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After I had posted the picture, I decided to head over to the McLaren garage to find my dad, but I bumped into a average height guy who had brown hair and light skin and brown eyes and clocked it was Piastri. I chuckled "I am so sorry about that Oscar" whilst fixing up my outfit. He looked at me and smiled "It's okay, but fyi your dad is helping Lando and I need to go and get ready for the race. So, I need to go over to him", Oscar and Thea continued to speak for a bit till her dad called his name. Thea and Oscar shared a quick hug then afterwards Oscar strolled over to Zak where he was getting ready for the race. Thea was left alone, so she decided to head over to the Ferrari Garage to meet up with her best friend Kelly. They shared a quick hug before they had to return back to their seats. Kelly went and sat down next to Thea in the McLaren garage, even though Max drove for Ferrari, "I'm hoping Oscar and Lando get onto the podium because they deserve it more than any other driver" Thea muttered. Kelly laughed at Thea "I reckon Oscar will get onto the podium if i'm being honest" she said whilst turning her head to watch the race. Around 30 minutes later it was time for the cars to lineup, I had shivers going up my spine. I was actually so nervous.

The cars all lined up on their positions and Oscar Piastri had started P19 and Lando Norris started in P11 and Charles Leclerc started in P4 and obviously Max Verstappen started P1. Everyone was so excited, but I was so nervous, I started applauding as the commentators announced the drivers, especially when they said Lando's name and Oscar's name and Leclerc's name. Everybody had sat down but me and Kelly stood up to watch the lights go green. The lights had finally flashed green and Kelly grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it tightly and I done the same to hers. The commentator finally said "Lights out and away we go".  Every single driver had set off for the race. I was cheering on Oscar and Lando more than anyone because obviously I love them. "Come on you Papayas" I shouted from the crowd. My dad released a small smile at me and shouted back "Go on Lando and Oscar". I was waiting so long for this race ngl. Suddenly, it was 36/57 laps in and Lando Norris had a problem with his tyres and car. I headed down to the garage leaving Kelly alone by herself. He got told to stop at the pitstop again for the 7th time. After 5 minutes his car had finally entered the pitstop and everyone got to work straight away with the car. But, the Main Engineer Kyle Moreira had a important announcement to make, "We can't continue with the race, we are going have to retire you Lando". Them words had broke me, I had tears sucked up behind my eyes. I ran over to Kelly and bursted out into tears. "Lando's out for the race and Oscar is P19." I said with tears rolling down my cheek. ; Thea didn't know that Oscar was actually P14 now as she was too busy in the McLaren garage. ; Kelly wrapped her arms around me tightly "It's going to be okay atleast Oscar is P14" she said with a massive smile plastered on her beautiful face.

The race had continued and it was the last lap and Oscar Piastri was P2. I was so nervous as Lewis Hamilton was P1. Lewis was so close to the finish line but suddenly "OSCAR PIASTRI IS THE WINNER OF THE F1 CHAMPIONSHIP" screamed the commentator. Oh my god, I couldn't believe that he had actually won. I ran down the stairs and ran over to Piastri and jumped into his arms. He held me so close and kissed my head, "This one was for you". ; Thea was still in shock that all of this had happened and was actually emotional but in a happy way. She was so happy that she never left him till he had to go for the podium celebration. ; Oscar came running over to me "Can you take a picture of me because I want to post it on instagram?" he asked whilst planting a kiss in my hair. "Yes of course I can" I said whilst taking his phone and taking a picture of him using his camera on his phone. (Oscar Piastri was P1, Lewis Hamilton was P2, and Charles Leclerc was P3)

Liked by @landonorris, @logansargeant, @mclaren, @f1, @theaverstappen, @kellypiquet, @oscarpiastrifp, @piastriswife, @user6, @nglkante and 59,071 others

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Liked by @landonorris, @logansargeant, @mclaren, @f1, @theaverstappen, @kellypiquet, @oscarpiastrifp, @piastriswife, @user6, @nglkante and 59,071 others..
@OscarPiastri: My first pole for McLaren, I can't explain how I feel. I feel so happy and proud of myself even though I started P19. Thank you to all of our supporters, the team, and Thea obviously. She really helped me to get this win. I love you McLaren and Thea and obviously my girlfriend Lily!! I have never been this happy in my life apart from today. It is a shame though for Lando and our team. But, hopefully they can sort out the issues and get him back on the tracks! 🧡🤩

@mclaren: Congratulations to you Oscar! We are so proud of you! You deserved this win so much, it must feel good to get pole on your debut for us. We cannot wait to see what happens in the future now! Up the Papayas 🧡
oscarpiastri 🧡🧡

@thealeclerc: i am so happy for you, you deserved this so much osc. i love you so much and im so glad you got it instead of the others. so happy to have you in the mclaren family. 🥹
oscarpiastri you are so special to the mclaren family and me🧡

@lilyzneimer: go on baby! i am so proud of you my love, i love you so much and thank you to thea obviously for encouraging you to win this race! we are both so lucky to have her in our lives.
oscarpiastri i love you most baby and honestly i agree with you, she has really helped everyone to push hard to win. she deserves the world and happiness. 🧡
thealeclerc i love you lils, it's my job to make sure mclaren get onto the podium and win trophies especially oscar. oscar is one of my bestest friends and you are too. <3

@landonorris: thank you my bro it means a lot to me!  🤝🏼🧡
oscarpiastri brother 🤝🏼
i will be updating my ziyech story and this one now and then! but this one will be my main focus (: . i hope you lot enjoy this story.

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