10 | teleportation potion

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side note, there will be japanese in this part of the story!! I'll put a little translation next to each jp sentence just like I did with the ES one:3


"Heyy," you call, reaching the last step and walking towards the filled table. You had heard sounds coming from the guild hall for a while now, so you decided to come downstairs.

"Morning, (y/n)" Altare sighs, not even looking up. He, and the rest of the team sat by the table, covered in notes, letters and pieces of paper. You stayed quiet, watching them talk with eachother.

"Well, yeah, but don't forget about those letters Miyabi and Izuru-senpai sent us. We can't just, not reply."

"Did y'all read the messages we got from Myth? It sounds pretty important!"

"Flayon, give me that"

"Rio-senpai wrote something in that god awful handwriting of his, can someone read it for me?"

You listened to the guild, confused as you tried your best to not eavesdrop them. You eventually got up, going towards the counter to make yourself some food.

"Could you make 'sum food for me too, please?" Axel asked, lifting his head up. "Yeah," you mumble loud enough for him to hear you. "Thanks!" You reply to him with a hum before returning to the counter.

You place a few plates infront of each male, receiving surprised but pleased glances from them. "Thanks (y/n), god I sure am hungry" Magni licked his lips before biting into his food.

You walk back to where you placed your plate, noticing a small glass filled with a purple-ish liquid. It looked something like a drink, so you took it. A little taste test wouldn't hurt, right? You leave the guild hall, making your way to the TV room.


"Are we done yet, leader?" Flayon groaned, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Aaand, yep! That should be it for today" Altare sighed out, placing the letters on one stack, tying it up together with a blue ribbon.

The guild began to get up, probably going to go to their rooms. That was, until someone spoke up. "Where's (y/n)?" Hakka suddenly says, making everyone else look up at him.

"(y/n)? why, she was right her- oh.." Vesper motions to the empty seat next to him. The males had been reading reports for a few hours now, and they all forgot about their female guest.

"Oh fuck." Magni says from behind them, with a worried expression plastered on his face. "What is it Dez..?" The boys' leader replies, the same expression covering his usual smile.

"Did any of you guys move the potion I had here? On the counter?"

Now it was everyone else's turn to realize what had most likely happened. "What.. what potion? Describe it." Altare speaks again, the others stayed quiet.

"You know.. the teleportation potion? The one I keep here at all times just incase of an emergency." Magni explains. "If she did end up drinking it, the effect should wear off in about an hour. That is, if something doesn't happen to her."


"こんにちは ? (hello?)" Somebody spoke from above (y/n)'s limp body, her eyes shut.

"おい、彼女は死んでいるかもしれないと思う (dude, I think she might be dead)" Miyabi finally said, returning back to his normal height. "あなたは考える(you think?)" His friend, Kanade Izuru asked from next to him, poking the girls body with a long stick he found earlier.

The two only wanted to go out for a short walk, but they suddenly found a random girl lying nearby Usada Pekora's burrow thing, (they didn't know what to call it).

"彼女を揺らしてみてください! (try shaking her!)" Izuru cheekily said, receiving a weird look from the red haired boy. "何?、いいえ!(what?, no!)" Miyabi snapped, kicking away the twig the so called "catboy" was holding.

"Wh..." You suddenly speak, making the two males jump, holding onto eachother. "みやび、死んだと言ったじゃないか!(Miyabi, you said she was dead!)" Izuru cried out, now letting go of the other boy.

"しっ、話させてくれ (shh, let me do the talking)" Miyabi waved his hand before stepping forwards, lowering down into a crouching position.

"どこから来たの?何か痛いですか?(Where are you from? Does anything hurt?)"

Shit, you think. They were speaking Japanese. You tried to reply with your poor Japanese back at the boy, making his brows furrow due to your speech.

"um, 私は日本語を話せません? (I don't speak Japanese)"

"Oh, uh," The male with the little blossom hairclip replied, now speaking English. "彼女をテンパスボーイズに連れていくべきだろう(we should probably bring her to the tempus boys)" Miyabi muttered into Izuru's ear, as he nodded.

"We will take you to Tempus" now the black haired boy spoke, slowly. You nod, excitement bubbling up inside you. You had no idea how you got here, who these guys were, but you knew that soon you'd be back with the guild. Well, hopefully.


A/N: short note, I've never really watched the JP senpais, so I deeply apologize if Miyabi or Izuru are of character! Same goes for the Japanese, I don't speak it and I am using a translator, so apologies if there are any wrong translations!! I also wanted to say sorry for how long this chapter took to upload, I had a few issues while writing it so yeah LMFOA

question, should I make a discord server for updates/spoilers :3 (if I did would y'all join)

Again, thank you for reading and see you soon!! Mwah

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