12:- Pony Poachers

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N/A- Thank you so much for being so patient for this chapter, you guys are amazing! Let me know what you think of this chapter and i hope you enjoy. x

A/N - (All credit for art goes to original artist)

Bobbie feels run down after the strenuous journey of the day

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Bobbie feels run down after the strenuous journey of the day. Her soggy clothes stick to her body in areas they haven't quite dried yet. Her legs have gone numb from riding shimmer all day long. She can feel her body rock side to side as her heavy eyes blink slowly, trying to stay awake.

As Bobbie begins to feel herself drifting off, she hears the roar of Thorin's deep voice jostling her out of her near slumbering state. "Bobbie, is this area free of danger?"

"uh, one second." Bobbie scrambles to grab her map of the area from her bag. "This seems to be a safe place Thorin. The closest danger would be the mountain troll of Ettenmoors, however they have never been known to travel this far south. They wouldn't be able to move in the sunlight so it would be almost impossible for them. Although-"

"Ok then, we'll camp here for the night." Thorin sighs and shakes his head as he interrupts the rambling hobbit. Bobbie narrows her eyes at the greying dwarf, being interrupted was not her favourite thing. "Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them."

Looking around herself, Bobbie finds an abandoned farmhouse in complete ruins. The structure was barely standing anymore, and it seems as though the wildness of the forest has begun to take over. There are vines crawling across branches and reaching from the floor to invade the site and reclaim it as its own. It didn't feel right to her, however she didn't want to question Thorin's judgement. He was not in a good mood.

"Thanks goodness! I thought this day would go on forever." Bobby speaks out to no one in particular as she begins to manoeuvre her body to decent from shimmer.

Fili (as usual) is right there to help Bobbie down from her pony to help stabilize her wobbly little legs. He holds onto her waist as she lets her hands fall to his biceps "It did feel very long today, the rain did not help either."

Bobbie looks to him with features of agreement "That rain was dreadful, I'm going to need to put most of my maps out to dry tonight." She twitches her noes in annoyance thinking about all of the maps that will have to be laid out.

"Don't worry little lassie, I'll help you." Fili smiles at her.

"Nope mister, you have your own job to do tonight. Look after those ponies or Thorin will have a hissy fit." Bobbie giggles as she pats his chest and moves away from his arms. The distance makes her feel colder.

"I thought you would have learnt your lesson about saying stuff like that earlier." Fili laughs as he follows Bobbie as she moves to unload her stuff off of shimmer.

"Never." Bobby smirks over her shoulder as she begins to lay out her maps in the view of the dipping sun. "Now go and help your brother, he's looking over here very amused."

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