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15 century - Salem


In the beginning, when the world was young and the forests were vast and untamed, Lillian roamed the land near Salem alone. As she travelled she felt lonely, for there were no beings like her, she knew of, no creatures with the power to shape the world around them.

One day, as she was walking through a dense forest, she heard a sound that was unlike anything she had heard before. It was the sound of voices, chanting and singing in harmony. Intrigued, she followed the sound until she came upon a clearing, where she saw a group of women dancing around a fire.

These were the first witches that Lillian had seen, ofcourse she heard of them but never seen with her own eyes. They had come together to celebrate the beauty of the natural world. They sang songs of praise to the earth and the sky, and their bodies moved in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the universe.

Lillian watched in awe as the witches worked their magic. They called upon the elements to bring rain and sunshine to the earth, and they spoke words of healing to the sick and the wounded. Their power was unlike anything she had ever seen before, and she knew that she had found her kindred spirits.

As the night wore on, Lillian approached the witches, the rustle in the trees caught their attention, and they all turned to look.

Out stepped Lillian dressed in dark green. Her hair was long and flowed in the breeze like a river. Her eyes sparkled with an inner light, and her voice was like the soft rustle of leaves.

The witches greeted her with open arms, they were the Bennet witches. They saw in her the same love and reverence for the earth that they had always felt, and they welcomed her as a friend.

Together, they shared stories of their experiences, and Lillian shared her wisdom with them. She taught them about the cycles of the seasons and the rhythms of the earth, and she showed them how to work their magic in harmony with nature.

The witches, in turn, showed her their spells and incantations, and they asked for her guidance in their craft. She showed them how to tap into the power of the earth and the sky, and how to use their magic to heal and protect the natural world.

From that day forward, Lillian and the witches worked together.

They created spells to heal the sick and the wounded, and they worked to bring balance to the land. They stood up against those who would harm the earth, using their magic to protect the forests and the rivers.

And so, the witches and Lillian became the guardians of the natural world, working together to ensure that the earth would always be a place of beauty and wonder. They continued to dance and sing in the moonlight, and their magic flowed like a river, powerful and never-ending.

There could Lillian after a long time fell home again, there were people with the same feelings and interest, but like always she needed to get going, but she would never forget these witches. She promised them, she would come to their aid if they needed her.


16 century - Near Greek


Deep in the heart of a vast forest, a pack of werewolves roamed free, the Malraux pack. They were powerful and feared by many, but they were also cursed. They could only turn into wolves on the full moon, and during the rest of the month, they were forced to live as humans.

One day, while they were out hunting, they stumbled upon a strange sight. In a clearing in the forest, they saw a beautiful woman surrounded by a throng of animals. The woman radiated a calming aura, and the animals seemed to be drawn to her.

Curiosity got the better of the werewolves, and they approached the woman. They could sense that she was different, and they felt drawn to her as well. The woman greeted them warmly and introduced herself as Mother Nature.

The werewolves were surprised but listened as Mother Nature explained that she had heard their plight and wanted to help. Lillian knew that the curse that had befallen them was not of their choosing, and she wanted to lift it.

Lillian explained that she had the power to grant the werewolves the ability to turn into wolves at any time, not just on the full moon. However, this was a delicate process, and it would require the werewolves to undergo a transformation of their own.

The werewolves agreed, and Lillian led them to a secret grove deep in the forest. There, she performed a powerful ritual that infused the werewolves with her magic.

For hours, the werewolves writhed in pain as their bodies shifted and transformed. It was a gruelling process, but finally, it was over.

When the werewolves stood up, they were different. They were still werewolves, but now they had complete control over their transformations. They could turn into wolves whenever they wanted, and they no longer had to fear the full moon.

Lillian smiled at them, pleased with what she had accomplished. She reminded them that they were part of nature and that they needed to use their newfound powers wisely.

From that day forward, the werewolves roamed the forest as wolves whenever they pleased. They were no longer cursed, but blessed with the gift of transformation thanks to the kindness of Mother Nature, with that they made a promise to her to protect her and every werewolf would be on her side.

Lillian was glad that she could make friends and Allias around the world, it makes living and helping easier.

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