The one who listened to spirits

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Lucy cleared her throat to start the conversation.

 - So what do you think of the situation?

Alistair looked at her for a few moments, thinking about how he was going to answer. He was afraid of disappointing his partner with his suspicions but he had to dispel her illusions.

 - Our meeting with the Countess only confirms my intuition. Something is going on. I can't figure out what yet, but I'm sure. The Countess looked disturbed when she saw us, she didn't seem to know what we were doing there. Does that mean that it was not she who sent us the letter and hired us? Who else could have done it for her? And why are we still welcomed in this case? All this seems related to the recent death of the count. I'm also quite surprised that the case has not yet been publicized.

Lucy nodded, considering the words spoken by her companion.

 - Perhaps the Countess had been right, she said, and fatigue had prevented her from remembering us?

Alistair raised an eyebrow, skeptical.

 - No, I do not think so. The surprise seemed total. In addition, Maude also seemed taken aback by our presence. And the manor especially... It is in a terrible state. Far from the splendor of the old evenings that were given here.

Lucy tilted her head, looking annoyed.

 - You know, I had read in the newspapers all the descriptions about the mansion, the countess, the parties... I was so excited to go there for real, to see these wonders with my own eyes. But everything is... run down. For what ? Was the count ruined?

 - No... his business was doing well.

 - By the way, where does his riches come from ? I could never seem to get the answer from the journals I was reading. He was not originally a count, it seems to me.

 - Indeed, he is a commoner who made his fortune in the automaton industry. He is one of the pioneers in this field.

 - Automatons?

Sparks lit in the eyes of Lucy who seemed amazed at this idea.

 - I have never seen automatons. They are said to be terribly expensive. What do they look like?

 - Do not get excited for so little, automatons, even the most developed, are not really extraordinary. Their appearance leaves something to be desired, they are more tin can than human and can only perform fairly basic tasks. However, owning them gives status and is fashionable.

Lucy took a disappointed look and her smile decomposed. She sighed, depressed. Alistair noticed it and tried to moderate his words.

 - But progress is constantly being made in this area and there is no doubt that much more efficient automatons will soon appear.

Lucy was silent for a moment, lost in thought. She had just thought of something.

 - Do you happen to know why the parties stopped at the Averleys? All of a sudden there was no more news in the papers and no one ever explained why.

 - It's because no one knows. Overnight, for no apparent reason, the Countess stopped throwing balls in her home and she and her husband withdrew into their domain. No one has entered their home since. It must be ten years now.

Lucy began to chew her thumbnail thoughtfully. So many questions from all sides and no answers in sight.

 - And above all, very important, who could have killed the count, when he was reclusive in his home, isolated from everyone except his family and his people? Could a peasant have assassinated him? But why ?

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