Special Q&A chapter

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Hello everyone! I intended to publish this on my first anniversary of being on Wattpad but it took a little longer than expected. I appreciate your patience and thank everyone who has asked questions! I'm very grateful for that, it makes me feel like I'm not only shouting to the void. 

So, let's get into it! But first, a little introduction maybe. 

I created Chronicles of Mystery almost three years ago, after a game I played with my family. It was about solving an interesting mystery. I love the idea of solving dark crimes and writing a fun saga about detectives investigating seemed entertaining to me. I was still a very novice writer (I still am though), I had plenty of ideas but hadn't written any into an actual story, except some short stories that were very violent, most of them ending with the main character dead. I wasn't really trying to convey any message, I just liked the gore. So I thought trying my hand with a detective story the likes of Sherlock Holmes would do good for my writing style. I surely didn't expect it to grow this big in my head and become such an important project for me. Keep in mind that it was supposed to be some sort of try for me, nothing I was too dedicated to. But I slowly began to imagine new things to add, new storylines, new ideas, until it became much more than a detective story. I keep adding things to this day and it seems like I don't know how to stop, I have now confused both my friends and family with my complicated storylines and timelines. 

At first, I only had Lucy and Alistair in mind, not much else. As for their names, it came pretty easy to me. Alistair popped into my head for no reason, it just appeared, as if he was begging to exist. Lucy took me a little longer. I first thought of the name Juline, or something of the sort. But, then, Lucy seemed much more natural to the tongue, as well as her last name, it makes for a very striking effect that I'm fond of. For Alistair's last name, let's just say that it's a reference to my roots and the place I live in. Plus, he needed a very complicated last name, so I went with that. 

The rest is a bit hazy in my mind. I don't even remember how some characters came into being. It's just like they needed to exist somehow and, now, they've become way too important to ever go back to not existing. 

If you have more questions about the creative process, don't hesitate to ask! 

Now, onto the question. 

Q: How is Lucy and Alistair's relationship going to unfold? 

A: Well, it's a bit complicated. At first, I didn't think of them that way, since, as you all know, Lucy is very childish and Alistair acts in a much more mature way. Plus, she's underage right now and I'm not very fond of a big age difference (though Alistair is a 25-year-old man). They didn't seem like a very romantic couple, they had great chemistry but it almost seemed like a father-daughter or a sibling bond. I remember one comment in the first chapter that thought that Alistair was Lucy's grandfather! I was... shocked. 

But, since then, I've thought it over in my head. The characters won't end up together as they are but they might, if they both change and evolve enough in the course of the story. I feel like they're heavily connected to each other, whatever the future holds for them, they will be together in it, whether it be as partners or as something more. I think Lucy is the one who will change the most, she will grow up, without losing her signature sparkle, and become someone Alistair can rely on and trust as a responsible partner. Their destinies very much complement each other, they feel perfect together for many reasons because I think they bring out the best in each other. Alistair has never been so chill without Lucy, trust me, he was... a lot when he was younger. As for Lucy, well, Alistair's common sense is sometimes pretty useful. 

They feel like rivers that are meant to collide, so, saying that they might have a romantic relationship by the end of the story might be accurate, but when Lucy is not underage, please, right now, it would just feel gross. 

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