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The race continued and it was the 60th lap, there was 4 more to go but everyone had to box to change their drivers. Lando pulled up to the garage and the whole McLaren team told me to quickly get dressed. I chucked on Lando's racing suit which was a spare and shoved on my balaclava. He got out of his car and didn't notice it was me who was swapping over with him. "Why the fuck are you wearing my racing kit you ugly bitch, idk who the fuck you think you are. You probably think you're all cool for wearing my kit." he looked angry. Zak came over to us "Have some manners Lando, that's Thea". I ignored him and walked over to the car and slid my legs into the car. The engineers strapped me up and I put my visor down and fixed my helmet up. Lando came running over "I'm sorry Thea". I ignored him and tried so hard not to cry. Will ran over and pushed him away from the car nicely as possible. He wouldn't go away, he kept on coming back till I turned on the car engine. I was starting P7 for the final laps. I started the engine and drove out to the starting line. I parked my car up and waved at the McLaren fans till the lights went green. "LIGHTS OUT AND AWAY WE GO" the commentator shouted once again. I got out to a good start in the first two laps I managed to overtake Leclerc due to a corner and Albon for the same reason. It was the final lap and Will was talking to me through the radio "The difference between you and Verstappen is 0.231". I let out a sigh "Copy". I speeded up the car till Will said "You should be able to overtake him at the last corner".

I gripped my hands onto the steering wheel and started driving quickly. I kept my focus on the road and got to the last corner. I got past Verstappen and pressed my foot down on the pedal and pushed to reach the finish line. I passed the black and white chequered flag. "THEA IS THE WORLD CHAMPION OF MONACO" the commentators screamed and I could hear the background of the radio. "THEA P1, P1 GO ON BABY" Will screamed. I parked up my car next to the P1 sign and got out. The whole McLaren team ran over to me and hugged me and knocked on my helmet. We celebrated for a few minutes till I had to head to the podium. My hair was loose out of a ponytail, it was brown and fluffy and a bit wavy. I got onto the podium once the commentator said "Lets welcome our champion THEA". Everyone cheered loudly and I jumped onto the podium, Max was P2 and Sainz was P3. They passed me my trophy and then I lifted it and everyone clapped till it was the Champagne spraying. I opened the bottle in Lando's style and sprayed it at everyone. I then sprayed the McLaren team and had to go off for an interview. The reporters were asking me lots of questions.

How do you feel about your first f1 pole position, Thea?
honestly i am so happy, i couldn't have been happier. despite the fact it's actually not my p1. it's Lando's.

Do you have any words for McLaren?
i have lots of words for them. i just wanted to let them know how much I love them and how much I enjoy supporting them. if it wasn't for them, then i wouldn't have won this race. this team is so special to me and my heart. i love them so god damn much. they deserve the world and more.

Do you have any plans for your career?
i have no idea yet, i'm a footballer and f1 driver. i'm not a actual f1 driver yet, but i'm thinking of quitting football and focusing on f1.

What happened with you and Lando earlier in the garage? He looked upset and angry for some reason.
i'd rather not speak on that, thank you.

How are you and Foden doing?
we aren't on our bestest terms atm, but yeah. i'm sorry i need to go.

Alright, thank you for your time and congratulations on your first pole position in f1!
thank you.
I walked back into the McLaren garage and everyone hugged me. We all celebrated for a bit till I had Leclerc and Gasly come up to me. I looked at them both "Pierreeeeeeee" I said with a smile. He looked so serious. "Thea can we speak in your room?" he asked softly. I nodded my head and walked off to my room. I locked the door tightly and sat on my massage bed. "I don't want you to be hurt, but look at this" Leclerc said whilst pointing at Gasly's phone. It was a picture of Rebecca and Foden.

 It was a picture of Rebecca and Foden

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I looked at the pictures and bursted out into tears

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I looked at the pictures and bursted out into tears. Hot tears were rolling down my face one by one. Leclerc and Gasly hugged me tightly and Gasly whispered to Leclerc "I'm gonna leave you both alone" he exited the room and locked the door. "WHY ME?? WHY DO I HAVE TO GET FUCKING HURT?" I screamed in Charles's face. He wiped my tears with his ferrari jacket. "Come on, it's gonna be alright". Will, Zak, and Piastri came running into the room to see what happened. Charles explained everything and they comforted me. "FIRST LANDO AND NOW HIM" I screamed with tears. I screamed loud enough for Lando to come running in. Zak told him to go away for a bit. TIMESKIP TO 6 MONTHS

We were all at a party for the F1 drivers for finishing of the season. Lando won the Championship, Leclerc came 2nd and Alonso came 3rd. I had a glass of champagne in my hand whilst standing by myself till some old man who looked like he was in his fifties came upto me. "Hey sexy want to have some fun in my house tonight?" he said whilst reaching over to touch my ass. Suddenly a fast Lando came running and pushed him away. "Why the fuck are you touching her up you twat?" he said whilst screaming in his face. The security guys came over quickly and took the old man away. I stared at Lando and he grabbed my hand "What were you doing?". I rolled my eyes "Nothing, why do you care?", "Because you're my friend". I coughed "Friend?? After what you said to me 6 months ago. I didn't know I was a bitch", he looked at me "I said I was sorry". He looked sorry but I didn't believe him. "YOU FUCKING HURT ME WHEN MY BOYFRIEND CHEATED ON ME. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FFS AND WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ME" I shouted at him. Nobody was here as they were all in the other room. "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" he whispered and walked off. The words "Because I love you" started repeating in my head over and over again. I blushed and ran upstairs to find Lando standing there. "Because you love me? You love me Lando?" I whispered. He looked at me "No I was joking I thought it would be funny to joke about loving you" he turned his head around and looked outside at the eiffel tower. I ran over to him "Shut up" I said. He grabbed onto my hands and looked me in the eyes "I love you Thea".
my bad for not posting but here is another part!

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