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End of the 14 century - England

"Letting go"

Elijah travelled further the world with his brother Niklaus. But he never lost the feeling of something missing, it didn't matter where they got or what they saw, the longing didn't stop.

But little did Elijah know that he was not alone on his journeys. For every step he took, he was being watched by Lillian, that followed him from the shadows.

Lillian would accompany Elijah on his journeys, always staying just out of sight, but never too far away. She would whisper guidance to him in the rustling of the leaves and nudge him in the right direction with a gentle breeze. She would watch over him as he slept and protectet him from any danger that lurked in the forest. She just couldn't leave him.

But that changed after they got to England and met Katherine Petrova.


As the last love of Elijah Mikaelson, Lillian had hoped that their bond was unbreakable, but he didn't remember that she had to accept that he will find someone else and as she stood in the shadows, watching Elijah interact with Katherine Pierce, she knew that everything was about to change.

She watched as Elijah took Katherine's hand and led her onto the dance floor. The room was filled with people, but it was as if they were the only two there. Lillian felt a pang of hurt in her chest as she watched them move together, their bodies in perfect sync.

It was then that she realized that she had lost Elijah to Katherine. It wasn't just a passing fancy or a fleeting attraction. He was in love with her, completely and utterly.

Lillian couldn't help but feel dumb, she knew that he would move on, he is the perfect gentleman, every woman wants him, that was the moment she had to realise that Elijah wasn't hers, not anymore.

As the song ended, Elijah pulled Katherine close and whispered something in her ear. Lillian couldn't hear what he said, but she could see the way Katherine's eyes lit up in response. They shared a smile, and for a moment, everything else faded away.

Lillian knew that she couldn't compete with that kind of love. She turned and slipped out of the room, her heart heavy with the knowledge that she had lost Elijah to Katherine. But as she walked away, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, she knew that Elijah could be happy. It was over now, and she had to move on and needed to flip the page and start on a new chapter even if it hurts.

"Keeping my distance because I know I can't have you."

So with that she decided to leave Elijah and travel the world alone, she hoped that someday the pain would fate, to cope with the pain she began to write letter to Elijah, she just couldn't let him go completely.


15 century - somewhere

She started her journey in Southeast Asia, backpacking through Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. She spent her days exploring ancient temples, sampling exotic foods, and meeting fascinating people. It was a dream come true.

But as she travelled, Lillian couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was a nagging sense of emptiness that she just couldn't ignore.

It wasn't until she again arrived in Italy that she realized what it was. As she walked through the streets of Florence, admiring the stunning architecture and the vibrant culture, she suddenly had a flashback to a moment from her past - a moment when she was deeply in love.

"To be Beside you, just once more,"

"I swear, that would be enough."

Lillian had been devastated by his loss, but she had thrown herself into her travels as a way to heal. But as she walked through Florence, she realized that she had been trying to run away from her grief instead of confronting it.

Over the next few months, as she travelled through Europe and then South America, she continued to have these flashbacks to her time with Elijah. At first, they were painful and overwhelming. They were a reminder of the love that she had shared with Elijah and the importance of embracing life to the fullest.


15 century - somewhere

As the sun began to set over the ocean, Lillian sat alone on the sandy beach. The cool breeze rustled through her hair and caressed her face, bringing with it the scent of saltwater and the distant cries of seagulls. Her eyes were fixed on the horizon, where the sky melted into the sea in a fiery display of oranges, pinks, and purples.

But despite the beauty of the scene before her, her heart was heavy with grief. It had been months since her soulmate had passed away, yet the pain of his absence still weighed heavily on her. She longed to feel his embrace, to hear his voice, to see his smile.

"Asleep or Awake, I dream of you, All the same."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought of all the moments they would never share again, all the dreams they had left unfulfilled. She missed his laughter, his warmth, his love.

As she sat there lost in her thoughts, she felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. She turned to see an older man, who had been walking along the beach, looking at her with understanding eyes.

Without a word, the man handed her a small seashell, and Lillian took it in her hand, feeling its smoothness and the ridges along its surface.

"Here for you, it's a little light in the darkness" said the man with a little smile and walked away.

Lillian knew that she would always miss him, but maybe, just maybe, she could find a way to live without him.

She clutched the seashell tightly in her hand and looked back out at the sea, the colours of the sunset now fading into darkness.

"Soulmates of Nature: Elijah Mikaelson and the Heart of the Earth."Where stories live. Discover now