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Nagato and Konan were taken to be healed.

"Where are you going, Naruto?" Asked the Uzuamaki.

"I'll be right back, I think, I'm going to check on Itachi and Sasuke." Naruto answered.

"Wait. You actually helped Itachi come back to the village?" Nagato asked.

"He's hiding cause the villagers aren't ready to forgive him yet. Soon, he'll be the hero that he is instead of the traitor that everyone thinks he is." Naruto spoke before teleporting.

He arrived next to Itachi and Sasuke only to find a wall full of sharingan.

"What... is this?" Naruto asked as he stared at the two.

"It's what he kept from our clan." Sasuke asked as he stared at a crippled Danzo.

"Are those Fugaku Uchiha's mangekyo sharingans?" Naruto asked as he looked at a pair of eyes sitting on the table next to them.

"Yeah, I was the one that took those alongside my mother's. I wasn't going to keep them with him." Itachi said as he put the other pair of eyes next to his late father's.

Naruto sighed before nodding. He sat next to the two before getting out a kunai and stabbing the already dead man.

"This didn't help, but I wanted to do it." Naruto spoke.

The 2 just stared at him with smiles. Sasuke held his eyes which the two noticed.

"You 2 have really exhausted your mangekyos." Naruto said.

"I'm currently on probably less than 5% of sight." Itachi sighed.

Sasuke just nodded as pain leaked out his body.

"Well, we should work on that. If we switch your sharingans and thus you both will gain the eternal mangekyo." Naruto spoke.

"Shouldn't one take the others and add it to his own ?" Itachi asked.

"In that case, the person gains the other's ability, but if they simply switch them they gain the eternal and simply keep their original abilities." Naruti explained.

The 2 stared at each other before nodding and turning to look at him

"We'll do it." Sasuke spoke.

Naruto nodded and ordered the 2 to lay down as he started the surgery.

It took about 10 minutes before the mangekyos got switched.

"We can add Fugakus mangekyos to one of yours, choose who wants it, it's not my choice to make." Naruto said.

The 2 stayed silent, which was rather suffocating for the Uzumaki that was already in a rush.

"Dad's mangekyos simply made his Susan's progress faster. Sasuke needs that more than me as I've already achieved the second strongest Susanoo upgrade. Give it to him." Itachi said, Sasuke didn't disagree.

Naruto nodded before doing as told. 10 more minutes passed before the younger Uchiha passed out.

"He's out, I guess." Naruto joked before teleporting the 2 Uchiha away to rest

Naruto then teleported to the hospital where he saw Nagato with his head down.

"...Nagato? Are you OK?" Naruto asked.

The man slowly raised his head before opening his eyes only for Naruto and Itachi to see the void that has taken over his eye sockets.

"What in the world?!" Gasped out the teenager.

"Madara!" Itachi mumbled as he stared in terror.

"Exactly him." Spoke back Nagato.

Naruto immediately went to the man's side and knocked him out.

"I'm going to remove those rods from his back and heal him. Until I'm done, explain what Madara Uchiha has to do with all this." Naruto ordered the Uchiha infront of him.

He quickly started the process as Itachi ranted about everything he and Nagato knew about the masked man that was the true leader of the Akatsuki.

Naruto took everything in finishing with a nod.

"The chance of it being my grandfather is so slim as he wouldn't have the chakra nor the lifespan to live this long. The chances get even slimmer if you consider that Hashirama Senju literally killed him." Naruto spoke.

By the time the 2 finished their discussion, Nagato was completely healed.

Naruto held him and put him next to Konan so she'd see him first when she wakes up.

"Do you plan on training with your Susanoo?" Itachi asked as the 2 teleported to give Sasuke the rest he needed.

"Training it is useless for me I'll train on my mangekyo and rinnegan special abilities." Naruto spoke.

"Well do you know what your rinnegan speciality is? Don't you already know how to use your mangekyo ability? Also why would it be useless? It's an absolute defence." Itachi barraged.

Naruto let out a sigh. "The Namikaze clan were descendants of Indra just like the Uchiha. They didn't have the sharingan but they did have the ability to shape chakra according to their will. All I need is to unlock my susanno and boom, its perfect with a shape that I can manipulate." Naruto said with a smirk.

Itachi was taken back by that as he had never heard of it but then went on to nod with a hum.

"My rinnegan ability is still unknown to me and I haven't rushed it yet but now I have to especially if Madara has his rinnegan back now. I also don't know what my mangekyo ability is but I have some time I hope." Naruto ranted.

With his rant done, the 2 split to start their own work.

Itachi went to train with his newly acquired eternal mangekyo sharingan

Naruto went to Uzushiogakure where he trained without anyone blocking his attention.

That went on for nearly a month where he worked and unlocked all 3 hidden abilities that his dojutsus gave him. During that time, Sasuke and Hinata trained with their respective summons to achieve their personal Sage mode.

The 5 Kage summit was held to discuss the Akatsuki but when Naruto suggested going as a guard with Hiruzen, he was let down as Tsunade and Kakashi were the ones that accompanied the Hokage.

He had no idea what was coming next and all he was given was that the 8 tailed jinchuriki had been killed and that he was getting sent to an island to train with the kyuuubi.

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