14 | mission

302 11 5

sososo sorry this took forever to publish, the whole thing restarted like twice and I had to keep rewriting it hhhh

The question took the exorcist by surprise. He didn't even think of the fact that she would have to leave them, if he had to be honest. "well.." Hakka began, receiving your attention. "would you like to go home?"


For about three days now, you had been training with Shinri. And you supposed that the training had finally payed off, knowing that last evening you shot atleast five bullseyes. Today, you began your training with Flayon. Honestly, you were wondering what he was even going to teach you. How to control a mech? How to fix one?? You thought as you stepped infront of the pilots door.

Last afternoon, yesterday; everyone but Vesper and Flayon had to leave, but they refused to tell you where or why they were going.

"(Y/N)!!" Flayon loudly bursted, pulling open the door aggressively before you could even knock. "Hi, Machi" you wave, smiling. Flayon peeked his head outside the door, looking to each side before grabbing your arm and pulling you in.

What's up with him?

The moment you step in, you lay your eyes on the huge stash of candy he had on his bed. Ah. So that's why he was this hyper. "(y/n), (y/n)!!!" The boy literally bounced around you, as you tried your best to calm him down. "calm your ass, gosh. never thought someone 'ld be this excited to see me!" You laugh, as Flayon finally sat down.

"We'll finally get to spend more time together, now that I've got you under my wing!~" The pilot announced, with a smug grin. "Yeah, yeah.. what're you even going to teach me anyways?"


For about two hours now, all you did was shit-talk the other guild members with Flayon, who was lying on the floor beside you, drying his eyes.

You turn around for a second, hearing a sound. As you turn back to look at the pilot, he was now fully dressed, digging through the drawer Infront of him.


Flayon turned around, a sorry look visible on his soft face. "I'm sorry, but i need to leave. The others need me"

You nod seriously, before turning to look at the door after hearing footsteps pattering quickly. "Flayon, come on" Vesper peeked into the room, noticing you. "Ah, (y/n). Hello, dear" The male said calmly, before shooting Flayon a glare. "Aight, aight, coming, jeez" The pilot finally said in defeat, running up to the door, turning around one more time to give a wave.

"Don't fear, I'm pretty sure that Axel will be returning soon." Vesper said, as he got closer to you, looking down into your eyes. You stare back into his pale, purple pupils, giving him a little nod. You open you mouth to say something, but before any sound could leave your mouth, you got interrupted.

"Vesper!" Flayon snapped, it was obvious that he was jealous. Vesper muttered something under his breath, taking steps backwards and leaving the room with Flayon right behind.

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