Chapter 18 - Ochako Uraraka

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"When you hit the Zero Pointer, your... your fists they were glowing blue. Are you... can you use Aura by chance?" Ochako asks him, shocking both Izuku and Hitoshi.

"What?" Izuku asks her.

"Aura? The stuff that Lucarios use." Ochako tells him.

"I... I know what aura is." Izuku responds.

"Are you an aura user? Like Sir Ash?" She asks him.

"How do you know about Aura?" Hitoshi asks her.

"I've read about it in some books." Ochako answers.

"I... I don't think I can use aura." Izuku answers. "That's just how my quirk looks at times." He tells her.

"...Oh." Ochako says.

"Your quirk looks blue?" Hitoshi asks him.

"Yeah. It always has." Izuku answers.

"I've never seen it..." Hitoshi tells him.

"To be fair you haven't seen me use it in large quantities so maybe that's the problem." Izuku suggests. "Back at home, I barely used it."

"Yeah." Hitoshi says. "Anyway, this one is your problem since it's your quirk. I've got to get going, I need to report to the venue and choose the pokemon before all of them get taken. I'll see you later."

"All the best. And don't worry about the pokemon you're going to get. You'll do just fine!" Izuku says as Hitoshi gets up.

"I'll try." Hitoshi says.

"You'll do fine. Those are trained pokemon that are probably friendly in nature." Ochako tells him.

"All the best to you two. You've got your own exams soon." Hitoshi says as he leaves the two alone.

Ochako waits for a few minutes after Hitoshi leaves before speaking. "Why did you lie?" She asks Izuku.


"About Aura."

"I didn't lie. That is just how my quirk is." Izuku answers.

"Midoriya..." Ochako sighs. "What I'm about to tell you might get me in trouble with my family so I hope to Arceus that you're lying right now."

"What do you mean?"

"You have heard of Aura Guardians right? Sir Ash was one." Ochako tells him. "They are the highest in the ranks of the Aura Users. My family, more specifically my father, comes from a long line of Aura Observers. Though we are the lowest in the Aura ladder, we know aura when we see it. That was aura."

"You're an Aura Observer?" Izuku asks her.

"Aura Observer in Training." Ochako corrects him. Izuku squints his eyes at her as he discretely channels some aura into his palm. "Stop channeling your aura into your hands to test me. I can see the energy you're collecting." Ochako tell him, her eyes glowing a dull blue.

"I was just checking something." Izuku answers. "Assuming you know the truth about your family, why don't the professors know of you guys?" Izuku asks her.

"Because my ancestors didn't want out family to be targeted. There's a reason we live far in the country side." Ochako answers.

"If I find that you are lying, I swear to god that you'll regret the day that you met me." Izuku threatens her as he gets up. "Grab the stand, we're going to meet someone." Izuku tells her as he walks out the door.

"RG." He knocks on the doctor's door before walking in.

"What is it kid?" RG asks him.

"Uraraka told me that she is an Aura Observer. I'm taking her to meet Principal Nezu." Izuku tells him.

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