the ground. She ended up pulling it out, and slicing me several times, trying to get away from me. But the more she cut me, the more I got mad and the tighter my grip became. After a bit, the struggle stopped and she just looked at me.
"You'd rather have her, than me?" She says. I raise the dagger she left behind for me above my head, and fully sit on her lap.
"I'd rather have her back in my life then you kill the one person who doesn't see me as a monster!" I yell, bringing the dagger down. It went straight through her chest, as she grabbed my arms.
"You.... bastard" She says shakily. The blood poured from her chest.
"You won't touch my sunflower. Have fun in hell" I say sternly, yanking the dagger out of her chest, and doing that killed her. It hurt, watching the life leave her eyes. I loved her at a point, but things change. I got up and continued on, healing myself while I walked. She said Mazikeen was at Harkon's, so that's exactly where I was going. Honestly, this part isn't very eventful. For the life of me, I couldn't get myself to get in that boat and row the way to Harkon's Castle. It terrified me honestly, especially walking up to that dock. The vampires scared me, yeah laugh it off, big ol' me is actually scared of something. I hated turning around and making my journey back to Riverwood. I didn't catch a carriage, I walked. It took all day and most of the night before I was back in Riverwood. I had no idea what I was going to tell the boys, but I couldn't tell them what happened. I walked to the tavern, and it looked like Ragnarok and Cotal were headed home. They see me, and almost instantly stop in their tracks.
"Siris? You're back already?" Ragnarok asks. I nod slowly. I genuinely didn't know how to say this, so I lie, but keep some of the information there.
"I need a drink" I say softly, walking up to the bar. Ragnarok pours me a drink and sets it in front of me.
"Are you okay?" He asks. I nod.
"Physically, yes. But emotionally, no" I say. Ragnarok nods slowly.
"What happened?" Cotal asks. I sigh.
"Honestly, I don't know. The other night, I was kidnapped" I started. Cotal nods.
"We figured. You weren't home, nor here. I'm just glad to see you okay" Cotal says. I nod.
"It was Lauren. She... Gods she took me to the Dawngaurd about a recent murder by a undead. But I was tied up. She left, but I got out and ran after her. I don't know what came over me, but..." I start. Ragnarok walks around the bar as I sit down on one of the stools.
"She won't be returning to Whiterun" I say softly. Ragnarok sat down next to me, and placed a hand to my shoulder.
"It was so quick. She wanted me back and said she knew a way to help and that after she was done, I'd be hers. I had no idea what she was going to do so I did what I had to. Who knows. She could've come here, or hell, she could've killed Mazikeen. I had to" I say looking at Ragnarok. He nods.
"Trust me. I know. But are YOU okay?" He asks. I nod.
"Mhm. She was a traitor to begin with. She was apart of the Brotherhood as well as the Dawngaurd. She was using me, and the Dawngaurd. I hate the Dawngaurd honestly, but she didn't have to use them like that, ya know? All of this has my nerves shaking right now. I can't believe it honestly" I say as Cotal pours me another drink. I grab it and down it.
"Just rest for the next couple of days. I can tell it's a lot on you. You don't have to tell us everything but we're here. Can I ask how you killed her? I know you explained kind of why, but not how" He says. I sigh.
"I was tied to the chair and she threw a dagger at me and left to do whatever she was going to. I got out, grabbed that dagger and left. I ran past everyone and kept running til I saw her. I tacked her to the ground as she kept cutting me with her other dagger. Shit just made me more mad until I shoved the dagger she gave me into her chest. She called me a bastard and I told her to have fun in hell. When I pulled it back out, that's when she actually died" I say softly. Ragnarok nods.
"Are you hurt? I already asked but you just said that" He says laughing softly. I nod.
"Yeah. Don't worry about it. I healed myself on the way back here" I say. He nods.
"You sure? I just want to make sure you don't need anything medical wise" He says. I nod.
"Yeah. Trust me I know. But I'm healed. Thanks to me having light and sun magic, healing myself is easy. But I still can't really heal extremely bad wounds" I say. Cotal nods in front of me and it made me look at him.
"Yes. Most healing spells cannot really heal extreme wounds. It's why we have potions and stuff to counter that" He says smiling. I nod.
"I'm honestly glad we have a master mage that works inside the library of MY tavern" I say, smiling now. He laughs.
"Someone's got to. I gotta protect y'all somehow" He says laughing.
"Y'all are warriors. I ain't. But my specialty comes in handy with yall" He continues. I nod.
"It sure does. I've always got a fuck ton of potions on me anytime I leave, because of you" I say. He smiles.
"Im glad y'all listened to me. Always gotta have them" He says. I laugh softly. I look over to Ragnarok.
"Not sure if he told you, but I plan on traveling again. I... I want to find your sister. I messed it up, so I want to fix this. But I can't find any leads" I say, lying. I knew where she was, but I was terrified to go there.
"Honestly. Maybe Harkon?" Cotal asks. I look up, then away.
"I'd rather not go there" I say.
"Me neither" Ragnarok says softly. I look over to him.
"She may be there. She did mention she wanted to be one. But guys, honestly, the undead scare me. Harkon, scares me" Ragnarok says softly. I nod.
"Glad to know I ain't the only one scared of them" I say softly. Cotal nods.
"I don't blame y'all for being scared. Especially with what it is, but we should try" He says. I shake my head.
"You ain't getting me in that boat" I say softly. He nods.
"I know... But still" He says softly. I nod.
"Trust me. I know... I just... can't" I say softly. He nods slowly.
"I still plan on looking. Just not... there" I continue. He nods.
"Yeah. I know what you mean. Because we never know, she may not be there" He says. I nod.
"Exactly my point. I want to check before actually making that decision to get in that boat" I say. Cotal and Ragnarok both nod.
"When do you plan on leaving again?" Ragnarok asks. I shrug.
"Not sure. May be a few days. With being gone for a couple of days, it pushed back what I had planned, which was trying to make weapons again. Other than that, I'm open to taking missions from you guys, since I'll be out" I say. Cotal nods.
"Not much has came in yet. If I get something, I'll let you know. I'll even put aside all the ones I get so you can go through it and pick" He says. I nod.
"You know what I like" I say smirking. He smiles.
"Noted" He says smiling. The rest of the night was peaceful. The boys left soon after, since it was pretty late. I stayed at the tavern for a bit, cleaning and organizing things for tomorrow. It wasn't until I got back out to the restaurant area when something caught my eye. There was a note on the floor by the door, and honestly I was scared to go get it. It took a lot of courage to go get it, but I did. The note was something, I never expected.

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