The Preliminaries

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Third Person POV

After the 5 days have ended, all the winners of the genin were taken to an arena where the hokage and the genin's teachers were sitting.

"Because too many genin have passed the second stage, a single round of randomly selected one-on-one matches will be held where only the victor will get to continue on. Participants' advancement to the finals is no longer contingent upon the success of your teammates." Spoke the old hokage.

Everyone started mumbling and Naruto looked around only to be hit with disappointment when realising that the other Uzumaki hadn't passed.

Suddenly, a screen appeared showing all the competitors.

"Sasuke vs 'Yoroi Akado', me vs Kiba and Hinata vs...Neji" Naruto mumbled.

Sasuke just scoffed and made a 'Hn' sound, Hinata tensed tho.

"You'll do great Hinata-Sama, you've mastered the gentle fist with my help and your taijutsu should be better than his also you have a bigger jutsu arsenal." Naruto assured as he placed a hand on Hinata's shoulder.

The girl sighed and nodded her head slightly before they all headed away for the first match to start.

The first match was Sasuke's and he easily won using enough jutsu to wipe the floor with his enemy.

Then it was Zaku Abumi vs Shino Aburame where Shino won.

Misumi Tsurugi vs. Kankurō's fight ended up in Kankurō winning

Sakura Haruno vs. Ino Yamanaka was probably the most disappointing as it ended up in a double knockout.

Tenten vs. Temari was a match that Naruto considered interesting due to both barely using ninjutsu, Temari won af the end.

After that, came Shikamaru Nara vs. Kin Tsuchi, where Naruto's lazy friend won while showing his brains over brawn technique.

Then came Gaara vs. Rock Lee, Lee showed great strength opening alot  of the 8 gates, Gaara ended up winning, peacefully though as Naruto glared at him the moment he felt Gaara tried to kill Lee.

Dosu Kinuta vs. Chōji Akimichi ended up in Dosu winning.

The after that was the battle between the 2 Hyugas.

Hinata and Neji stood in front of each other and they both got ready taking similar stances.

Once the battle started, Neji rushed at her, getting his byakugan activated, but Hinata jumped away.

"Running already? What a shame to the main family you are." Neji spat.

Hinata didn't say anything choosing to not let her emotions take the best of her, something that Naruto taught her.

Neji was about to do the Eight Trigrams Sixty-four Palms when Hinata pushed her hand forward, knocking him back with a Chakra wave.

"You can't defeat me, Neji nii-san. Naruto has been training me for months, and I will show you that I'm no longer the weak girl you used to beat up whenever we train." Hinata spoke, her tone not like any tone anyone has ever heard from her.

"You're nothing but a spoilef brat, I'll show the world that the branch family is just as important as you who have cursed us." Neji spat back.

He rushed at hinata to strike her, but she did something that widened everyone's eyes. She spun around performing the Eight Trigram Palms Heavenly Spin.

Neji was knocked back, and Hinata didn't waste a second before striking his tenketsu point near his neck, making him fall to the ground, unable to move.

An entire minute passed by with Neji mumbling and trying to stand up to no use as Hinata struck more tenketsu points.

"Neji Hyuga is unable to continue the fight, Hinata Hyuga wins!"

The genin cheered loud and clear, and Naruto immediately teleported next to her.

"Good job Hinata-Chan, let's take him to his sensei, though." Naruto said, pointing at the other genin.

In a flash, a presence was in front of the two, and Naruto beamed at the person.

"Gai sensei!" Naruto shouted.

"Hello Naruto! What a lovely time to see you, my youthful student." Gai spoke with a smile, placing his hands on Naruto's shoulders.

It wasn't long before Gai took Neji away, and the last match started. Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inazuka.

"I'll show you Uzumaki, I'm going to wipe the floor with your face, I've been training everyday for this moment!" Kiba said with a smirk.

He immediately did his fang over fang technique and rushed at Naruto.

The blonde smirked before disappearing the re-appearing next to Kiba and kicking him out the arena shattering the wall.

"... The winner is Naruto Uzumaki!"

The crowd remained silent for a moment, completely shocked before they all shouted in union making the teen smirk.

"And with that, the preliminaries are over! A month and the finals will begin, and the Chunins will be selected."

After that, all the genin headed back to their homes, ready to train again for their final fight.

For an entire month, Naruto remained training slightly, not bothered to try hard enough.

He informed Jiraiya and Tsunade of what Orochimaru went through and knew that the snake sannin couldn't do anything bad due to the injury he sustained.

The only training Naruto had was that with his 2 tomoe rinnegan, he had learnt of all the paths and that had even shocked the nine tails that was slowly growing to respect the teen.

Kakashi offered to train him, but Naruto rejected it, wanting the man to focus on Sasuke, whom Naruto hoped could finally grow to see him as a friend.

The month passed in the blink of an eye, and Naruto was finally ready to reach the second phase of his Ninja career.

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