9 | movie night

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"No, but really. We want to give you all our thanks" Hakka smiled, his eyes soft. "Thank you, but it's really nothing!" you blush, waving your hand. "But-" Bettel began, "stop y'all are making me go all soft" You tell him, making the others shush.

"It's nothing, really. I can always do this again, I don't mind. Just don't expect me to become your slave or something, I'm not that type of woman" You contine to speak to the guild.

"Are you an angel sent from heaven?" Axel suddenly said, "I literally just cleaned, what's up with you guys?" You tilt your head slightly, amused. Everyone stayed quiet and looked at you, some were red while others were pink. "What?" You ask again.

"Nothing.. let's just, uh, eat." Altare managed to say, before biting into his food.


"I call for a movie" Shinri says, leaving the table and walking into the main room. "I second that!" Flayon said, running behind him. "Wait for me" You call, wiping your mouth quickly and racing into the room after them.

"Who'll clean?" Hakka asked, wiping his fingers into a napkin nearby. "I'll do it, it's just a few plates. I'll be there inna sec" Axel spoke up, taking the rest sitting at the table by surprise. "If you say so.." Altare sighed, brining his and the others plates to the sink. "The dishwashers empty to it shouldn't take more then a minute." He added, before leaving.


"Budge up, yo" Axel snarled, pointing at Altare who took up half of the couch. "I'm good, sit on the floor" The leader calmly said, making you chuckle. You sat on the side, your arm resting on the armrest next to you, with Altare's head somehow on your lap. His legs took up the other half, which led to the rest to sit on the floor or the few armchairs in the room.

"Be quiet, Axel" you hushed, pulling Altare slowly up into a sitting position so the gladiator could finally sit and shut up. Flayon sat in an armchair right next to you, glaring at his leader every few minutes and watching his actions.

Flayon hated how jealous he was getting, but he couldn't help but remember how it was him and his team that saved you, not Altare and his little group. So it was only fair that you hung out with the Vanguard and not them. He decided to just ignore what was going on around him, and focus on the movie.

Hakka, on the other hand, couldn't get his eyes off you. He didn't want to admit it either, but miraculously during the two days he had known you he developed a tiny crush on you. Of course, he wasn't going to tell a soul.

Then of course, there was Bettel. He wasn't really watching what was going on around him, since he was really focused on the movie. But deep down in his mind, there was a voice telling him to go start a conversation with you, which he decided to ignore.

The movie Shinri had picked out was about two hours long, but knowing yourself, you had never watched an entire movie without falling asleep before the end. And of course, that's what happened. Your breathing was slow and steady, your head had leaned to the side, resting it lightly on Altare's shoulder. He didn't notice until Vesper pointed it out, making the leader absolutely freeze.

"Move her mate, make sure she's lyin' down comfortably." Axel hisses to now a sweaty Altare, who struggled to move around. "Should I carry her to her room?" He whispers back, nervous about possibly waking you up by accident. "If ya want, atleast there 'll be more room"

Altare shot Axel a nasty glare before looking back at you. "Hey, Shinri!" The blue haired male hissed at the male across the room. He successfully caught the archers attention, before motioning for him to come over.

"Could you carry her up to her room? Thanks"

Shinri nodded, picking you up into his arms and making his way out of the room. Flayon turned around just before the male left with (y/n), a hurt look on his face.



first of all, thank you all so much for your comments, I read all of them and I appreciate them so much! Also, thank you so much for reading this! I'm kinda wondering whether I should keep this as tempus vg or the entire tempus, since as you've probably noticed tempus hq has been mentioned ALOT. I might write a separate one for hq after I finish this, but idk yet LFNSOAO, but yes i put the main focus on our beloved lil leader because yes he deserves luv too😽, again, thank you all so much and I'll see you guys in the next chapter <3

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