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"This has took lots of consideration and thinking, I never thought I would ever be doing this but I do think it is the right option for me and someone else here." I breathed in and out and continued "I will be leaving McLaren as of today, today was my final race and I swear these past 5 years have been amazing with them, they've made me feel at home and at ease and made me a different person. I will always love them so much and I will always cherish them especially you papayas. I have decided to return back to football as I think that is the most safest option for me as I have a few health problems such as a ACL tear which I will be getting surgery for that soon. I have other problems but I will not discuss them. Anyways, I wish you all the best here at McLaren." I said with tears rolling down my cheek and the crowd started shouting and chanting my name. "I will always love this team forever, I will always be a papaya and thank you to Will, Oscar, my dad Zak and Jon and everybody else here for helping me. I will also sadly be moving out of Monte Carlo to move back to France to pursue my career with Paris Saint Germain." I went on for a bit till I bursted out crying. "I love you all so much" I whispered into the mic whilst they all clapped and cheered whilst Pierre pulled me in for a hug. He kissed my forehead "I'm gonna miss you, but I'll see you at Parc Des Princes",
I hugged everyone and headed back to the racetracks to say bye to my fans. Afterwards I headed back inside the McLaren garage where they had a massive glass shirt for me that was signed by everyone and a bouquet of flowers. I kissed everyone on their cheeks apart from Lando, I just gave him a smile.

Four months had passed and I was playing for Chelsea FC on loan from PSG. It was the UCL Final against Manchester City. It was ucl day and we were on the coach to the stadium. I was sat next to Sam and Tamara because the others were right at the front. If i'm being honest I was so scared for the game but Sam and Tam kept on reassuring me that everything would be fine, an hour later we arrived at the stadium, everyone had gotten off and it was just me. I grabbed my little bag with my sanitary products and put my airpods in and shoved my backpack on my back. i was so nervous, but I walked down the stairs of the bus. Everyone started cheering and i signed a few tshirts and pics and headed inside. I had shivers down my spine, but finally i made it to the changing rooms. I placed down my bag and got dressed into the chelsea home kit. It was black and yellow for the womens but blue for the mens. I put my shirt and socks on and tied up my boots and put my shinpads on. We had to have a quick meeting with the gaffer before we went out to the pitch, the meeting was like five minutes long. Everyone walked out and i was in the tunnel taking deep breaths in and out. I finally jogged out and everybody started clapping for me.

The stadium wasn't packed yet as there was an hour till kick off. I jogged over to the team and started warming up. I chatted to the girls about the game and then headed off to do freekicks. I didn't even know Charles, Arthur, Leclerc, and Gasly and my mother were all there. Anyways, I was just playing with the ball and decided to take a few freekicks. I scored all of them but I accidentally hit someone with one of my freekicks. I jogged over to them to apologise and gave them my shirt and changed into another shirt and ran back out. We trained for around 30 minutes. I wasn't starting which i was gutted about but i just got dressed and sat on the bench. The cameras were too busy focused on me instead of the team. 10 minutes later the teams finally started to walk out and lined up on the pitches. We had to do the ucl anthem which I found a bit embarrassing, but I stood up with a straight face. Afterwards, the captains exchanged them things with the match details on and shook hands. Afterwards they stripped off their jackets and handed it to the washing people, then headed to their positions.

The game had finally kicked off and it was 8' minute in and manchester city fc had scored. I was so angry because chelsea were lacking it seemed like they were asleep. The game continued till the 39' minute till they conceded another goal which was a owngoal. I was frustrated and same with Thomas Tuchel, they gave up in the end.. a couple of more minutes passed and it was halftime. Everyone ran into the tunnel and to the changing rooms. I hugged every single girlie and told them we need to attack more and work on our defending. Anyways, as soon as we got inside tuchel screamed at everyone. They looked scared and went back out after 15 minutes. It was the 63' minute and they conceded another one. tuchel was so fed up he came over to me and told me to warm up. I stripped off my jacket and went up to the sidelines with my bib. the chelsea men players were all on the substitute bench with the womens as they came to watch us. The fans started cheering as they saw me but i applauded them, it was the 67' minute and chelsea had been given a penalty. I stopped warming up and turned my back to the fans then peaked over to see the penalty. Sam stepped up to take the penalty and scored.

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