¿17? | regis altare

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dearest (y/n),

altare here, and like always, we still miss you loads. it's just so empty here without you now. even though it's been a year since you know.. that happened, i still write to you, ridiculously thinking that you'll actually receive these. i don't know, i just sometimes feel like you can actually read these. it's crazy, i know, but hey, this place is full of magic and creatures, so there is a possibility, right?

anyway, the guild has been trying their best, even though all of us are still filled with pain after the battle, we're holding on.

axel has been iffy, but i think that's he's been coping with those awful jokes of his. but he always trys to cheer us up, which i appreciate!! he barely visits his arena anymore, though. both magni and vesper had been on a long expedition together, about two months to be exact. just a week or so ago, they sent a letter that they're leaving our guild. i hope they're doing alright.

vanguard on the other hand, have been quiet. crazy, i know! they've been focusing on training real hard, but i can tell that they're definitely not doing the best mentally. i also hope they're okay. bettels been.. well, normal. it's like his strangeness has gone away, and he's just a normal person now. of course, he still is our beloved jester, but it's not the same. hakka's barely been inside, he's always out, either training or doing exorcisms.. you know how he is. i haven't seen him a whole lot, and i hope he's safe.

flayon, gosh, i can't even put it into words how much he talks about you everyday. genuinely, there hasn't been a day during these long twelve months where he hasn't mentioned you. shinri, i think, has been coping with it in the most best way. you can tell that he's sad, but whenever he can, he brings the whole guild together for some family time, and our problems disappear for a while.

i'm so proud of them, (y/n). so proud. they're dealing with this well, and i hope that they know how much i love them.

i myself, of course, have been filled with regret for what i did. if you somehow receive this, even if you're a ghost, im sorry. i hope you can forgive me. just recently, a new gun was at the halls doorstep. i figured that someone had heard about the fight, and wanted to give me a new gun, so the current one didn't remind me of those events. there was a note with it. it had a simple sentence, but it filled me with pride.

"to regis altare, the true Hero of elysium."

isn't it nice? the handwriting reminded me of someone, but i still haven't figured who..

there isn't really anything new that has happened since the last time i wrote, besides some escapees from a prison not far from here. they call themselves "Advent." weird, isn't it?


our dearest (y/n), if you're somehow still out there, we hope that you're safe. we hope that you're doing good. no matter what, in our hearts, we will always be sailing the same boat, no matter what happens. you still belong here with us, (y/n). here in Elysium.

best regards, guild leader regis altare, and guild TEMPUS

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