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A couple of days later it was the day of my surgery in my back and it was all done and dusted. I sat on my bed with a mug of hot chocolate and a plate of pasta which I struggled to eat. I was so sad because every time I tried to bend over to eat, my back would hurt. Suddenly Tom the gay nurse walked in "Hi babes you have a visitor" he said whilst standing with his legs crossed and his arms on his hips. I smiled at him "okay thanks". He walked off and Lando and Daniel had entered. I was so happy to see Daniel but not so happy to see Lando. "Daniel heyyyy" I giggled. He walked over to me and hugged me gently and sat down next to me as Lando sat on my bed. We spoke for a little bit whilst I just stared at my Pasta. Danirl winked at me and Lando "One moment I'll be back" he laughed. He walked off and me and Lando sat there quietly for ten minutes till I grabbed my pasta plate and fork and tried to eat it but my hands were shaking a lot. Lando grabbed the plate of me and grabbed my fork and scooped up pasta and fed it me. It broke me knowing he had a girlfriend but whatever. He fed me all of my pasta and then sat back onto the bed. "Thanks" I muttered under my breath. He looked at me "Mhm" he said. I just sat there staring at the walls like a low life because my phone was dead and it was charging.

Lewis came back with a strawberry cheesecake, vanilla ice cream, and a bowl of fruits for me and placed it onto my table. "Enjoy your dessert love" he smiled. "Thanks babes love u" I smiled at him and scooted the table over to me and stared at it. "Uhm do you want some" I said to him whilst looking at my food. "If you don't mind" he mumbled. I scooted the table over to him and watched him eat till hours passed. "Can we talk about something?" he asked me. I nodded at him "Why are you acting so dry with me" he asked. I looked away "I'm not, I'm just hurt. I'm hurt because you have a girlfriend okay? I fucking liked you I really did, I genuinely loved you. I fell in love with you when we were friends and when we cuddled. I really fucking liked you, usually I never fall for people but for you I fell so hard. It hurts seeing you with a girlfriend yk? But it's fine I don't have any more feelings for you" I ranted on. That last line broke me ngl even though it was never true, I just wanted him to feel for me. He looked at me "Well I'm sorry yk". He went on and got mad at me because of "I don't have any more feelings for you" . "WELL MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T STUPID THEN YOU WOULD KNOW THAT WAS A LIE" I shouted back at him. I had tears rolling down my cheek till Luisa entered the room. She had broken up with Lando and got removed quickly. "EVEN I LIKED U BUT IT AIN'T MY FAULT I FUCKING FELL FOR HER" he shouted back. "UGH JUST FUCK OFF" I screamed back at him. He came closer to me.

"Go away" I whispered. It was 3am and he was still here, I put my hands in his hair and played with his hair. I cried whilst playing with his hair, I felt guilty because of what I said. I looked at him sadly and continued to play with his hair. I grabbed a hairbrush and brushed his curls out and added hairclips to prank him till he wokeup, I fell back asleep and pretended I wasn't awake. He got up and walked out. I got up and wondered why tf he actually walked off. I looked outside of the window whilst pushing my iv trolley with me as I was on a drip. I grabbed my phone and took a few pictures and sent them to Max as I was lonely till Lando walked back in. I turned around and saw him with maccies. I was jealous but ignored him and grabbed my phone and asked him to take a picture of me.

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