1 | the vanguard

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"holy shit! Guys, look what I found!" The jester burst out with a wide smile, looking at his fellow friends.

"Oh god, I always get scared when Bettel finds something." The buff male exclaimed, walking towards the entertainer. "Come on, you two" he added, turning back to look at the pilot and exorcist.

The two stopped pushing eachother, looking up at the archer in defeat.

"What is it this time, Bettel?" The exorcist, Banzoin Hakka sighed. "Better not be a-" He gets cut off as the jester raises his arms, only to have a girl laying in them. "Is that.." A chirpy voice speaks, getting the attention of everyone around him. "A girl?"

"The fuck else would it be?" Hakka snickers, landing a slap on the pilots shoulder. "She looks pretty beat up," Shinri, the archer, observes, looking at the scratches and blood on the females body. Bettel layed her down on the cold stone floor, she lied completely unconscious, unaware of what was happening.

"We should take her back to the headquarters. Maybe Magni 'll know what to do with her". The purple haired male speaks up, now realising the situation. "She looks pale as hell too."

"What if she's with the bad guys?" Flayon asks, receiving stares from his friends. "I know an enemy when I see one, now let's go, she's getting paler by the second." Hakka replies, letting the archer lift the girl up. "We're pretty far from headquarters, can't we take Flay's robot instead?" Bettel asks, walking alongside Shinri.

"First of all, his name is R-TRUS. Get it right, you clown! Plus, I don't think there'll even be room for 3 tall ass men and a girl, like jeez." Flayon huffed, taking a breath. "That things huge, the fuck do you mean there won't be any room?" Hakka asks, looking at the red haired male. "I just... It doesn't matter, okay? We're not taking R-TRUS," With that, Flayon turned his back on the exorcist with a groan.

"Even if we did end up taking the robot, how would it get here?' The jester asks another stupid question, making the short pilot roll his eyes. "He's remote controllable."

"Oh, right! Yeah."

The four men walked through the ruined villages swiftly, no voice could be heard. Every few minutes one of the boys looked down at the girl, checking if she was doing okay. Eventually, they made it back to the Tempus headquarters.

"Magni, Magni!!" Flayon raced up to the alchemists wooden door inside of the stone built building. Flayon tapped his left foot on the ground impatiently as the alchemist made his way to the door.

"What do you wa- oh". The male spoke lowly, his eyes meeting the girls body. "Is that-" he begins, getting cut off by Shinri. "Yes, it's a girl, now let us in."

Magni steps to the side to make room for the four men now entering his lab, filled with colourful potions and steam. Shinri finally placed the female down onto the wide metal table, which had a few stains here and there.

"What happened to her?" Magni asks, reaching for his gloves. "We don't know, we just found her like this" Bettel answers in a serious tone. "Leave this to me, now go, shoo" The blonde male eventually says, pushing the archer, jester, pilot and exorcist out of his dim lit room.

The four boys sit down at the long wooden table, which they usually sat at during meetings. "What will we do with her? If she wakes up, I mean." Hakka's first to speak, leaving the question hang for a few moments. "She can stay here" Flayon suggests cheerfully.

"She's probably weak as hell, there's no way she'll survive here." Bettel truthfully says, receiving "are you serious" glances from the others.

"I mean yeah, but we can always teach her something. We've had a bunch of time latley." Hakka adds with a nod, "Shinri? Do you have anything to say?" The exorcist asks, noticing how quiet the archer was.

"We should speak to leader about this." His deep voice eventually said, coming to the final answer.

The six males sat at the wooden table, waiting for their leader, Regis Altare to arrive. Magni was missing since he was still in his lab, but he promised that he would come.

"Greetings, boys!" A cheerful voice was heard, coming towards the guild. "Oh, Leader, hello." Vesper said, standing up to greet him. The other 5 men repeated his actions, waiting for what their leader had to say.

"Sit down, sit down." Altare waved his hand, motioning for them to sit down. The guild listened and sat, Altare did the same shortly after. "Today's meeting was requested by Josuiji Shinri and the Vanguard. Please, tell us what you have to say."

Shinri stood up once again, clearing his throat. "Me, Gavis, Banzoin and Machina found a girl earlier," the three vanguard boys' nose scrunched as they heard their last names mentioned. "She looked pretty beat up, so we brung her here. She's in Magnis lab right now, actually. We were wondering if she could stay here until she got better."

"A girl you say, huh? Sounds like trouble." Axel Syrios growled, before being shushed by Vesper.

"Well..." Altare started, immediately quieting everyone. "I'll allow it, on one condition."

"You four," The leader said, pointing at Hakka, Shinri, Bettel and Flayon. "You'll be taking care of her. She isn't our buisness, if you can keep her under control then there's no problem with that." He finished. By "our" he meant himself, the gladiator, the scholar and the alchemist.

"I understand, thank you." Shinri bowed, the same did his teammates.

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