Chapter 3

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"And we're here, finally." He said sliding a holocard in front of the scanner.

"What's the mission, I wasn't told before." Meraki said as she put the luggage's onto the ground and

programmed the shades to open as dawn broke on Coruscant.

"Neither was I." She stopped and turned around.

"Aren't you the whole leader of this mission?" Meraki asked leaning against the wall furthest from Luke.

"That would be my sister and the admiral who's in charge, I listen and do what they need with my own opinion of course," Luke looked at her but she didn't react so he continued, "Its not like I'm absentmindedly doing their dirty work while they sit back and drink ale. They consult me before sending me n a mission-" Meraki cut him off by holding her hands up.

"I don't need an entire run through," She laughed, "I only needed overview of hat you do that's all." Luke smiled.

"We should go now so they wont have to wait long for us." He signaled to the door. Meraki nodded and followed Luke out. They ran, Luke in front as Meraki followed a step behind, they reached the large room drowned in blue from a holomap.

"Hey Luke, what took ya so long, sun's gunna set soon." A man said from around the table.

"Han knock it off, he's the one helping us with this." Luke's sister said harshly to him, it was obvious how they looked at each other they had feelings.

"Sorry, Princess." Han winked and she shoved him.

"All right what are we doing?" Meraki asked.

"My words exactly, Admiral, what is our mission?" Luke said from beside Meraki.

"There are several imperial spies buying information on the black market from someone in this building or in the Temple." Chastin took a breath.

"You mean what's left of it." Luke mumbled beneath his breath.

"We need you two to go down there and figure out who it is they're getting the information from." The Mon Cal said, Chastin nodded as well.

"Take a blaster and your lightsabers, Meraki, though keep them hidden." Meraki nodded at her master's command.

"Yes Master." Meraki bowed.

"We need to leave now, before it gets too dark to go down into the underworld." Luke turned to leave.

"It's going to be dark anyways, why are we in such a hurry?" Meraki followed him.

"You can't get down into Coruscant's underworld after dark, Imperial forces still guard it, we haven't quite won Coruscant yet, yet alone Galactic City. All we've got is the senate building and nearly half the ruins of the Jedi Temple." He said gravely.

"They won't give up." Luke said when he pulled her behind a pillar.

"What?" Meraki whispered in his ear.

"Listen." He answered. Meraki did, she heard quick heavy foot prints, some metallic.

"Are those droids?" Meraki whispered. Their shadows crossed the wall, they were droids.

"The haven't used droids since before the empire!" Meraki thought.

"Then why are they using them now?" She heard Luke answer her thought.

"They're not on our side." Meraki thought, "Then why are they heading to the room we were just in?" They quietly waited to see what else was with them, troopers as well as a commander. Meraki tried to run after them but Luke held onto her tightly.

"We can't just let them pass!" Meraki hissed at him.

"You have much to learn, Padawan, about when and when not to attack." He whispered into her ear and she froze. He was not eighteen, no matter what Chastin had told her, he was much older. The last line passed them, they heard the blasters begin to load.

"No." Luke whispered. Meraki began to ran, Luke followed. Blaster fire erupted loudly into the empty air, and silenced before they reached the doorway.

"Han, Leia!" Luke yelled as the door broke his timing.

"It's locked." He said leaning against it trying to hear inside.

"Not for long, move." Meraki said igniting her sabers and stabbing the door with both sabers drawing a circle two ways, big enough for them t get through. Meraki drew her sabers and used the force to push the detached circle in.

"Chas!" Meraki yelled as she got in, closely followed by Luke, their sabers ignited.

"There's no one here?" Meraki said.

"Not so sure about that." Luke threw a wave of force into the mid air and out of nothing appeared droids and troopers holding all but Chastin who laid on the ground before Meraki.

"No," Meraki whispered, "What did you do to her!" She yelled lurching forward, she was stopped. Luke used the force, threw her into a wall, only to knock her out.

"Why are you here?" Luke said looking from silent Meraki to the intruders.

"We are taking back what's ours, Jedi scum, let us go and we wont kill you, or your vulnerable friend." A male's voice hissed.

"Luke don't let them kill you!" He heard Han yell.

"Han, Leia?" He yelled.

"Get these bucket heads later when you aren't being threatened, we'll be fine till then!" Han yelled back.

"Get out." Luke closed his saber and let them leave. Silence fell over him as he knelt down to Meraki feeling for a pulse, there was one. He called her sabers to his hand and put them into his cloak pockets before lifting her up into his arms and walking to the medical unit the rebellion had set up inside.

Ahsoka Trilogy Book Three: ForgivenWhere stories live. Discover now