11:- rain, rain go away...

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Hi everyone!! I just wanted to apologise for my absence recently. I've been struggling slightly with writers block and just not really having much motivation. I love this story and I am continuing to update however they may be slow.

I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read this story so far. I mean 1.5k views!!!! That's more then I ever thought this story would get so I thank you all for that. so many votes as well! I sincerely thank anyone who is reading this story, it means a lot.

Anyway, enough of me jabbering on! i hope you enjoy this chapter and hopefully there will be another soon! :) x

A/N - (All credit for art goes to original artist)

The Company had been on their ponies for most of the day, the sun had risen high in the sky as the hours passed and the warm rays felt comforting as they dazzled on to Bobbies summer tanned skin

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The Company had been on their ponies for most of the day, the sun had risen high in the sky as the hours passed and the warm rays felt comforting as they dazzled on to Bobbies summer tanned skin. She was enjoying the day until the clouds grew thicker and they raced behind the golden tail of light in the sky.

As they took over the canopy, the day became darker, and the heavens above opened to reveal the cold rainfall covering the group in moisture. Everyone scrambled for their packs to shield themselves from the summer pour.

As the water continues to fall from the sky, the day continues to be a nuisance. The pony's hooves tread through a muddy, damp forest as it rains, and rains, and rains...

All the company looked cold, wet, and miserable. Their beards and bodies soaked, and their moods sour with how uncomfortable they have all become. But still, they trot on and struggle through the dreariness.

"Here, Mr. Gandalf? Can't you do something about this deluge?" Dori pipes up from somewhere in the middle of the pack, you can hear the annoyance in his voice as he calls to the elderly man.

Gandalf huffs as his head twitches back in acknowledgment. "It is raining, Master Dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done." The grey man states with fact. He is also soaked to the core. His hat as become droopier and his large cloak cling to his arms as he holds his staff in one hand and his horses reigns in the other. "If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard."

Bilbo is the next to talk, "Are there any?" He askes as he hunches himself as small as possible to hide from said deluge. Bobbie turns her head and quickly squints her eyes as raindrops start to flicker onto her face. She looks to her brother in his state, the silly boy forgot to grab his cloak as he ran out the door so now, he is in this downpour in just his ordinary clothes and summer jacket which is now completely soaked through.

"What?" Gandalf mumbles out.

"Other wizards?" Bilbo reiterates, louder this time to be heard over the rain.

"There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman, the White. Then there are the two Blue Wizards..." Gandalf pauses for a moment as he trots on his horse. His face scrunches in thought. "You know, I've quite forgotten their names."

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