12 | back home

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"(y/n)?!" The purple haired male called out, still searching for the girl. He looked up, only to be met with a huge building, which he actually recognised. It was the place where the two members of the MaFia lived. That meant that Kageyama Shien and Aragami Oga most likely were resided there at this moment, unless they were both on a mission.

Hakka got closer to the large door, about to knock. His actions got interrupted by hearing somebody unlocking the door from inside, so he stepped back a bit.

A taller, dark skinned man stepped out, holding the hand of (y/n). "do not worry, you'll be home soo-" Oga spoke, not noticing who was in their way. Miyabi, Izuru and Shien let out a tiny chuckle, immediately covering it up as a cough as the girl smacked face first into Hakka's chest.

"Wh.. (y/n)?! Oh, thank god!" Hakka exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug, which surprised you. "Hakka?" Oga asked, just as shocked as you. "Ohh, Oga-senpai! How are you?"

"Okay," The tall male replied, before stepping backwards. "申し訳ありませんが、チャットする時間がありません。私は途中で、さようなら (sorry, but I don't have time to chat. Well, we'll be on our way now, goodbye)" Hakka spoke in Japanese so the others could understand him. They nodded, waving to them before shutting the door.

"Are you okay?" Was the first thing the exorcist asked you, as you made your way back to the tempus headquarters.

"I'm fine,"

"I asked how you were doing, not how you look" Hakka muttered, but you didn't fail to hear him. You blush, waiting for him to speak again. "We've been worried. Even Altare almost pulled that huge ass sword out" He reports, addressing the events that happened earlier. "But Magni kept being bossy and told us not to go looking for you."

"Hey!!" A voice from behind the duo interrupted, making them turn around. "We can come with you!" Oga exclaimed, speaking in English, with Shien, Miyabi and Izuru behind him. Hakka froze. "Thank you! But I don't think that would be necessary. Besides, we have a meeting to attend in about an hour or so!" The exorcist politely rejected, tugging on your arm slightly.

"We do?" A confused (y/n) questioned, tilting her head.

Hakka didn't have anything against his JP senpais, in fact, he deeply looked up to them. But the last thing he wanted was for his (y/n) to be hanging out with a Mafia and his friends, who spoke a language the poor girl didn't even understand.

"Anyways, It's only been like, an hour. I was doing fine with the JP boys" You continue, after apologizing to the men who wanted to come with. Hakka couldn't help but get a tad bit jealous. "Well if you say so,"


"Back!" You call into the guild hall, your voice making echo's. "(y/n)!!" Flayon cried out, running towards you quickly. "Hi Flay," you smile, as he pulled you into a hug. "What is going on in here.. oh, (y/n), you're back." Vesper spoke out, making his way towards you. By the time everyone else came, you were squeezed in a huge group hug. "G..guys-" you somehow manage to breathe out. "Oh lord, sorry (y/n)!!" Altare apologized, stepping away from you as the rest copied his actions.

The second the physical touch you were getting stopped, the entire guild started to ask you questions. And lots of them.

"Are you okay??, do I need to take you to my lab or something?"

"Where did that potion take you?"

"Bro why the fuck did you drink it?!"

"Calm the fuck down Axel, you're the one who drinks every potion you see!"


a/n: man i pinky promise im going back to writing, so sorry about no updates😭 thank you for all the ideas everyone put in the discord server, im so sorry for not using them in this chapter but i definitely will in the future!!<3

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