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Oscar then went off and lifted up his girlfriend in the air, whilst Thea went and walked over to Charles. This was her first time at a F1 game in years and btw Lando never knew who she was. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and started taking pictures of the race track and Charles and then switched my phone off quickly and slid it into my bag. I ran over to Charles and wrapped my arms around him tightly. "I am so proud of you, I love you so much Char", he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. He grinned at me "Thank you Thea, I love you too and I am so glad you came today" I pulled him in for a hug and responded with "It's okay, I've always wanted to support you and I am glad I chose to support you apart from McLaren." whilst giggling we spoke for a couple of minutes. He pulled away from the hug and took my hands "Want to come to dinner tonight? All of the teams and drivers will be there with their girlfriends apart from the single ones such as me and Lando Norris." whilst caressing my hands he looked at me with a smile and laughed. I chuckled whilst he said that sentence "Obviously, I would want to go to dinner with you" I said whilst standing close to him.

The evening finally came and we had both headed to our rooms and decided to get dressed. I was alone in my bedroom and decided to wear something different as it was dinner. I decided to wear a grey pencil skirt with a white crop top with a matching grey headband with a pair of heels. I dabbed on a bit of makeup and decided to make my way downstairs to the "club/restaurant". It was so full I stood there by myself till Kelly and Max popped out of nowhere. They both greeted me and I greeted them back, also Max agreed to let me and Kelly talk for a bit. "You look stunning today even though it is a bit basic hahaha", I smiled and laughed a bit at her "Ahahah thank you and I could not be bothered to put in effort for a dinner which I am going to with my brother" I said just as Charles came to get me to walk me inside. I said farewell to Kelly and told her I would see her later and headed inside with Charles. Everyone was staring at me as they all knew me apart from Lando. He stared at us for like a good ten minutes, so I decided to shout his name. "Lando what are you staring at?" I said whilst chuckling. He walked over to me and Charles "Nothing" he said whilst rubbing his head in embarrassment. Charles looked at him and laughed his head off. "Definitely nothing Lando" I reciprocated back to him. "Anyways I'm going to go now, enjoy your date with Charles" he said as he walked off. "Wait I'll be right back" I said to Charles as I placed my drink on the table and squeezed through the crowd to see Lando on the balcony upstairs.

I tapped his shoulder and he gave me a stern look and turned his vision back to outside. "Lando he isn't my boyfriend, yk anyways nice to meet you my name is Thea Leclerc" I said whilst offering my hand. He shook my hand "Oh my.. I am so sorry for thinking you were dating Charles. I thought you two were actually dating because you looked very good with each other" he whispered in embarrassment. "It's okay don't worry" whilst smiling I stood at the other side of him. We stood there in silence for a bit till he blurted out a question which made me feel a bit lonely icl. "So, do you have a boyfriend?" Lando sipped on his drink. I didn't want to reply as I didn't want to ruin the start of mine and Lando's friendship and the way he acted towards me. "Yeah I do have a boyfriend" I said whilst frowning. He looked at me and coughed, "I need to go I'll see you around" whilst fake smiling at me. I was hurt at the fact he just left me like that. I walked off downstairs to catch up with the rest and then accidentally banged into Lando. I pushed past him and didn't bother saying sorry and walked off to Charles. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. He planted a kiss on my forehead and held me close by the waist. ; Hours passed and Thea was very drunk and was dancing on the tables till Charles had to grab her arm and take her home. She was in one of his shirts and a pair of his red trousers. ; I was so drunk and ran to Charles thinking it was someone else. "You are so cute" I said whilst mumbling on his neck. He wrapped his arms around me tightly "You're drunk Thea we'll talk about this tomorrow".

Charles grabbed one of his tshirts from his cupboard and put it on Thea after removing her clothes as she's covered in alcohol. He pecked her head and went to his room. It was the next day and Thea had finally woken up. "Ugh for fuck sake I'm so hungover" whilst rubbing my eyes and digging my head into my pillow. Charles came over to my room and sat on the bed. "Thea you were so drunk last night that you called me cute" whilst scratching his neck. My eyes widened "That was an accident I am so sorry Charles" I said whilst placing my head into my hands and letting out a sigh. "Last night I had a crap night". Charles held me close "Tell me about it please".  I bursted out in tears "Lando walked off from me after I said I had a fucking boyfriend, he look so upset and I feel so bad" . Charles calmed me down "Thea it's gonna be okay. I'm going to message him and talk to him also stay right here." he grabbed his phone and walked off to his bedroom. (charles pov) I grabbed my phone and unlocked it with my face id and went onto text messages and texted Lando. He replied very quickly, I think it was because he had finished training early today.
thank you all for your votes also please comment what u would like to see in the story🫶🏼. (also mb i keep forgetting the fact that thea is charles's sister)

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