1:- The beginning of the end.

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"My dear Frodo

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"My dear Frodo. You asked me one once if I had told you everything there was to know about my adventures. And while I can honestly say I have told you the truth, I may not have told you all of it. I am old now, Frodo. I'm not the same Hobbit I once was. I think it is time for you to know what really happened..."

On a brisk autumn morning Bilbo Baggins was sitting at his wooden desk that was overflowing with books, scraps of paper, maps, and the odd picture of memories from the better times of youth. The sight of this old hobbit was interesting to say the least. He was one that was well known in Hobbiton, his name stretched as far as the eye could see as he seemed too much of a mystical character to be real. His old eyes had been there and back again, witnessed many wonders and miracles if you believe in them. He sat with a wondering nature, seeming to be stuck in a memory triggered by the open book in front of him that had writings of his past.

His nephew: Frodo Baggins was also there. The joyful young fellow was wondering through the hobbit hole that he called his home. Having just collected the post he went into his uncle's study to deliver the obscene number of letters to him. Frodo places them down on the second shelf of the oak desk, startling Bilbo out of his memory enticed haze.

"Thank you." Bilbo says in his monotone voice, feeling slightly miffed from the blunt sound of the letters landing beside his ear.

As Frodo glanced down to where the open book lied, he saw two old, detailed drawing of young hobbits between the pages. One was of a boy who had curly hair and point ears, he had a rather stern face, but his eyes seemed to show wonder and adventure. The other showed the image of a girl that had the same curly hair and pointy ears as the other. You could clearly see they were siblings from the likeness of their features, however this one had a bright smile on her face showing her pearly teeth that wrinkled her eyes ever so slightly. This picture showed a young almost innocent glow that portrayed mischief and restlessness. Two respectable young hobbits who had no idea where their lives would lead them. "What's this?" He asks with a slight taunt in his voice, picking up the photos. "Is that aunty Bobbie? I would recognize that smile anywhere."

"That is private, keep your sticky paws off." Bilbo exclaims, snatching the photos from Frodo.

"Have you heard from them recently?" Frodo questions his uncle.

"of course, I have boy, don't be silly. The children are doing well, keeping your poor aunty on her toes from what I've heard. They have grown out of wooden swords that's for sure. The family is happy and should be visiting any day now. You don't need to worry about them any time soon." Bilbo explains to him as he looks at the picture of his younger sister in her youth. He misses her dearly; however, he knows she is very happy living her life with her husband and two children that Frodo loves with all his heart.

The boisterous nature of the hobbit/dwarf children was unheard of in the shire, the joy of rampages and wrestling was almost bread into them despite Frodo's objections to the games. The gentle hobbit always preferred to read in a quiet corner or go on calm walks down by the river side, the number of bruises and sore muscles the poor boy would come home with when his cousins came to visit was quite extraordinary. Frodo can still remember his aunty chastising her children when they were young and telling them "Go and put those sheep back!" Or even once "Where did you get those fireworks from!" The farther of the mischievous pair would always laugh at the antics of his guilty children while their mother would be run ragged with worry. Bilbo thought the mixing of the two races would bring a gentle nature to the children. He was only half right, but he loved them all the same.

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