The Chunin Exam

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Third Person POV

Once he and gaara parted, Naruto went to visit the hokage office but was rejected as some junin were discussing something.

He simply went back to his house and sat in silence until Kakashi appeared a few minutes later.

"Hey Kakashi-nii." Naruto said with a smile.

"Hey Naruto, got you something." Kakashi spoke shooting a paper at the teen.

Naruto immediately opened it and skimmed through, his eyes sparkling in fascination after widening on shock.

"You'll allow us to participate in the Chunin exams?" Naruto asked with a smile.

"Yup, I've already told the other 2 and warned them that if one doesn't participate then the other 2 will immediately be rejected." Kakashi spoke.

Naruto knew that that was false but nodded his head eagerly before Kakashi left.

An entire week passed by before Naruto and his teammates were sitting in the exam room solving a written exam.

Hinata solved most of the exam while Sasuke used his sharingan to copy all the rest.

Naruto on the other hand had already solved everything and was siting down waiting for the rest.

The atmosphere wasn't as great due to the people leaving scared of being disqualified and unable to become Chunin again.

Naruto and his team alongside the rest of the konoha 12 that were with them were the only one left, all the genin swearing to not give up.

Once done with that, the genin were escorted to the second phase of the exam, The forest of death.

"The highest score?" The hokage asked.

"Yes Hokage-sama, every question is perfectly answered without a single mistake and even with additional notes. His score is better than that of Minato-Sama." Ibiki explained.

He handed Naruto's exam paper to the hokage, and all of the junin in the room surrounded him to check it out.

Everyone was gaping at the scenery in front of them except a certain white-haired man that staring with pride.

"Ok, brats, this is the second phase of the exam, the forest of death. Each of you will be handled a scroll, either a heaven scroll or an earth one, you should get the other scroll that you don't have." Anko spoke.

Everyone nodded their heads, the woman then went on a rant about how they should sign up to enter the exam as there's a huge chance they wouldn't end up leaving the forest to begin with and that they had only 5 days to reach the tower in the middle of the forest with both scrolls and that if they don't they'd end up failing.

Once they all did that, Naruto and his teammates stood together to receive their scroll. It ended up being an earth scroll.

Sooner or later, the gates opened, and all the teams rushed in.

"Ok, we'll split and then meet using my flying raijin. I'll make 2 shadow clones to both distract everyone and so that they can poof identifying me that you two found a scroll, both of you make a clone and keep with each other also to help us confuse the rest." Naruto instructed.

The 2 did as told. As much as Sasuke hated it, he couldn't deny that Naruto was both the smartest and the best tactician.

It took a few minutes until Naruto stumbled in front of a team where a girl was being attacked by a bear.

He immediately jumped in front of the bear and smashed a Rasengan on it, causing it to fly away and crash into a tree knocked out.

He turned to look at the girl and smile before helping her stand up.

"Th-thank you." The girl stuttered.

Naruto tensed for a moment. The girl had bright red hair and red eyes with very high Chakra.

"You are an Uzumaki!" Naruto practically shouted.

"Yeah, something about it?" the girl asked.

"I'm also an Uzumaki, well kind of a quarter Uzumaki, but still." Naruto said with a giggle.

The girl seemed really enlightened by what she heard she practically glew.

"Anyways, we'll talk later, I hope .I won't even check your scroll. Good luck, Uzumaki." Naruto said before jumping away

He ran for a few minutes before he felt one of his clones proofing, all its memories rushed back to him.

He saw Orochimaru appearing in front of Sasuke and fighting him after a group of genin distracted Naruto and Hinata's clones. He also saw Orochimaru biting Sasuke and knocking him out.

Naruto scoffed before smirking slightly. He had placed a Flying Thunder God sealing formula on the scroll that he decided to leave with Sasuke, and Orochimaru had swallowed the scroll.

In a second, Naruto was in front of Orochimaru with his hand stuck through the snake sannin's stomach.

He removed his hand as the sannin spat some blood and found both the scrolls in his hand.

"Y-you a-are the U-uzumaki brat." Orochimaru stuttered as he held his stomach.

"And you are done." Naruto said before holding Sasuke in his arms.

He teleported next to Hinata and glared at who was infront of him. Gai's team.

"Heyy guys, mind if I take my teammate? Thank you." Naruto spoke before his clone proofed and he held hinata in his other arm.

"Naruto! How are you my youthful friend haven't see you in a long time." Lee spoke as he approached him.

"Hey Lee nice to see you too but I've got to go, byee." Naruto spoke before jumping on a tree.

He ran away as fast as possible ignoring whatever Neji was shouting about Hinata and Hinata's stuttering.

In a few minutes he reached the tower and jumped all the way to the bottom of it before placing both him teammates down.

The entire rook was empty, the only ones present being Naruto and his teammates.

"N-Naruto kun y-you did it! I-is S-Sasuke kun ok?" Hinata asked.

"A curse mark was placed on him by Orochimaru, I can sense his evil Chakra on Sasuke. I'll see if Kakashi can help I'm not that great at Fuinjutsu." Naruto spoke.

He gave the scrolls to Hinata and teleported then came back in a second with Kakashi beside him.

"What the fu- Naruto! Warn me before you just do this!!" Kakashi shouted.

"Sorry, your student is simply dying it isn't my fault." Naruto said with a shrug pointing at Sasuke.

"I hate you three from the bottom of my heart."Kakashi whined

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