Chapter: 8

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Hero's Only Sidekick 8

After a hard week of training as hard as you could you were finally being shipped off to the real thing. You were a bit nervous but you hardened yourself as well as you could. You needed to be strong, if not for yourself then for the scared Italian sitting beside you. Feliciano needed you and Ludwig to be strong, and that's exactly what you were going to do.

"Jou seem excited for this." Ludwig stated and you looked at him shocked.

"I guess I kind of am. I mean I get to see Alfred, Matthew, my dad, and Gilbert. I know that we're going to war but I can't help but try to look on the bright side." You tell them both and Feliciano nods.

"Sì, I guess your right. I do get to see Lovino again." Feliciano said and you smile at him. He was getting your point, or at least trying to. You looked over at Ludwig and he seemed to get the idea, you were trying to get Feliciano's mind off of the whole might die part of this.

"Ja, (Y/N), you've got a point there, I'll get to see mein bruder again." Ludwig said causing Feliciano to smile a bit. If Ludwig was looking on the bright side then you knew Feliciano would as well.

Suddenly the truck stopped and you all looked up. The Chief came into view and everyone went silent. You could hear gun fire in the background and a few yells. It was a bit terrifying but again, you needed to be strong for Feliciano. So you kept your face blank.

"Alright soldiers, it's about a two mile run from here to the battle field. You will all be starting out with helping the wounded and you will be assigned to other positions as needed. Now go." He yelled the last part but you all got up and started to jog.

You, Ludwig and Feliciano were at the front with a few other people. They all were looking towards your destination but you were looking at the ground. Up ahead a few feet you noticed something was off. There were lumps in the dirt scattered around in a random pattern.

You stopped and everyone else slowly did the same. They all seemed to look at you but you didn't pay any attention. You picked up a couple rocks and threw one onto the nearest lump. It exploded and sent you all flying back but you had happened to let out a scream of surprise. Let's just say you were a bit happy for the sound of the explosion because it drowned out the sound of your scream.

You slowly sat up, coughing on dirt. But when you looked over at the dirt where the lumps had been you noticed they were all gone. It seemed as if the one going off had set off the rest of them. Good, you thought, no one can get hurt that way.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Feliciano asked but it sounded like he was far away when he was right in front of you. It was probably just because your ears were ringing though. You so hoped that it was because of the ringing and that that it didn't stay.

"Y- yeah." You stutter while struggling to your feet. Ludwig helps you up and you thank him and notice everyone else is already on their feet. They all seem to be staring at you and that's when you realize your hat had come off.

"Um, I'll meet you all there." You said a bit unsure. You move to head in the direction to the camp when a hand fell on your shoulder. You looked up to see the guy who you had helped out on the first day.

"We won't tell, just don't let anyone else know." He said and handed you his hat. You looked at everyone else and saw them all nod. "You saved someone's life here so it's the least we can all do."

You nodded and gathered your hair together and shoved it under the hat. The guy you helped yesterday nodded and you all were off again. It took a bit but you all eventually got there in one piece. You were the first one to walk into the first aid tent and you were quickly assigned to go help someone.

"Alfred," You gasped when the man brought you to help him. He had a bullet wound in his side and he needed the bullet removed. You were the first person to show up and that's just what they needed taken care of the most. You looked over at your boyfriend and grabbed the tweezers from the table beside the bed since they seemed to be the only thing that they had that would help.

"Alfred, take deep breaths." You said trying not to cry at seeing the condition he was in. "Just focus on breathing. Now this may hurt but we can't have you healing with a bullet lodged in your side." You said in your normal voice.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" He gasped and you shook your head.

"I came to help. Now don't talk, you'll just waste your breath." You said brought the tweezers to the wound. It was bleeding a lot and you were thankful that you had a strong stomach. Looking at the wound you noticed that you could see the bullet and luckily it wasn't broken.

You took a deep breath and put the tweezers into Alfred's wound. He inhaled sharply and grabbed your shoulder trying not to scream out. It pained you to see him in this much pain but you continued on. You pulled the bloody bullet out and he relaxed a bit.

Moving quickly you put the bullet and tweezers on the ground. Suddenly you were pulled out of the way and Ludwig took the job of wrapping Alfred's wound. You were full on crying now and Feliciano hugged you. You buried your head in Feliciano's shoulder and he just held you as you cried. A few minutes later you started to sniffle and looked over at Alfred to see him looking at you. You walked over to him and gave him a quick hug.

"Where's Matthew and my dad?" You asked. "And Gilbert? Are they all on the battle field?"

"No, Matthew and your dad never made it here. They were taken by the enemy on their way here. About seven people were taken with them." Alfred said as he grabbed your hand.

You stared at him for a moment before nodding. You needed to help them somehow. And since the hero couldn't that meant the problems fell to his sidekick. The only thing was this sidekick didn't mind that. You really wanted to help Matthew, your dad and all of the other people that were taken.

An idea popped into your head but you knew you could only take one other person. It would probably be Gilbert since he was probably the only one that would be willing to help you. Sure Alfred would be willing to help you and so would Ludwig and Feliciano but they you knew you could only bring one, and they needed to be in shape for this. Not trying to be mean to Alfred or anything.

"(L/N), your needed on the battle field." Someone said as they came and handed you a gun. You nodded and grabbed the gun and looked over at Alfred. Please forgive me for what I'm going to do, just know this is for Mattie and all the others that were taken. I'm going to get them back.

You followed the sound of gunshots and stared for a moment when you started to get close. Then suddenly as if knowing your plan Gilbert runs up to you. He grabs your arm, causing you to drop your gun. Then he drags you away behind the trees.

"(Y/N what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I came to help. Now if you could help me I would like to be captured." You said and his eyes widen in shock. "Before you say anything it's because I want to help the nine soldiers that were taken."

Surprisingly he nods. "Okay, so I guess we go into the woods and pretend we're spies. We get behind their defences and we'll be taken when they notice we have no weapons on us. But if we can find where they are keeping our soldiers with out getting caught that's the best option."

"Yep. Exactly." You said. "You can climb trees right?"

"Ja, why?"

"Because we're going to be traveling by tree." You said and Gilbert grinned.

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