Home is under a night sky

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After dancing for a while, they found Aiko and Thalie in front of a food stand. Already he and Aiko seemed to have had the same idea as they looked at each other defiantly. Each seemed to be sizing up the other.

They mutually started a food contest, to see who could eat as much food as quickly as possible. The loser had to pay the winner another round of their favorite dish. They first tackled the grilled corn bathed in a creamy butter sauce. They tried to swallow all the corn kernels at once but some stuck to the cob. However, they almost choked on some of them while spitting them in each other's faces. They looked like two mad dogs gnawing their bones and staring at each other as if they wanted to devour the other.

The pork chops passed in turn, each trying to eat them with their teeth, pulling as much as possible on the meat. When they took a drink with cream, Liam took the opportunity to try to distract his opponent by manipulating the water contained in the glass to sprinkle her with it. If Aiko could bring down lightning, speed through space, and talk to herself with a piece of wood she said was a magical deer spirit (if her people were drug addicts, who was he to change their customs?), he himself could control the waters. Control, however, was a big word to describe his true abilities. Let's say he could unleash the water in all directions but hold it in a particular form, he was unable to. He tended to settle for it, throwing waterspouts at the heads of curses he faced with all his might, hoping it would knock them out. However, he had to have a source close to him to do anything, he could not draw water elsewhere, he needed a lot of it. He suspected that he lacked precision. Helen probably would have been able to do better than that. He still remembered that, at only twelve years old, she was able to tame the rivers and give the water a vegetable form, as well as liquid ivy which obeyed her control. If Liam could draw more water than his sister, he had never been able to make such constructions with it, despite his efforts. He had already noticed several times when David looked at him strangely as soon as he started to manipulate the wave, staring at him in a disturbing way, as if he was looking for something in Liam that he couldn't find, someone who would be other than him.

He came back to his senses when Aiko spat the drink in his face, surprised. Liam couldn't stop himself from coughing, disgusted to find himself covered in spit. Curse ! His saliva was now mixed with that of the enemy. It was invading his insides. He would almost have been tempted to drink gallons of alcohol in hopes of disinfecting his insides of this virus, but for some reason he doubted that was really recommended.

The cheating attempts continued with Aiko trying to smash his head into his dish. Liam continued by throwing a pie in her face to waste her time. This food contest was quickly replaced by a food tossing contest. While they ate sandwiches, they threw salt in each other's hair, to the despair of the waiters, who saw their stocks diminish irreparably. Seeing them, the vendors were barely surprised, knowing them. Thalie followed them obediently, trying to avoid squirting sauce on the way, a fan of playing cards to protect herself from danger, while always behaving with grace and elegance. Even when she sat on a simple wooden stool, it looked like a sublime throne with gold armrests and a huge backrest. David was more difficult, contemplating the dishes that paraded with curiosity, without tasting a single one, always his broad smile on his lips which lifted the corners of his mouth without reaching his eyes.

Soon, the competition picked up an even higher pace. The two competitors were trying each to pull the chair of the other. They ended up eating only standing up, staring at each other at each of their bites. Their looks seemed murderous and, at the sight of them, people around were moving away from them any knife or other object that could have been used as a weapon, just as a precaution. Unfortunately, they had failed to protect themselves from all the dangers. Thus, they had a short time shoe-throwing battle. Liam had the satisfaction of having a more powerful weapon than his rival, with his big sturdy boots against her simple leather shoes.

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