Chapter 5 - Aura

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Izuku climbs off All Might who tells him to go to the nearest police officer and stay as far away as possible, handing him a pokeball just as a precaution.

Unfortunately, that was when all hell breaks loose.

As the boy walked towards the police officer's car, he caught a glimpse of the victim that had been killed. The green hair struck out to him and much to the police officer's disapproval, he dashed towards the victim, ducking behind the car and debris in the area to keep the attacker from noticing him, a police officer close behind him.

'No. Please do not let this happen.' He thinks to himself as he finally enters the alley and slowly gets closer to the body. He knees next to it, hoping his fears were not true. He turns the body so he could get a clear look at the face. As the body fell limply on its back, the hair fell to the side, revealing the victim's face.

Izuku fell onto his butt in shock, tears falling from his eyes as he hugs the body, unable to even make a sound as he cried silently.

The police officer who was tasked to look after Izuku tries to get him away before they caught the villain's attention but Izuku was adamant about not leaving, going as far as to backhand the officer away, his hands glowing blue once more.

Izuku kept the body close as a pokeball fell out of his pocket. It was All Might's Pokeball, the one that the man had given him to protect him. As the pokeball rolled away, it opened, releasing an Infernape.

Rotom Narrator Dex Entry:

Infernape: Infernape, the Flame Pokémon and the evolved form of Monferno

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Infernape: Infernape, the Flame Pokémon and the evolved form of Monferno. Infernape's fiery crown reflects its fiery nature, and its speed is unmatched. It tosses its enemies around with agility. It uses all its limbs to fight in its own unique style. Its crown of fire is indicative of its fiery nature. It is beaten by none in terms of quickness. It shrouds itself in flame and battles as if engaged in dance—truly a sight to behold.

"Nape?" The pokemon mutters as he looks at Izuku. Izuku, tears still streaming down his face, turned to look at the rampaging villain as she fought All Might, his emotions raging inside of him.

"Infernape!" The pokemon exclaims, trying to stop the boy but Izuku simply stares the pokemon down, forcing him to move aside.

"Thank you Infernape." Izuku mutters as he dashes towards the villain, his fists glowing blue as he reared his right hand for a punch. 


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