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Hero's Only Sidekick 15

You were walking home after a long day of school. You were honestly tired and just wanted to sleep. Alfred was walking beside you and the two of you were holding hands. In that moment, even though you were tired, you couldn't help but think about how perfect that moment was.

"Mommy, look it's (Y/N)!" A little girl gasped as she saw you. She looked to be about six with brown hair and bright blue eyes. She went to run over to you and her mom tried to stop her.

"Hello little one." You greeted the little girl as she stops in front of you. You bend down to her height and smile at her.

"(Y/N) I heard what you did. I want to be that brave when I'm older. I want to be just like you." She said and your smile widened.

"Then all you really need to do is follow your heart and never give up even when all odds seem to be against you. Remember that there's always a chance for anything to happen." You told her and she nodded with a big smile on her face.

"Come on honey, let's go." Her mom said and with that, the little girl ran to her mother.


It's been fourteen years since you saw the little girl. You and Alfred had two kids of your own, twins. Mary was younger then her brother Marcus by three minutes. Mary had her dads blond hair and blue eyes while Marcus had your hair and eyes.

"Mommy, Marcus stole my toy!" Eleven year old Mary yelled. You sighed and quickly shut off the stove. You had just finished making Kraft Dinner for lunch.

"Well it's time to eat anyway." You said and the next thing you knew was that the two kids rushing into the room. You smiled to yourself, knowing that the argument about the toy was forgotten. You served your two kids there bowls and got one of your own.

"So mommy, what are we going to do today?" Marcus asked, his (e/c) eyes bright. He knew just as well as you that Saturday's were meant for you and them to spend time with each other.

"How about we go to the park?" You suggested and they both cheered. You quickly finished your bowl of food and wrote a note to Alfred incase he came back when you weren't here. Then you went up stairs to get changed.

You walked out of the room wearing black jeans and Alfred's old American flag sweater. It was a bit big, but you didn't mind in the slightest. To be honest it reminded you about when he tried to get you to wear it the day before he left to go to war. Thinking about that, you smiled at the memories.

Then you grabbed your metal and pinned it to the sweater. You were still proud of what you and Gilbert did. Every time someone saw you they'd smile and nod at you, knowing who you were because of that. It was far from going to stop anytime soon.

"You guys ready?" You asked your two kids as you made your way down the stairs. They both shouted a yes and came into the entryway with their shoes on. It was late spring so they didn't need their coats as long as they had their sweaters.

Once out the door they each grabbed one of your hands. You smiled and swung your arms back and forth. Your kids giggled at you. It was times like these you treasured in the past eleven years.

"Mommy, can we play tag?" Mary asked and you smirk and pulled your hand out of hers and Marcus'.

"Sure but that means your it." You said and tagged her before jogging towards the park. Marcus was in front and Mary practically on your heals. But once you got to the park you froze.

"Gilbert!" You said and ran towards the albino. He looked up at you just in time to catch you. You feel him smirk against your hair.

"(Y/N) it's good to see your doing well." He said as he pulled back. Matthew came up and you gave him a hug as well.

"Uncle Matthew." Marcus yelled and hugged him.

"Uncle Gilby." Mary said and hugged Gilbert. You couldn't help but smile at the nickname Mary gave Gilbert. As soon as Mary let go you pulled her back and whispered in her ear. She smiled and pointed at Gilbert.

"Uncle Gilby's it. Run!" She said and you laughed and ran onto the play set. Marcus was right with you while Mary ran towards the swings and Matthew ran into the field.

"I bet you still can't catch me." You yelled at Gilbert and instantly ran for the trees. You got under the trees and climbed the first sturdy one. "I hope you can still travel by tree." You said and jump to a different branch on a different tree. Yeah that's right, you're a thirty two year old jumping tree to tree.

"(Y/N) I'd suggest you get down now." You heard Alfred's voice. You smiled and quickly climbed to the ground. But as you walked out of the woods you noticed someone with your husband.

"(Y/N)?" The girl asked. She had brown hair with a blue streak in it and blue eyes. Looking at her you had the feeling as if you've seen her before.

"Yes?" You asked.

"Oh, I'm Olive. I'm the little girl that said that I wanted to be just like you." She said and your eyes widen.

"And how'd that turn out for you?" You asked and she laughs as your two kids come up to you. You could tell that they wanted to say hi to their dad but was afraid of the person they didn't know.

"Well I'd actually say pretty good, I'm as close as I will be. But what you told me when I was six, that advice, it actually helped a lot. I probably wouldn't have been able to do a lot of things if it weren't for that, so thank you." She said and you smiled.

"You're welcome. I wouldn't have told you that if it wasn't helpful." You said.

"Well I'd like to tell you that they opened the army to girls now, if you didn't know."

"Oh I know." You said and she nodded. You guys talked for a while until it was almost dinner time. You needed to get your kids fed. So you said your good byes to Olive, Matthew and Gilbert.

After dinner you played with your kids until it was time to get them to bed. Alfred helped you get them to bed after brushing their teeth. Then you and Alfred sat on the couch and just enjoyed each other's company. Everything was perfect.

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