Chapter 1: Here we go again,

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How's that!?
It's gonna be short bc I wanna get it off my back for a bit.
Oh and S2 empires.

|¥| Scott's POV |¥|

My eyes darted open, I shot up from my bed, I took shaky breaths before calming down, I sighed.

That was a very, very realistic dream... jeez. I thought.

I laid back down on the bed, now to think of it... I can't remember it... it was so realistic that I can't remember it, damn. I sighed and straightened my body as much as I could (not much ironically). I heard someone knock on the door, I got out of bed, trudging down the stairs, I opened the door to be met by Shelby, she looked up to me, surprised by how quick I answered.

" Hey Scott... " Shelby muttered.
" Hiya Shelby. " I replied.
" Can I come in? " She asked.
" Of course! " I said.

I opened the door wider, she entered my home.

" Why're you here so late? " I asked, just seeing that it was midnight.
" I had a nightmare... " She mumbled.
" Oh...? Why'd you come to me? " I asked puzzled.
" Well... I didn't want to disturb Katherine and no else really knows about... it. So I came to you. " She replied.
" Ah, alright... wanna cup of tea or hot chocolate? " I asked.
" Hot chocolate. " She replied.

I nodded an got to work making one.

There, quick chapter for it. It's round two of you know what.

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