Chapter: 6

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Hero's Only Sidekick 6

After you and your mom say your goodbyes to Matthew and your dad you head back home. You can tell that your moms trying not to worry and it makes you feel bad about the plan you have for next week. But you have to go through with your plan. That way you can make sure Gilbert, your dad, Matthew and Alfred all stay safe.

Once your home, you go up to your room and pull out the clothes you bought yesterday. You put them all in your bag and and sling it over your back. Heading down stairs you pass by your mom on the way to the door. She looks at you and raises an eyebrow.

"Where are you going?" She asks you skeptically.

"I'm just going to Ludwig's house for a bit. I need to see how's he's doing since his brother left. He's leaving next week as well." You said. But when you said the last part you froze.

Hopefully your mom wouldn't catch on to the fact that you said that Ludwig was going as well. Your mom couldn't know that you were going or else she'd do everything she could to keep you home.

"Okay, just be back at six for dinner." Your mom says and you nod before walking out the door.

Once outside you release a breath you didn't even know you were holding. You jump from the porch and head to Ludwig's house. Ludwig is the only other person who knows about your plan. You know you can trust him to keep it a secret since you know some of his. Like you know how he has a crush a Feliciano but is just a bit too afraid to say anything. You promised him you wouldn't tell anyone although you did have plans to get them together in the future.

You look up realizing your already at his house. You walk up the porch and were just about to knock on the door when it flew open before you could fully raise your fist. Feliciano opened the door and crushed you in a hug. Shocked, you almost fell over. You would have if Feliciano didn't stop you both.

"(Y/N) what are you doing here?" Feliciano asked you and you smiled up at him. You couldn't answer his question. Not yet at least, not out in the public where everyone could hear you.

"I'm here to see Ludwig." You state simply.

He nods and let's you in guiding you to Ludwig's room. Not that you really needed directions since you have been here more then enough times. And of corse you've been in Ludwig's room before, he's been a good friend since first grade.

You knock on the door and hear a 'come in' before you and Feliciano enter. Ludwig looks at you and motions to his bathroom. You go in with out a word, knowing you have to get changed into the clothes you bought yesterday in order to look like a boy.

In the bathroom you wrap up your already small chest so it looks flat. You get dressed into a black T-shirt and camouflage pants. You pull out the dark green hat that Ludwig gave you yesterday and tuck all your hair underneath it.

You emerge from the bathroom and Feliciano looks at you in shock. He seems to know what your planing on doing now. But the look on his face tells you he doesn't like it. Turning to Ludwig he nods once, telling you that he thinks your costume will work.

"(Y/N), you can't do this. Your mom's going to get worried. And what happens if someone finds out about you being a girl. You could get killed just for that." Feli says and you roll your eyes.

"I know the risks and I'm willing to take them. You can't stop me unless you tell my mom. And your not going to do that, right?" You press.

"S- Sì." He says before looking down at the floor. You place a hand on his head and he looks up at you with sad eyes.

"Thank you." You say and he nods. You look back over to Ludwig and he comes towards the two of you.

"Ready to go?" He asks and you both nod. So it looks like all three of you will be leaving next week. You all headed to go get your uniforms that you would have to wear next week.

•*•*•*•*•*• Next Week •*•*•*•*•*•

"Bye mom, I'm going to go see Ludwig and Feliciano out." You say and your mom says something along the lines of 'be back soon'. You take a deep breath and practically run to Ludwig's house.

Once there you wrap your chest again and get into your uniform. You grab the hat for the duffle bag and shove your hair inside of it.

"You sure you want to do this?" Ludwig asks and you nod.

"Of corse. If I wasn't I wouldn't be here right now." You state and he looks at you for a minute before grabbing his own duffle bag. Feliciano ran into the room and tackled you in a hug.

"(Y/N), you shouldn't be do I got this. Your mom's going to worry too much about you." Feliciano was trying to talk you out of this but you had made up your mind. No one could change it now. Not even if your mom came in here and told you not to go, which didn't happen.

"(Y/N) why do you even want to go? War is scary." Feliciano said still trying to talk you out of going.

"People that I care about are out there. I want to do something to protect them. And by helping them out there I'm also helping to protect people here as well." You say and Feliciano sighs. It seems as if he finally gives up. He knows that there's no way of talking you out of going now.

Once at the airport the three of you board your plane. Your heart is beating fast and you take deep breaths to calm it. Your mind is everywhere. But instead of worrying about that you make sure to follow Ludwig and Feliciano. You sit down on the plane beside them and lean your head against the head rest. There is no turning back now.

I'm really sorry mom, you think. But I will come back, I promise. Not only that but I will come back with dad, Matthew, Alfred, everyone that we know that has left. We will all come back, I will make sure of that.

And with those thoughts all you could do was stare out the window until you fell asleep.

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