9 :- Rest bite

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A/N - (All credit for art goes to original artist)

A/N - (All credit for art goes to original artist)

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After a long day's ride, the group of now sluggish companions find themselves coming to a stop on top of a cliff that overlooks the woodlands of Buckland. The sight is a rare beauty with the evening sun settling down over the canopy of the congested forest giving the leaves a golden heugh as the skies begin to darken, and the stars begin to shine.

Bobbie gently slides off her pony who she found out was named shimmer and falls onto wobbly legs. Stumbling slightly, she feels two warm hands grab her waist to steady her movements. "Easy lass, we don't want you hurting yourself so early on now do we." The low rumble of the persons voice makes the hairs prick up on the back of her neck and a shiver run down her spine.

Turning her head slightly she sees Fili, his head is tilted to the right to have a better view of her face from behind as a small grin graces his features. "I've never ridden on a pony for such a long time, I think my legs have stopped working." Bobbie chuckles to herself trying to shift her legs back and forth under his grasp to get rid of the tingling sensation running up and down them.

"I'm sad to say that that feeling never goes away, but you'll get used to it." With one final squeeze to her sides, Fili lets go of the now steady hobbit and adventures off to help set up the company's camp for the night.

Bobbie lets out a breath she didn't realise she was holding in and moves herself and shimmer over to the corner of the camp where Biffur is tending to the ponies for the evening. With a nod of thanks, she finds a small spot next to the other dwarfs and busies herself with setting up her bed for the night. Bobbie has known the blonde dwarf for less than a day, but he already has such an effect on her which she doesn't understand. She has never felt this way before and she has no idea what to do with it.

Just as Bobbie is about to be whisked away by her thoughts, her pointed ears hear a gruff and demanding tone calling out her name. Looking up, her eyes shift around the area until she spots Thorin standing by the now lit fire with one hand on his hip and the other gesturing her over to him.

Bobbie rises from her position knelt on the ground and makes her way through the construction of the camp with slow moving steps. She can't help but admire the fluidity of the company working together, its incredible how they can work in such tandem with each other without orders being thrown back and forth. All she can hear as she walks past are whispers of conversations and the occasional raw of a laugh, it brings a smile to her face.

"What do you need from me Thorin?" Bobbie asks the leader when she finally arrives where he is standing stoically.

Thorin looks down at her with piercing eyes that make Bobbie shrink into herself slightly. "What do you know about this area? I need to know we will be safe for the night."

"Oh, well this is a safe enough area from what I know of. The trees are good shelter and will keep us mostly hidden, and there is not much danger apart from the occasional orc that may cross this way. But they have not been seen in these parts for many years." Bobbie nervously stutters out. She tries to bring any information of the area to the forefront of her mind. She has already figured out with Thorin that he is very slow to trust, so she must earn it with the only way she knows how: Knowledge.

Dandelion Wine - Fili Durin fan fiction (on hold!)Where stories live. Discover now