Chapter 8 - Mr. Yagi's Plan

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One and a half our later. (They got an extension after a rather well-placed call from All Might. No one can tell you no apparently if you're the Number 1 hero.)

"And that's about the gist of it." All Might or well Mr. Yagi says.

"It took one hour! And that's the gist!!!" Hitoshi exclaims.

"More importantly, you want Izuku to be your successor?" Mrs. Shinso asks him.

"That among other things. Seeing that you are the closest thing he has to a relative, at least as far as I know. And at least for the next year, he'll be staying with you so I thought that you should at least know about this." Yagi explains.

"What if I don't accept?" Izuku asks him.

"Well, if you do say no, I'd try to get you to reconsider. You have a lot of potential Young Midoriya. As a Pokemon Trainer and more importantly as an Aura Guardian." Yagi tells him. "Okay, can you do this little exercise for me. I want you to close your eyes." Izuku closes his eyes. "What do you see?" Yagi asks him.

Izuku focuses as he starts to feel the various people around him. "I... I can see you all. Outlines. But they are clear outlines. They... they're all on fire." Izuku says.

"You're that far without training. Imagine what you could do with proper training." Yagi says.

"What did he see?" Hitoshi asks him.

"That was Aura Vision. All living beings, Pokemon included, have an Aura. The strength of this aura waxes and wanes with age." Yagi explains. "There are a few people in this world that can see aura, lesser that can meld aura and even lesser who can do what Izuku can. The first group of people are called Aura Observers. The second group are called the Aura Shapers. And the final group is called the Aura Guardians. Izuku is..."

"An Aura Guardian." Izuku answers.

"You might have heard of a few Aura Observers, Mr. Nezu, Eraserhead, and a few others across history. Aura Shapers across history include Korrina from Kalos, Maylene from Sinnoh and Prof. Kukui from Alola to name a few. Aura Guardians, heh, that's where it gets interesting. There have been 3 recorded figures who have been given the Aura Guardian rank. And yes, you heard me, the Aura Guardian was a rank originally given to people. This was way back. If you do get time, I'd suggest you read up on the story of Kingdom Rota. It was a small, independent kingdom somewhere north of the Kanto region, not too far away from what records call the Tree of Life. But, it was also home to one of the best know Aura Guardians. Sir Aaron. He was a fully realized Aura Guardian. Back then, you had to be trained by an Aura Guardian to become one. However after a war, most Aura Guardians either passed away or retired for good. Only two Aura Guardians were ever recorded after that. The first being Sir Riley from Sinnoh and the second being Sir Ash from Kanto." Yagi explains.

"Ash? As in the former world champion?" Hitoshi exclaims.

"Yep. Sir Ash always wanted to train the next Aura Guardian but he never found anyone. He was the last of the Aura Guardians. Sir Riley also passed away a few years before Sir Ash did." Yagi explains.

"Then how am I supposed to become one?" Izuku asks him. "If there isn't anyone to train me then how do I master these abilities?"

"Well, that's where I come in. As I told you, I know people who know about Aura. We can meet them and they will guide us." Yagi answers.

"How many people know of this?" Mrs. Shinso asks Yagi.

"Currently speaking, aside from the 4 of us, all of my pokemon, Mr. Nezu and I suspect that Eraserhead also knows since he seems to work rather closely with Nezu at times." Yagi answers. "They are our best bet currently speaking. Aizawa can teach you the basics of Aura and how to visualize and observe aura while Nezu finds someone to train you. That is if he hasn't already done so."

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