Chapter 7 - Back at the Pokemon Centre

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The next day, Izuku sat with the Shinso's at their dinner table having lunch.

"Izuku... Mr. Yagi said that he'll come to pick you up in half an hour. Are you sure you want to do this so soon?" Mrs. Shinso asks him.

"The faster we get this done, the better." Izuku sighs as he pokes his breakfast with his fork. "I'll be fine. And Hitoshi, I'm sorry you couldn't go to the meet n greet yesterday."

"Hey, it's fine. We can catch our own pokemon once we get to UA!" Shinso tells him.

Izuku simply smiles as he looks over to Infernape who was sitting on the floor with Mrs. Shinso's Chansey and eating it's breakfast.

"Hey Infernape, you want to go for a run?" Izuku asks the pokemon.

"Nape!" The pokemon exclaims as he hops up to its feet.

"Alright. Give me a minute I'll go change." Izuku tells the pokemon. A few minutes later, Izuku exited the house with Infernape. "Let's go. We'll go to the park nearby and back. We should be back before Mr. Yagi comes. Think you can keep up?" He challenges the pokemon that grunts, a smirk appearing on its face.

"Wait for me!" Izuku hears Hitoshi exclaim as he exits his house.

"You want to come for the run as well?" Izuku asks the boy.

"Is that rhetorical or do you want an answer for that?" Hitoshi asks Izuku.

"Well, you better keep up then. I'm looking to break my record of reaching the park." Izuku tells him.

"You better be fast then." Hitoshi answers as he performs a few stretches and gets ready.

"We start on three!" Izuku tells Infernape and Hitoshi. "Three."

"Two." Hitoshi counts.

"NAAA!!" Infernape yells as the three of them break into a run. Infernape immediately leaps onto the buildings, using the ledges to leap and get a lead.

Izuku smirks as he looks at Hitoshi for a second and runs up the side of a wall to get to the ledges, following in Infernape's footsteps. However, Izuku leaps from the ledges and climbs onto the roof.

"What the..." Hitoshi exclaims as he watches Izuku leap from roof to roof and almost keep up with the Infernape.

After a few minutes, Hitoshi stopped competing and stuck to ensuring that Izuku didn't hurt himself while running. He watched Izuku make leaps that should have been impossible for him without some sort of quirk boosting his leaps. Izuku had overtaken Infernape by the time they had reached the 5-minute mark in their run. And the park was almost visible to them now.

Hitoshi noted that Izuku was much faster. Way too fast. Izuku reached the park in a record time of 7 minutes. A while 3-minute improvement over his last personal best. Hitoshi however took just over 10 and a half minutes, improving by a little over 5 seconds.

"What the fuck was that?" Hitoshi pants out as he sits next to Izuku on the grass.

"What?" Izuku asks him.

"You ran to the park in almost 7 minutes. Our last record was 10 minutes and 39 seconds." Hitoshi reminds him.

"I don't know but I loved the feeling I got while running with Infernape. Just... Pure speed." Izuku exclaims as he lies down on the grass. "I can't describe it." Izuku says as he looks up into the sky.

"Well, whatever it is, I hope you can control it. Because you reminded me of wild pokemon. You ran and leapt like one. We should give you wings and see if you can fly like a Pidgeot too." Hitoshi jokes as he lies back down. Infernape sat next to the two boys, munching on some apples an old lady had given him.

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