Chapter 19 - End of the Entrance Exams

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Room 15.

"Is Midoriya going to come?" Present Mic asks Eraserhead.

"He's on his way. At least that is what Nezu told me." Eraserhead answers. "Death Arms, you ready?"

"Yeah. I still don't know why you didn't want me to put on the Quirk Suppressants." The large hero tells Eraserhead.

"Have you ever seen a Lucario?" Eraserhead asks him.

"I've seen a few." Death Arms answers. "Why?"

"Have you ever tried to fight one?" Eraserhead asks him.

"I do not like where this is going." Death Arms says as there is a knock on the door.

"Uhh... it's Midoriya Izuku. Examinee number 1507. Can I come in?" They hear Izuku's voice ask them.

"Get in Midoriya." Aizawa says as Izuku opens the door and walks in. Aizawa tosses him a pokeball. "Your Charcadet. She kept escaping her pokeball while you were resting. Almost drove poor old Recovery Girl mad from chasing behind her."

"I'll... I'll talk to her about it." Izuku answers as he releases the flame pokemon.

"CHAR!" The pokemon exclaims. "Ca. Cadet!"

"Charcadet I know. And I'm sorry for leaving you in the pokeball for so long." Izuku apologises. "Can you sit with Mr. Yamada and Mr. Aizawa for a while?"

"Char. Charcadet." She responds as she runs up to Mic.

"So, I take it I'm going to have to fight Death Arms." Izuku asks Eraserhead as he looks at Mic and the third judge, a short yet old pro who seemed to be busy feeding his Blaziken some berries.

"Don't hold back because he's not wearing Quirk Suppressors." Eraserhead informs Izuku.

"Gimme a second." Izuku says as he walks up to the examiners table. "I need to take this off if you don't want me to hold back." He says as he takes of his shirt, placing it on the nearest chair and starts to remove a high density weight jacket. Placing the jacket on the ground, he wears his t-shirt again and walks to the center of the small arena that had been made.

"How heavy is that thing?" Death Arms asks him.

"About 15 or 20 kilos. I don't remember what weight i put in on it this morning." Izuku answers as he performs some quick stretches. "Ready when you are." He tells the pro as he takes a fighting stance.

"Oh. This will be interesting." Eraserhead mutters as he takes his seat, placing Charcadet on his lap. Marshadow appears out of his shadow, and finds his way to the table.

"Char!" Charcadet exclaims, waving to the small mythical pokemon.

"Mars." Marshadow responds as Charcadet leaps onto the table. The two pokemon sit at the edge of the table, as Izuku and Death Arms sized each other up.

Izuku dashes towards Death Arms, the hero smirks, getting ready to block or counter. He sees Izuku telegraphing his punch and goes in to counter by meeting Izuku's fist mid-way. Much to his surprise though, Izuku barely winces as the pro's fist hits his.

Death Arms goes to grab Izuku with his free hand but is surprised when he grabs nothing but air. A quick glance around the arena tells him that there was Izuku wasn't on the ground. Looking up he sees Izuku leaping from one wall to the other.

"What are you trying to do?" Death Arms mutters to himself as he readies himself, his eyes following Izuku's movement.

"Just wanted to get some momentum." Izuku's voice can be heard from almost all corners of the room as Aizawa notices a blue streak appears behind Izuku.

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