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Liked by @landonorris, @oscarpiastri, @mclaren, @carlossainz, @danielricciardo, @charles_leclerc, @pierregasly, @theaxlandofp, @theasbiggestfanever, @landonorriswife and 5,637,221 others

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Liked by @landonorris, @oscarpiastri, @mclaren, @carlossainz, @danielricciardo, @charles_leclerc, @pierregasly, @theaxlandofp, @theasbiggestfanever, @landonorriswife and 5,637,221 others..
@TheaLeclerc: Raceday for McLaren, can't wait to support them!! Come on you papayas🧡.  (Obviously wearing the same fit, hahahaha)

@mclaren: 🧡🧡🧡
**liked by thealeclerc**

@landonorris: 😍😍
charles_leclerc simp alert
danielricciardo yes bro🤣🤣

@flonorris: marriage rn?😚
thealeclerc yes please x
After posting a picture of myself, I decided to head downstairs to meet up with Charles to head to the racetracks. He was getting his shoes on whilst I was grabbing my handbag and mclaren pass, "We're gonna be late" I said whilst stressing out. He looked at me and kissed my cheek "We aren't, go and sit in the car, i'll be there in a bit" he smiled at me and I nodded my head at him and walked over to the door. I shoved the key into the keyhole and sat down in the car in the frontseat. I waited around ten minutes till he decided to show up after ten minutes. We sang some french songs and by the time we were done singing merci les bleus we had already arrived at the racetracks. I haven't been to a racetrack since two years when I met Lando. I scanned my pass and walked through the barrier and ran over to the McLaren garage. They all hugged me tight and gave me my own mclaren cap. I shoved the cap on my head and felt a nudge against my elbow. I saw Zak he had Lando's racing kit. "Thea can you drop Lando's racing kit off to him please?" he said whilst handing me over the kit. I grabbed the kit and nodded in agreement and walked over to Lando's room. I clenched my hands into a fist and knocked on his door a few times till he answered. He was shirtless and was wearing a pair of shorts. "Zak told me to give this to you" whilst handing him the kit our hands touched. My cheeks turned a shade of light pink. "Thank you Thea" he said whilst taking the kit from my hands and caressing my hands. I was getting butterflies in my stomach and felt nervous as fuck. He closed the door behind him and unzipped the kit. I tried so hard not to look, so I looked away whilst he was changing. He took off his shorts and put on some under-layer clothing and shoved his legs into the racing kit. He was lowkey struggling with putting it on, so I decided to help him get it up. I zipped up the back and he wrapped one of his arms around my waist.

I had so many butterflies in my stomach at that moment of time. He looked at me and smiled "You look pretty today", I tried so hard not to blush but my cheeks were puffing red. "Thank you Lan" I giggled whilst hiding my head into his neck. We stood in that same position for a good ten minutes till Zak came to get Lando for the race. I rolled my eyes and pulled away. "Good luck at your race then Lan" I whispered softly into his ears whilst straightening up my outfit. "Thank you Thea" a smile was painted onto his pink lips which looked soft. He held onto my hand and opened the door and walked us out. I intertwined our fingers whilst walking to the garage. Will shouted from afar "LOVEBIRDS IT'S TIME FOR LANDO'S RACE" he laughed. I looked at Lando and giggled. He pulled me back into his room quickly and slammed the door. He lifted my chin up with one finger and leaned close. I smiled at him and leaned in close as he placed his soft lips onto mine. The kiss was tender yet perfect, I cupped his face and decided to return the kiss. He pulled away and walked me out quietly. "See you after the race my love" he whispered whilst caressing my hair and moving strands of hair behind my ear. I hugged him tightly "Okay Lan" He walked off to his car and put his balaclava and helmet on. He looked so good in that suit.

I left his room with a massive grin painted on my lips. I decided to walk over to the radio bit where they were controlling his car and his driving obviously. Zak pointed to a seat next to him, so I jumped onto that seat. I spoke with the McLaren team for a few minutes till they had to let Oscar and Lando go. We were patiently waiting till the red darting lights turned green and the commentator screamed "LIGHTS OUT AND AWAY WE GO". Everyone cheered loudly and I did too. Lando had started in P7 and Oscar started in P5. On his debut Oscar had managed to get from P18 to P5 which was insane. The race had continued and it was the 13th lap and Will was shouting on the radio to Oscar "BOX BOX BOX NOW". I was scared because I didn't want him to retire his car. He pulled upto the garage and the engineers and mechanics sorted his car out and he set out again. But as soon as he reached turned 4 a Alpine car that had Pierre in pushed into Oscar and that lead to his car crashing over the barrier and his car setting on fire. Will was screaming over the radio to check if he was okay but everything was quiet. The cars had gotten forced to return back to their garages, so they did. My heart left my body and I started crying tears.

Will placed his arm over my shoulder and reassured me he would be okay. 15 minutes had passed and a safety car appeared outside the McLaren garage. I took off my headphones and placed them down on the table quickly and jumped off my seat and ran over to Oscar. He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my arms around him. "Oscar are you okay?" I said with tears in my puffy eyes. He looked at me and smiled "Yeah I'm okay and hey don't cry" he said whilst wiping my tears away from my eyes. He kissed my cheek and walked me over to the McLaren team where they all hugged me and reassured me he would be fine.
piastri is theas bestfriend btw

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