Chapter 20

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A few months passed with more storms than usual. Luke and Meraki never stopped training except for meals and farm work. Every week they went out to the markets to get clothes and food. They came back seeing another ship parked on the wet ground. Luke and Meraki walked in seeing Leia and Han talking with Ahsoka and Lux.

"Leia." Luke said running to hug her.

"You're needed elsewhere, kid." Han said. Luke backed up next to Meraki.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Don't worry, the assassins are taken care of we need you on other business." Leia said reassuringly.

"The remaining imperial forces are fighting for control over the rest of the imperial land." Han said.

"Alright, I'll be ready to leave by sundown." He said.

"Let me help you pack your things." Meraki said already halfway up the stairs. They packed in silence not knowing what to say to each other. Finally Luke said something.

"I'm going to miss you." Luke said looking at Meraki.

"I'm going to miss you too." She smiled at him.

"What will you do now?" He asked pulling his loose shirt of revealing his six pack and then pulling a tight black short sleeved shirt over his head.

"I might travel." She said smiling and turning around while he put his flight pants on.

"What about your parents? You're going to leave them?" Luke asked walking over to the window.

"They have An and Keith. They all have each other, it was how it used to be back then." Meraki said looking at him as he stared at the setting suns.

"Why wouldn't you stay here, where everything stands still?" He asked looking back. Meraki walked up next to him.

"It's not enough for me, I need an adventure." She said looking out the window seeing Luke nod from the corner of her eyes. An hour past and Luke was packed and ready. They said their goodbyes and Meraki followed him out. She watched as he disappeared into the ship.

"Thank you, for keeping him safe." Leia said.

"Of course, it was the least I could do after he saved my life numerous times." Meraki said smiling. Inside she felt something shed never felt before. She felt sort of attached to Luke, she misjudged these feelings earlier for admiration. He came back out.

"I'll meet you guys back on the ship." Luke said to them.

"Hurry up kid." Han said before they disappeared.

"Come with me, Meraki, I'm sure there'll be plenty adventures." He said taking her hand.

"That's hard to pass up." She laughed.

"Then you'll come?" He asked, Meraki shook her head.

"Those are your adventures." She laughed, saddened by her instincts.

"I'm going to miss you, Luke." She said looking into his blue eyes.

"Farewell, Jedi." He bowed, she did as well.

"Stay alive." She said as she watched him walk away.

"Luke wait!" She yelled running to him, he turned around. Meraki kissed him passionately feeling him smile and kiss back. They parted and he started to walk up the ramp when he turned.

"Stay alive, Meraki." He said and disappeared. The ship started up and blasted off into the atmosphere and disappeared into hyperspace. Meraki smiled up to the sky and felt a tear fall from her eyes.

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