3 | 18, 432 years old

539 13 9

this chapter contains a bit of spanish so I'll put a little translation note next to it! ^^


"¿Me estás diciendo que hay un espíritu poseyendo a mi hijo? Es por eso que ha estado actuando tan raro. (You're telling me that there's a spirit possessing my son? That's why he's been acting so weird)" The boys mother asked Hakka, who simply nodded.

Hakka lowered his hand, placing the tea on the small tray beside him. "Acuéstese y trate de mantenerlo calmado, ¿? (Lie down, and try to keep him calm, yeah?)" The exorcist ordered, the older woman
held onto her son's arms as she lowered his body to put him into a laying down position.

" nuestro amparo contra la maldad y asechanzas del diablo; Que Dios lo reprenda, oramos humildemente; Y- (Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And-)" Hakka muttered, wafting his corrupted hand above the guests body, before getting cut off by hearing his door creak open.

"I told you guys to stay ou-!" Hakka aggressively says, turning around to see who interrupted him. His eyes locked with your (e/c) ones, causing him to stop the exorcism.

"You're awake.." He slightly smiles, lowering his arm. You take a look at the sight and what he was doing. "Oh, fuck, sorry, I'll leave." You quickly say, apologizing. You shut the door and run back to the corridor. Time to find this Shinri guy.

You walked alongside the shut doors, wondering which would lead to the man you were supposed to find. You stopped infront of a promising looking doorway and pushed it opened.

You blinked a few times, trying to get used to the neon lights around you. "You're awake! Finally!" A voice chirps, but you couldn't find the source.

"Machina X Flayon, at your service!" You watch as a short, red haired boy jumps Infront of you with a smile, and an extended arm. You hesitantly shake it, before speaking to him, he looked about 18 at the most.

"Uhm, do you know me?" You ask, confused. "Uhh, no! But I saved you!" He cheekily smiles, grabbing your hand and leading you further into his room. You bite your lip, "Look, uh, Machina, I can't stay." You say to him, a bit worried of where he was leading you. "Call me Flayon, and why wouldn't you be able to stay? I've been waiting days for you to wake up!"

You thought about his answer. Why couldn't you stay? You didn't have anything to do other then find Shinri. You had plenty of time, anyway. "Well, you do have a point.."

"Come on then!" The boy encouraged as you gave up. "Fine" you chuckle, following the pilot.


"Oh, I forgot to show you R-TRUS!! Quick, follow me!" Flayon remembered, before pulling you to another part of his huge room. You had been hanging out with him for about an hour now, during that time Flayon told you about himself and what you should do if you met his teammates.

You also found out that he was 18,432 years old, which took you by surprise. He was a sweet and energetic little guy though, you had to admit.

"Coming!" You follow by his command, looking up to see a giant red robot infront of you two. "This is R-TRUS! my robot" he smugly says, leaning his arm on the bots polished side.

"Holy shit, you can control this thing?" You ask in awe, as Flayon nodded happily. He was glad someone finally took interest in his creations and hobbies.

"Yeah, wanna take him out for a ride? I can teach you how to use him!" The pilot's lips turned into a cute smile.

"Oh, absolutely."

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