Chapter: 1

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Hero's Only Sidekick 1

"(Y/N)!" The blond three year old yelled as you got dragged away. You struggled to get away from the man's grip but it wouldn't loosen. Your best friend ran and you tried to tell him to stop but he wouldn't listen. Suddenly the man stopped dragging you and you stared at Alfred in shock.

"Let her go." Alfred says stomping his foot. He crosses his arms as you gulp in fear.

"Alfie, don't." You say with tears in your eyes. You don't want him to get hurt, if anything you rather take away his pain.

"Yea, be a good little boy and listen to the girl." The tall man smirks his grip tightening on your wrist. You wince in pain and soon regret it. You know that Alfred saw you and he's willing to get hurt just to save you the pain.

"Let her go or you'll regret it." He threatened again. The man smirked and let you go but not before throwing you on the ground. This makes Alfred filled with anger, no one should be able to touch you.

Through a haze you can see the man walking up to Alfred. You try to rise to your feet only to fall again. But this doesn't stop you, you know you need to help Alfred. Once your standing your running over to help the blond.

Suddenly you stop in you tracks. You then realize that the man that was trying to take you away is now on the ground. You look towards Alfred seeing him breath heavily. You start to ask if he's alright when his gaze shoots up to meet yours.

"Alfie?" You asked but he shakes his head, quickly walking around the man and grabbing your hand. Then your being dragged away again but this time by Alfred whose bringing you back to your parents.

Turning to look at you Alfred starts to play with your (h/c) hair. He looks down at the ground before looking back up into your (e/c) eyes. "This never happened." He whispers and you nod, knowing that if your parents found out they would freak.

Lying in the sun you realize that you've kept that secret. No matter how many times you wanted to tell someone in the past fifteen years. You smile thinking about how cute your best friend is. Although you would never tell him you loved him unless he told you first.

You fix your sunglasses then grab your phone and make it so the volume is almost all the way up. Closing your eyes again you let the Suns razes kiss your skin. You didn't realize you had fallen asleep until Alfred came and started to shake you. Looking up into his blue eyes you could see questioning in them.

"What is it Alfie?" You ask pulling out your left headphone and sitting up.

"(y/n)... You didn't notice but everyone's been looking for you. Ludwig, Arthur, Peter, Raivis, heck even Ivan was looking for you." Alfred tells you.

"Why? You should all know I was here. I told at least five people I was going to be here. Plus you know I come here every Saturday."

"(y/n) it's Monday. You've been here for two days." Alfred says and your eyes widen.

"I- I'm sorry." You never realized how much sleep you seemed to lack until now. You knew you were only sleeping about one hour a night but you didn't think it was that bad. Thinking about it you notice that your phone is no longer playing music.

"(y/n), what's wrong?" Alfred asks.

You shake your head. "I've been having a bit of trouble sleeping, nothing to worry about though." You try to reassure your best friend with a fake smile.

"(y/n) you've been having the dreams again, haven't you?" Alfred asks you and you slowly nod. He sighs, "(y/n)... Next time tell me and I'll come over and watch you. Just like I used to when we were six and nine."

You smile a sad smile. "No need, Two more weeks and the dreams will be gone. They only seem to stick around a year when I hit the multiples of three. Two more weeks and I'll be nineteen."

"Wait, (y/n), so that's what was up with you when we were twelve. Why didn't you tell me?! I could of helped you. I'm a lousy hero since I didn't figure that out."

"No Alfie, your a fine hero. It's just that sometimes you can't save people who don't want to be saved." You said quietly.

"Wha-?" Alfred starts to say but you rase your hand to stop him.

"I'm the hero's sidekick. I shouldn't need to be saved." You say as Alfred helps you up. Once your up Alfred shakes his head at you.

"(y/n), sometimes even a hero needs to be saved."

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