Chapter: 12

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Hero's Only Sidekick 12

  After everyone was out of the room you all followed Gilbert to the armoury. Gilbert was in the front and you in the back since you were the two that had guns at the moment. Matthew had offered to take your spot but you politely declined. You wanted to do this, even if you did enough for them already.

  On the way to the armoury you shot about five people that came and tried to stop you. You grabbed their guns and pocketed them, just incase your gun ran out of bullets. Which it did after you killed the sixth man. So you just pulled out one of the spare guns.

  "Okay, all of you go in and load up on guns. Gilbert and I will stand guard out here until you're stocked up." You said once you got to the armoury. Matthew went to walk in first but you stopped him so you could hand him a gun. You all didn't know if someone was in there waiting for you or not.

  Matthew nodded and walked in, gun ready. Luckily there was no one inside. They all loaded quickly and gave you and Gilbert weapons as well. Your dad gave you yours and Matthew gave Gilbert his.

  "Thanks daddy." You said and he kissed your forehead.

  "I'm so proud of you, baby girl. You're being so brave." He praised and you couldn't help but smile.

  "Alright let's go, everyone follow Gilbert." You yelled and they all nodded. You started to head out and you were no longer in the back of the group. Your dad and Lovino were and refused to let you join them. So instead you joined Gilbert and Matthew up at the front.

  Thinking back on it, you can't really remember how many people you killed. All you remember is that you never missed. Even if you had never shot a gun before that day. It was your hidden talent.

  But the more you moved the more blood you lost. The corners of your vision started to go black but you pushed on. You couldn't become a liability in failure, if you all got caught. You just couldn't let that happen.

  But as you went farther, it was getting harder and harder to keep your eyes open. You were stumbling and your aim was starting to lack its precision. More and more people were coming at your little group of eleven and you were all beginning to lack ammunition. It was all just starting to go down hill for your group.

  You heard someone stumble and looked to see that Lovino had gotten shot in the leg just as you all got outside. Thinking quickly you noticed that Matthew had thought to grab so grenades. If you could all move fast enough and set off the grenades in different parts of the building you could bring the place down. But of corse you couldn't let anyone go inside.

  "Matthew, the grenades." You said and Matthew looked at you in shock. "If we split up into two groups and meet on the other side and throw grenades into the building, we might be able to bring it to the ground." It was honestly taking a lot out of you to think clearly.

  "Ja, (Y/N), that's a good idea." Gilbert said from beside you. Then Gilbert split the group into two groups as if knowing you could function at the moment. He put you with Matthew and four other people. You looked at your dad and nodded once before your groups went their different ways.

  Your group would go about every twenty feet before throwing a grenade at the building. Each one landed on the roof and caused a lot of damage. But as you walked your feet were starting to drag on the ground. Put no matter how much you wanted to fall to the ground you kept shooting at the guards who made it out of the building.

  "(Y/N)?" You heard Matthew ask. "(Y/N)!" He yelled as you finally fell. He ran over to you, along with someone else. You felt someone pick you up and piggyback you. Taking a deep breath, you could faintly smell maple and knew it was Matthew. Your arms were draped over his shoulders and you could hardly stay conscious.

  "I'm sorry." You whisper. Matthew laughed and it sounded a bit nervous.

  "You have nothing to be sorry about (Y/N). You made it this far, didn't you?" He asked and you nodded as much as you could.

  Matthew said something else but all you could hear was the grenades going off. You struggled to open your eyes and caught a glimpse of what you guessed to be the other group. But you had no time to find out as the blackness took you. Finally relieving your pain for at least a little bit.

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