The Departure

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Third Person POV

The day after , Naruto went around the village, saying his goodbyes to all his friends and taking their chakra samples as a way to communicate with them via Flare.

There was only Hinata left by the time the middle of the day arrived.

The 2 were sitting at the hokage mountain above his father's head when Naruto decided to explain everything.

"I'll be leaving the village for nearly 3 years." Naruto said.

"W-what ?! Why and when ?" Hinata stuttered out with a shocked expression splattered all over her face

"The Akatsuki , an organisation full of rogue evil Ninjas,  are after me for some reason, so I'll have to train to stay safe and keep the village safe by training away. I'll be leaving tonight." Naruto ranted.

Hinata sighed before turning to look him  dead in the eye, only to blush and look away immediately after.

"Take me with you and your sensei." She spoke.

"I can't. You should focus on training with Tsuna and work on enhancing your abilities with Neji. Also, I won't go with any sensei." Naruto shot back.

"If not, then who'll train you?" She asked.

"I'll be splitting my training with the toads at Mount Myoboku, the slugs at Shikkotsu Forest, and the phoenixs at Aokigahara for the upcoming 3 years." Naruto ranted.

"I-I see... g-good luck Naruto-kun." She whispered.

Naruto smiled af her and immediately took her in a hug as he whispered a low thank you.

The Uzumaki then spent the rest of his day with his friends, giving them notes about training and explaining a little about how he'd spent his years of departure.

Once midnight hit, the teen stood with all his friends alongside the hokage, the 2 sannin and Kakashi in front of him.

He said his last goodbye to all of them and finally had another conversation with Sasuke.

"I talked with Jiraiya. He's going to train you. He is basically on the same level of power and skill as that snake, not to mention that Kakashi will be the best choice to train you with the Sharingan." Naruto spoke.

Sasuke didn't say a word and just nodded slightly as he shoock his hand with Naruto's.

And with that, Naruto walked out of the village and started his journey into the realms of the summons that would then go on to train him.

He first reached Mout Myoboku ,which he had visited before, and immediately went to the Two Great Sage Toads to learn senjutsu so he'd master sage mode.

Naruto practised tuning in with nature, believing that the toads would just be there to watch, yet Fukasaku kept beating him ,and his shadow clones, with a staff to keep him from taking in too much natural energy.

Naruto rapidly progressed through the training stages, earning praise from Fukasaku for so quickly catching up to Jiraiya as the Uzumaki took 6 dats to achieve a full perfect sage mode, nearly a month less than it took his father to do the same.

Once Naruto attained Sage Mode, Fukasaku and Shima taught him Frog Kata. After Naruto mastered the fighting style, Fukasaku began the final step of trying to fuse with Naruto as he had done with Jiraiya, something that proved impossible because of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox sealed within Naruto.

Worried that all his training would go to waste, Naruto tried to find a way to achieve perfect Sage Mode without Fukasaku and without having to split any chakra using shadow clones.

To achieve that, Naruto left the land of the toads and made his way to the forest of the slugs, where he then went on to train even more with senjutsu.

Slug Sage mode wasn't focused on much besides healing, but the reason he wanted to master it was the way he'd be able to absorb chakra.

All he had to do was transport a little chakra into the great slugs sage that would then transport it into the trees of the forest.

Since said trees would be constantly in place, he'd always be capable of taking in senjutsu chakra to use.

Alongside that, he'd been able to use acid based jutsu, something that the slugs, especially Katsuyu, are proficient at.

His training lasted for 6 months, equal to the time he spent with the frogs, where he learnt about both types of sage mode that he would be combining.

After that was the time for him to head to the land of the Phoenixes, Aokigahara.

The phoenixes weren't senjutsu users as they were mostly summoned for tranportation, not fighting, and thus, senjutsu wasn't useful to them.

Instead, he went there after his and his late mother's summon asked him to, stating that the phoenixes had something more valuable than any sage mode.

Said thing was depth knowledge of the rinnegan. The phoenixes were present ever since the times of Kaguya and they grew an extremely close bond with her and her son, Hagoromo.

With that bond, they learned about the rinnegan as the sage told them the prophecy of the child born with the fire of a god burning through his eyes.

The phoenixes taught him all about the six paths alongside the outer path and told him that his special rinnegan ability would be achieved after achieving his mangekyo upgrade.

He learned that once he achieves 2 more sharingan enhances, he'd get his personal mangekyo abilities and then  and unlock his special rinnegan power and also that once he gains a close one's mangeko he'd gain said person's mangekyo abilities.

He trained for a year and a half with his rinnegan while also enhancing his senjutsu control , expanding his ninjutsu  arsenal and sharpening his genjutsu, taijutsu, kinjutsu and fuinjutsu prowess .

During that time, he kept in check with his friends. He got weekly letters from Hinata telling him about her training and about Sasuke's as the Uchiha didn't start sending him letter until the second year was nearly done.

He suggested snake sage training to Sasuke after learning that the latter got a contract with the snakes after seeing his personality in them, but sasuke didn't want that as he decided to focus on more stuff as the curse mark was already like a miniature sage mode.

Hinata trained with medical jutsu while also mastering her Hyuga skills , one of which being the twin lion fists.

Kakashi also trained and focused on enhancing his chakra levels as it was the field he was lacking behind in.

By the time 2 years and a half finished, Naruto was finally ready to go back home to his family. A whole new person.

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