7 | the word elysium

482 17 13

You had an amazing time with everyone, you got to know most of the guys and they all seemed to like you. Some of them said that they would like to teach you something, like Hakka offered to teach you some martial arts, while Shinri offered to teach you archery.

"So, tell me more about this place!" You beam. "This" Bettel began, motioning around himself. "Is Elysium."

"The word; Elysium, doesn't refer to this place alone. We had to make our move to find out more about the world, and to find new adventures, and, some new friends." Altare finished with a wink while the other boys clapped. "How poetic" you giggle, while clapping with the others.

Eventually, around five am, you decided to head to bed and so did the others.

" 'night (y/n), it was nice talking to you!" Altare called from behind you. All the boys sat around one larger table, still in the Peanut Gallery. "G'night Altare." You called back, leaving the room.

"Do you think she enjoyed it?" Bettel asks the other males once you left. "Enjoy what?" Vesper questions.

"My show"

"Oh," Vesper replied, and stopped talking afterwards. "Did you see her smile when I called her to come onto the stage?" The jester excitedly continued to rattle, but nobody spoke. "We saw" Flayon flatly answers, which was unlikely for him. He was normally the loudest and most energetic of the group.

"Sorry" Bettel says, noticing the change in his voice and stopped talking.

"We didn't tell her about tomor- well, today's mission though, she'll wonder where we are." Magni finally spoke up, making the rest of the adventures guild realise their situation. "We'll leave a note, that should do it" Vesper suggests, as everyone else nods in agreement.

"Anyway boys, I think I'm going to get ready for our mission, we leave in about an hour. I suggest you do too" Magni sighed, standing up. "See you all then" He adds, before leaving the room.

"Imma dip too, y'all coming?" Hakka says after the alchemist leaves, and also stands up.

"Yeah," the pilot replies with another short, dry answer.


"I'm planning on taking (y/n) out to train with me later," Hakka grins, playing with his fingers as he walked up the stairs with Flayon by his side.

"You haven't taught her anything yet? Pfft" The shorter male snickers, receiving a confused glace from his teammate. "I showed her how to control R-TRUS"


"What, you jealous?" Flayon teases, before not hearing an laugh come from the exorcist. "Sorry," he quickly adds.

"She told me you apparently flirted with her last night, when you showed her her room."

"She told you.. what?" Hakka freezes, looking down at Flayon. "You heard me, that you told her that her eyes are pretty."

"That wasn't flirting though, it was a compliment" Hakka explains nervously, still looking at the pilot.

The two stayed quiet for a while. The short corridor suddenly felt long, Hakka felt like he'd been walking for a bit too long now.

"Hakka, I think I like her" Flayon
admitted, failing to notice the glare Hakka was giving him.

"What? But you.. you literally met her yesterday."

"I know, but, she's just so loveable and nice. How could you not love her?" The red haired male said, blushing.

"Oh. Yeah, i guess so"

"You good?" Flayon asked his friend, noticing his sudden change in tone again.



You woke up, covered in sweat. God, it sure was hot in.. what was it? Right, Elysium, you remembered. The boys had told you all about this place last night.

Speaking of which, you didn't hear any voices coming from downstairs, and it was about ten pm. You quickly threw on your clothes from yesterday; since you didn't have any.

You pattered down the wooden staircase, your bare feet making quiet clapping sounds. You held onto the side of the wall, while jumping off the last step. "Guys?" You called out into the main room. As you got closer to the table, you didnt fail to notice the note lying right on the edge.

You pick it up, your eyes following the words at the beginning.

(y/n), the whole guild had to leave for a mission, well it's not really a mission but you get what I mean. We should be back sometime at night, evening the earliest. please stay safe, try not to die and don't go into our rooms, there are some dangerous things inside of there.

love, baxfyonrtthkktarespteri <-- (ignore that:) )

You blinked about six times before reading the last words. Who the actual fucks name was that supposed to be? You squinted your eyes, before seeing the dark smudges underneath the letters. It seemed like they all tried to sign the note at once.

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