Chapter: 2

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Hero's Only Sidekick 2

  "(y/n), time to wake up." Alfred shakes you gently. Sitting up you realize that your in Alfred's room. He must have brought you here instead of your house last night. Not that it really mattered considering your house was right next door. Plus you had clean clothes over here, just like Alfred had some of his clothes at your house. 

  "Alfie, what time is it?" You ask your best friend. He looks at his phone before looking back at you. 

  "It's five in the morning. Tuesday." He answers your next question before any words even leave your mouth. "And yes, everyone know where you are."

  "And my parents are okay with this?" You ask. 

  He gulps and rubs the back of his head. "Your mom is, and your dad, not so much. But your mom ended up talking your dad into letting you sleep here."

  You stand from the bed and realize that your in different clothes then you were yesterday when Alfred found you. You take  a deep breathe trying to calm your nerves. It was probably his mom that changed your clothes, not Alfred. You want to ask but keep your mouth shut, saving yourself the embarrassment. 

  "Your gonna need a jacket." He said grabbing his from his desk chair and placing it on your shoulders. You smile a thanks and slip you arms into the sleeves. You know this is his favourite jacket. He never lets anyone wear his jacket, not even any of his past girlfriends. 

  You slowly walk down the creaky steps with Alfred trailing behind you. You open his front door and he follows you. The two of you walk across the lawn and make it to your door. Your about to give Alfred his jacket when he stops you. 

  "You can borrow it. It's going to be cold in the morning anyway." He smiles. "I'll see you in mathematics tomorrow, since I won't see you in the morning because of football practice." 

  You nod and grab the door knob. Opening it you walk inside, closing the door behind you. You quickly go to the window watching Alfred to make sure that he gets to his house okay. Once he's inside you turn only to see your mom looking at you with a sad smile. 

  "He hasn't said anything to you yet, has he?" Your mom asks coming to give you a hug. You hug her back trying not to cry. Alfred doesn't realize that he's holding your heart in his hand and that he has been for ten years. When you were eight you thought maybe this crush you had on Alfred would fade, but it was the complete opposite, it had only gotten stronger. 


  "Mom, I don't know what to do." You confess. Your mom just shakes her head and continues to stroke your hair. After about five minutes of standing there she finally pulls away. 

  "Well, you're making progress. You have his jacket on." Your mom smiles. 

  "It's not anything new, I've worn his jacket before." You tell your mom rolling your eyes. 

  "Yes, but have you ever worn it to school before?" Your mom asks making you clue into what she was saying. Your mom was saying that maybe, just maybe, your best friend liked you back. 

  "Elizabeta, who are you talking to?" Your dad asks from the top of the stairs. You peek out from around your mom and when your dad sees you he practically running down the stairs and giving you a hug. At first your a bit shocked because this is the most he's ever been excited. But you get over it quickly, hugging him back. 

  When the two of you finally break apart your dad looks at you with a smile. "I was so worried." He says and brushes your hair behind your ear. 

  "I've got to go get dressed and ready for school." You say as you break away and head up the stairs to your room. Looking at the clock on you bedside table you see that it's now five forty five. Deciding there's no point of going back to sleep you head over to your dresser to get dressed. 

  You pull out black skinny jeans, and look for the perfect shirt to wear with Alfred's bomber jacket. Finding nothing you open up the bottom drawer and pull out Alfred's old light blue shirt. It doesn't fit him anymore and you don't know why you never got rid of it, but your kinda relieved that you didn't. Shrugging it on you put his jacket back on and head down the stairs. 

  "(Y/n)," Your mother calls from down the stairs. "Alfred's at the door for you." 

  You quickly make your way to the bottom of the stairs and look at Alfred. Tilting your head to the right you silently ask him why he's here. He motions for you to come outside and you look at your mom. She nods her head but tells you to be quick. 

  "What is it, Alfie?" You ask once your outside with the door closed. He looks at you then back towards his house. He sort of seems unsure as to if he wants to tell you. 

  "(Y/n), Sara came to my house about ten minutes ago. When I opened the door, she asked me out." Alfred told me and I blinked at him in shock. 

  "Well Alfie if you want to go out with her it's fine by me. Alfie I've told you, you don't need to tell me about your social life." I say trying to go inside but he grabs me wrist. 

  "No (Y/n) that's not what I came over here to talk about." He said and you look up at him. He smiles sheepishly and scratches the back of his neck. 

  "Well when Sara asked me out it made me realize something." 

  "Oh and what would that be?" You ask him. 

  He doesn't say anything for a moment. "That I want you (Y/n). I've always wanted you, since we were kids." 

  "R- Really?" You ask stunned. 

  "Ya. So (Y/n) will you go out with me?" Alfred asks and you nod. He smiles his lopsided smirk and hugs you around the waist and you slowly bring your hands up and wrap them around his neck. 

  He pulls back a little and looks down at you with a questioning look. "Is that my old shirt?" He asks and you blush. 

  "Y- Ya." You reply a little unsure. 

  Alfred laughs throwing his head back before looking back at you. "Well you certainly look better in it then I ever did." He says and you smile. 

Then you think that today might actually be a good day. And boy could you never be more wrong. 

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