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19 century - Chicago

"Saving light"

Lillian had been aware of Stefan Salvatore's existence since she helped Emily Bennett and meet his brother Damon. She had watched over him from afar. She had seen him at his worst moments, when his humanity was turned off and he was lost in his bloodlust, and she had seen him at his best moments, when he was fighting to regain control.

And she had seen him together with Rebekah and Niklaus and again had Niklaus destroyed a couple, it hurt her deeply, because she saw herself and Elijah. So she wanted to help him.

So as she sensed that he now was on the brink of losing himself completely, she knew that she had to intervene.

She found him in an Ally, surrounded by the bodies of his victims. His eyes were dark and empty, his face twisted with pain and rage.

"Stefan," she said, her voice soft and soothing. "It's time to come back to yourself."

He snarled at her, baring his fangs. "Leave me alone," he growled. "I don't need your help."

But Lillian was not deterred. She knew that Stefan needed her, whether he realized it or not.

She approached him slowly, her eyes fixed on his. And then, with a gentle touch, she placed her hand on his chest.

Stefan recoiled at first, but then something inside him shifted. He felt a warmth spreading through his body, a sense of peace that he had not felt in a long time.

And then, with a sudden rush, his humanity came flooding back to him.

He stumbled back, his eyes widening in shock. "What... what did you do?" he whispered.

Lillian smiled at him, her eyes filled with love and compassion. "I simply reminded you of who you are," she said. "Of the good that lies within you, even in your darkest moments."

Stefan looked at her, his heart full of gratitude. "Thank you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

And then, with a deep sense of purpose, he set out to make amends for his past mistakes. He knew that he could overcome any obstacle and become the man that he had always wanted to be.


19 century - Virginia

Lillian had sensed that Damon was in trouble and found out that he was caught by Augustine. She travelled to the Whitemore College to save him, but she was to late.

Lillian arrived at the building, but it's was already on fire and Damon had left his mate and escape. That painted Lillian, she needed to save this man from the fire.


As Enzo stumbled through the corridors of the Augustine lab, coughing and choking on smoke as the flames roared around him. He had been captured and tortured by the Augustine Society for years, and now they were trying to kill him.

Just when he thought he couldn't go on any longer, a figure appeared out of the smoke. It was a woman with long, red hair and a flowing black dress. Enzo recognized her immediately as a witch, but not just a witch, there was something sepcial about her aura.

"Come with me if you want to live," she said in a calm, soothing voice.

Enzo hesitated for a moment. He had always been sceptical of witches, but he was desperate. He nodded and followed her through the flames.

Lillian led Enzo through the maze-like corridors of the lab, weaving through the smoke and flames with ease. She seemed immune to the fire.

"How are you doing this?" Enzo gasped.

"I am Mother nature," she replied simply.

They finally reached a door at the end of a hallway. Lillian whispered a few words under her breath and the door swung open. They stepped out into the night air, and Enzo took a deep breath of fresh air for the first time in what felt like ages.

"Thank you," he said, turning to Lillian. "I don't know how to repay you."

"There's no need," she said with a smile. "Just be careful from now on. The Augustine Society will be looking for you."

Enzo nodded, grateful for the warning. He watched as she disappeared into the night, leaving him to start a new life, free from the clutches of the Augustine Society.

But now on the road of revenge on Damon Salvatore.

"Soulmates of Nature: Elijah Mikaelson and the Heart of the Earth."Where stories live. Discover now