Chapter 11

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The infirmary was nearly empty when Meraki paced outside of the closed off corner where her mother was being fixed up.

"Calm down, she's going to be fine." Luke said, startling Meraki from her racing mind.

"She might not be." Meraki said looking at him.

"She is, close your eyes and feel that she's calm," Luke said coming closer, "Meditate, make a connection with her."

"Why should I, it's not like I have any connection with her." Meraki said looking away.

"She's your mother." Luke protested.

"She may be, but nineteen years without knowing she was even alive makes it difficult you know." Meraki retorted back, Luke stopped right in front of her.

"I understand your frustration, Meraki. But if you continue to find a form of anger it will lead you quickly to the dark side." Luke said looking at Meraki seriously.

"I understand." She said sitting down and closing her eyes and feeling through the force, her calm mother reaching out to her as well. Meraki was surprised but she didn't break the bond that both of them touched on.

"I'm sorry." Echoed through, again and again calmly from Ahsoka. Meraki finally opened her eyes after listening for minutes.

"What did you feel?" Luke asked sitting down in front of Meraki.

"She feels calm but it's not that, it's..." Meraki drifted not knowing how to string her words together.

"Did you feel something else?" Luke looked confused watching Meraki shake her head.

"I heard something." Meraki said.

"A word, noise? What was it?" He asked more relaxed now.

"I heard 'I'm sorry' repeated over and over again." Meraki said, Luke nodded and stood up offering his hand for Meraki to take.

"What are you doing?" She asked hesitantly taking it. He pulled her up and led her over to the room.

"I think you can see her for a little bit before we leave." He said opening the curtain a little bit.

"Where are we going?" Meraki asked.

"To train a little bit, you can't stop training. You've it five minutes." He said shutting the curtain behind her. Meraki looked at her mother and slowly walked towards her.

"Hey mom," Meraki said mostly to herself as she sat on the side of the bed.

"I don't know if you can hear me," she paused taking a deep breath, "but I heard you. I know what you did was for the best. You saved our lives while sacrificing yours." Meraki looked around the area looking at the screen that showed Ahsoka's health.

"That's a lot of mediclorions." Meraki smiled slightly to herself.

"Dad has a journal, you probably already knew that though, it's from when he was a teenager during the clone wars. He wrote about the battlefields and such, he wrote about his mother too. A man named Douku killed her, you probably already knew that too." Meraki laughed taking Ahsoka's still hand.

"He kept a holoportrait of us four the day you had me. I found it the night before I left for Coruscant," She laughed, "I have his journal in my room, you can read it when you wake up. He talks about you a lot later on after you left, I didn't read much during the time I arrived." Meraki breathed slowly.

"Get better, mom." She squeezed her hand and left the area seeing Luke standing by the door on the other side of the infirmary.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah let's get whatever we're doing over with." She said running to meet him at the door.

"You're going to like it, trust me." He led me through hallways to a lift that seemed to have barely been used.

"Where are we going?" Meraki asked looking at Luke's mysterious face.

"Where we're going you're going to need these." Luke handed two sabers to the confused Meraki.

"Why?" She asked.

"You'll see." He smiled for the first time since she met him a few days ago. There's something mysteriously intriguing about Luke that Meraki admires.

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