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20 century - Mystic Falls

Time had passed, Lillian sat at her wooden desk, surrounded by shelves stacked high with old leather-bound books and jars filled with strange ingredients. Her long red hair fell around her shoulders as she flipped through the pages of one of her spell books.

"I know it's in here somewhere," she muttered to herself, her eyes scanning the pages.

She had promised Bonnie that she would help them with a problem, but she couldn't remember which spell to use. She had so many to choose from, and it was hard to keep them all straight.

As she flipped through the pages, she could feel her frustration growing. She had spent hours searching for the right spell, but none of them seemed quite right.

Just as she was about to give up, her eyes landed on a page she had somehow missed before. It was a spell for exactly the problem Bonnie was facing.

Her heart filled with joy as she read through the instructions. She knew this was the one.

Without hesitation, she began to gather the ingredients she would need. She carefully measured out each one and added them to her cauldron, stirring them slowly as she chanted the incantation.

As she worked, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her body. She knew that the spell was working.

When she was finished, she carefully poured the contents of the cauldron into a small jar and corked it tightly. With a smile on her face, she tucked it into her bag and headed out to find Bonnie.

When she arrived, Bonnie was waiting anxiously for her. Lillian took the jar out of her bag and handed it over, explaining how to use it.

Bonnie thanked her profusely, and Lillian could see the relief in their eyes. She knew that she had done something good, and it made her heart sing.

As she walked back to her home, she knew that she had done enough, Bonnie and her friends had to do it themselves, this fate wasn't something for Lillian.


It was full moon, tonight would the curse be broken, but only if Niklaus success.

Lillian wasn't sure if it was good or not, maybe now Niklaus would stop from daggering his siblings.

As Lillan, stood on the balcony of her small cottage, her eyes closed in concentration. She had been feeling a shift in the energy of the town for few minutes now, and she knew that the curse will be broken soon.

As she focused her magic, she suddenly felt a jolt run through her body and she knew without a doubt that the curse of the sun and moon had finally been broken.

Lillian looked up and saw the moon rising in the sky and it glowed with an intense brightness that she had never seen before.

Lillian couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and hoped that now her friends and allies would no longer be forced to suffer under the weight of Niklaus Mikaelson trying to break these ancient curses.


It had been to days since the curse had been broken

Lillian, moved gracefully through the dense forest, her eyes scanning the ground for the herbs she needed. She was so focused on her task that she almost didn't notice the figure walking towards her until he was only a few feet away.

"Excuse me," the man said, his voice deep and familiar. "Are you lost?"

Lillian looked up and her heart leapt in her chest. It was Elijah Mikaelson, her lost love, the one she had thought she would never see again. But she knew that he didn't recognize her.

"I'm not lost," Lillian said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I'm just collecting herbs."

Elijah's eyes flicked to the herbs in her hands, and then back to her face. "Ah, a witch," he said, his tone polite but distant. "I'm Elijah. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lillian felt a pang of hurt. It hurt that he didn't recognize. Had he forgotten everything they had shared, but she still wasn't used to it. She tried to hide her emotions behind a smile.

"The pleasure is mine," she said. "I'm Lillian."

As they stood there, exchanging pleasantries, Lillan couldn't help but study Elijah. He looked so different from the last time she had seen him. His hair was longer, and there were lines around his eyes that hadn't been there before. He seemed more serious, more guarded.

"I must be going," Elijah said, breaking the silence. "It was nice to meet you, Lillian."

Lillian watched as he walked away, feeling a sense of loss that was almost too much to bear. She knew that she couldn't force him to remember her, or to love her again. But she couldn't help wishing that things could be different.


After the encounter with the witch, Elijah had been searching for his brother Niklaus for days, ever since Niklaus had turned into a werewolf. The elder Mikaelson brother had scoured the countryside, looking for any sign of his sibling, and it wasn't until he stumbled upon a small clearing in the woods that he finally found him.

Elijah gave him cloths and were walking back the Alric's apartment. But Niklaus could sense that there was something is off about Elijah and cut through the silence between them.

"What's going on with you, I already promised you to bring you together with our family."

Elijah looked at Niklaus for minute, deciding if he should tell his brother about the encounter with the witch.

"I met a witch in the woods today," Elijah said, his voice measured and calm. "She was... unusual."

Klaus raised an eyebrow. "Unusual? In what way?"

Elijah hesitated for a moment, then decided to take the plunge. "She had a power I've never felt before. She seemed familiar, but I am sure I have never seen her before, i would have remembered her, by these unit red hair."

Niklaus stopped walking and looked at the ground, why was she in Mystic Falls. No, he couldn't let Elijah meet her again.

"That witch" "She's dangerous," Niklaus said. "I don't want you anywhere near her."

Elijah's eyes narrowed. "And why is that?"

"She's powerful, and she's not to be trusted," Niklaus said. "She has her own agenda, and I don't want you caught up in it."

Elijah crossed his arms. "Niklaus, I appreciate your concern, but I am more than capable of handling myself."

"I know that" Niklaus said. "But this witch is different. She's cunning and manipulative. She'll use you to get what she wants."

Elijah sighed. "And what is it that she wants?"

"I don't know," Niklaus said unsure. "But I do know that she's up to something. And I don't want you to be a part of it."

Elijah considered his brother's words for a moment before speaking. "Niklaus, I appreciate your concern, but I cannot let my guard down just because you say so. I will approach this witch with caution, as I do with anyone else."

Niklaus looked frustrated, but he knew that he couldn't force Elijah to do anything. "Fine," he said. "But just be careful, brother. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I will," Elijah said, placing a reassuring hand on Niklaus's shoulder. "Thank you for your warning. But I must go now. There are matters I need to attend to."

Niklaus nodded, watching as his brother left the room. He knew that Elijah was stubborn and headstrong, but he couldn't help feeling worried about Lillian and what she might do to his beloved brother.

"Soulmates of Nature: Elijah Mikaelson and the Heart of the Earth."Where stories live. Discover now