15 | axel syrios

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About three hours later, after they left, Axel did indeed come back.

"yo, (y/n) you here?" Axel called as he walked through the door, clicking on a button on his mask, and then setting it down onto the table.

You peep your head around the door from the library, hearing him. "Yeah!" You reply, jumping up from your seat, making the book fall off your lap onto the floor as you run up to him.

"Is everything alright? Are you hurt?" You ask, seeing the bruises on his face. "Naahh, just a bit. I'm alright though!" Axel replies, facing you. "Here, I'll bandage it up for you." You reply, heading over to the small med kit you had by the counter.

"Put your shirt off," You say, looking down into the small box as you took out a few things. Axel didn't reply, but you heard how he pulled his shirt off, placing it on the table. You look back up, now facing his bare chest as you inspected the multiple bloody bruises on his skin.

"Oh godd" you mutter under your breath, as you began dabbing the cotton onto the marks, making him wince.

"Fuckkk, (y/n), slower" he whines, as you curse something under your breath again.

"What even happened out there?" You ask, ignoring his complaining. "There was this huuuugeee group of corrupted beasts coming for a place nearby here" Axel replied, looking down at you while you wrapped up his chest with a bandage.

"And the others are still fighting? Why did you even come home?"

"I was too injured, apparently. Which isn't even true, Altare is in a really bad condition right now, and despite that he's still fighting." Axel sighed, as he let you wrap up his arms with bandages too.

"He's an amazing leader,," you say quietly. Altare really did amaze you, he was absolutely incredible and probably the best founder you could ever imagine.

"Not wrong there, sweet cheeks" Axel said as he patted your head the moment you finished. He stretched for a second, before turning to you again. "You know, you could train with me for a while if you'd like, yo" The gladiator offered with a smug smile.

"I guess.." you reply, following him outside to the arena, with him by your side. "I own this place, by the way" He flexed, winking at you as you raised your eyebrows at him.


"Alrighty, let's get this show on the road then.." Axel turned around, his back to you. You followed him to the middle of the arena, watching him drag the chains on his gloves across the dry ground.

"Fight me." He turned around, basically in a growl, his mask and neon glowing ears on.


"So, how was that?" Axel patted your back, now returning back to HQ with you. You looked up at him, your face covered in dirty marks and your hair all messed up, as well as your clothes.

"Great.. Axel!!" You say with enthusiasm, punching his shoulder. "Ohh, now you've done it" He paused, picking you up and throwing you onto his shoulder, as you continue hitting into his back, literally crying with laughter.

"Put me down you huge dog!!!" You wailed in defeat as he ran home, purposely treading on all the stones.


Five hours later, it has gotten dark, and you finally sat down by the table, ready to take a bite out of your food. Axel had left again, to return to the fight. However, before you could pick up your fork, the silence was interrupted by loud screech from behind the window by the table.

Your head shot up, to be met with piercing purple eyes that belonged to a huge dark coloured raven. You opened the window slightly, after you noticed the familiar feather ornament on its head, recognising that it belonged to Hakka.

The majestic bird held a scroll in its claws, lowering down and placing the scroll gently into your hands.

Dearest (y/n),

the situation with the corruption beasts is getting worse, and they're nearing Elysium. Please listen to what I'm about to say, and don't come after us. We need you to leave Elysium as soon as possible; it's not safe for you anymore, (y/n). If this all ends well, we'll come and find you again. If it doesn't, then this will most likely be the last goodbye from me. Farewell, (y/n), thank you for everything you've done for me and the guild, we appreciate it alot. Please, stay safe on your way to safety, and make sure you take Hakka's raven with you just in case.

Regis Altare.

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